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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Then you did edit the wrong one. Find the one that's called php.ini. The output of phpinfo() will tell you where it is.
  2. Daniel0


    I can never remember the doctypes. I'll just Google search like "html 4 doctype" or C/P from another file I have.
  3. Yes. If you tell us what your problem is, then probably.
  4. I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Doing stuff like position:fixed takes the element out of the box model, so of course it'll overlap other elements.
  5. It's none of that. It could come from anywhere inside your application. Check the layout file.
  6. Did you restart the webserver, and are you sure it's the correct file you changed?
  7. Add RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d at the top.
  8. You can use DirectoryIterator (or SplFileInfo for an individual file), which will give you an interface to all this. Not only will it be easier and faster, but it'll also be portable across other platforms.
  9. Just echo it above the other echo...
  10. Using curl, set CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD in the format username:password.
  11. You could just turn PHP execution off. That would sort of be easier and safer...
  12. Wasn't for you. Yours was entirely correct
  13. You can get something like it with the webdev toolbar in FF.
  14. You would want to look up what exponential growth is. Generally speaking, when something grows with a specific percentage then it's growing exponentially, because it will grow "more" each time. That's opposed to grow with a constant factor, which would then be linear.
  15. I'd advice you to rethink your deployment strategy too. Generally speaking it's not a good idea to edit files directly in a live environment. Plus it's much easier and faster to develop locally.
  16. A flat file is a database as well. A database is any type of system that stores a collection of data.
  17. Except in some languages where they are used as decimal separators.
  18. If you use that forum for just advertising then you're breaking the rules. The beta testing forum is for, well, beta testing.
  19. Use DirectoryIterator or scandir.
  20. Word-of-mouth, in my opinion. Generally all those freelancing websites suck.
  21. Yes, but we won't do it.
  22. It can be. Let A denote that a person is an atheist, and let R denote that a person is religious. Because A and R are contradictions, it's true that (¬A ∧ R) ∨ (A ∧ ¬R) = A ⊕ R.
  23. You'll use the same banwidth regardless. It has to be downloaded some way or another for the user to see it.
  24. They're in it for the sample material
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