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Everything posted by akitchin

  1. akitchin


    it's worth mentioning that 8.5% of that tax is quebec-only (PST). the tax rate here (alberta) is 5%, as there is no PST here. this is just sales tax, not income.
  2. akitchin


    it's a pretty simple calculation: total + 13.5% of total = total + (13.5/100)*total = total + 0.135*total = total*(1 + 0.135) = total*1.135 if you can't follow that, i would suggest looking up a basic math tutorial.
  3. so it's conceit to be offended when someone comes along and marginalizes work that you've taken the time to specialize and excel at, to nothing more than a "holier-than-thou" attitude? i think you're confusing conceit with indignity here.
  4. i should add that a "thirst for information" is a fine line to tread - if the user has to put in any real effort to obtain the information they want, they won't bother seeking it out.
  5. you could run the query piece-wise and add it to a temporary text file.
  6. are you by any chance running this while() loop in a function, and the second data echo is outside the function? what, precisely, does the code you're running look like?
  7. we're going to need a bit more information than that. when/where are you trying to use the $data array afterward? and how does the $flag['all'] have anything to do with it here? have you run this bit of code both with $flag['all'] defined and without and received different results?
  8. well, one major concern is that your background actually distracts the user from the message you're trying to get them to focus on. a simple, single-colour or at least patterned background would be a step in the right direction. you're also wasting a fair bit of space - you might consider enlarging the main content box a bit and giving some of the content more padding?
  9. try spybot search & destroy, as well as lavasoft ad-aware. if you two had a "special song," i would start by deleting it. that's certainly a plausible and fitting place for her to have installed the spyware.
  10. a) it's not a very nicely-designed site. for such a small amount of content, you could certainly put a little more effort into prettying it up? b) dark themes make reading difficult, and considering most of your selling points lie within that single paragraph, you should be making reading the easiest thing for the user to do. try light backgrounds and dark letters. c) "Buisness" is not how one spells business. d) i would suggest putting the completed works at the top of the list, followed by coming soon - clients are often more interested in real, completed projects rather than ones that have yet to be.
  11. you're looking for explode.
  12. it looks like you're getting an error then. from the documentation:
  13. a prime example of why there are so many projects out there that either never get bids or never get done properly.
  14. do you have multiple rows per ID, or only one row per ID? and is it a static number of columns?
  15. i used to be a PC fan, but since getting my XBOX360, i have a tough time deciding to sit at my computer and play when i have the option of sitting on my couch and playing. i pretty much only play online with a friend, and so far i only own rainbow six: vegas 2 and CoD: world at war. both very solid games. mind you, apart from this last weekend, i haven't touched the xbox since april.
  16. On a side note.. can MONTH() (if it exists??) be used the same way? indeed it can. in fact, MySQL has a whole series of handy functions for dealing with data, the only stipulation for their use being that you choose the appropriate data type for the given column: MySQL 5.1 Function reference for this thread in particular, have a look at 11.6: Date & Time Functions.
  17. neither of the above posts will work for the scenario proposed, as it will force a week's difference between logins (rather than one login per calendar week). try the query using WEEK() and see if it tickles your fancy (ie. solves your problem).
  18. what you would do is store the date of login as a DATE or a DATETIME field type. then, you can use WEEK() on that column to determine which week that last login was, and compare it with which week you're currently in: SELECT stuff FROM table WHERE WEEK(last_login_field) < WEEK(NOW()) this would select all rows where the `last_login_field` occurred during a week prior to the current.
  19. it's because those variables are undefined, but you use them in conditionals and plug them into a string without checking if they're set first anyway. notices in general will not break any scripts (not strictly speaking at any rate - they could tip you off to any indirect messing up), but they point out places that your code could certainly be better. in this case, before using any undefined variables, you should check if they exist. if you want to have notices turned off, you can lower your error_reporting level using that function.
  20. actually, it will return: --abc d e f ghijklmno because you've replaced the entire " --" string with an empty one. you'd need: $newString = str_replace(' --', '--', $strWithSpace); EDIT: yosii, in future it would help to know exactly HOW neither of those work. what are you putting in, and what is coming out? my answer is still only a guess, because you haven't provided any information.
  21. when the error is on the closing PHP tag, usually it means there is a mis-matched brace in your code. a brace is also known as a curly bracket. indeed, you forget to close your initial if() statement block, so PHP is not expecting your code to end.
  22. and what is $dodatemath displaying if you echo it?
  23. i'm guessing it's because your assignment of $regdate is failing. have you checked to see what's in $items_pull?
  24. if the HTML is showing up fine, but the browser isn't doing what it should when you click on the link, that's a client-side issue and is not PHP's fault. once the HTML output is finished, PHP's job is done. the problem is that you haven't defined an anchor to match the link you echo above. nowhere do you use <a name="overlay"> to define where the #overlay link should go.
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