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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. min
  2. How fortunate that we do have an exclusive custom set of smilies then
  3. So can computability theory. We don't have a board for that either.
  4. I thought Google spell checked your searches. http://www.google.com/search?q=teest "Did you mean: test"
  5. We're a PHP website. We are not going to cater for everything.
  6. Then attend some sort of university. Many CS departments are in MSDNAA. There is one caveat, however: You are not allowed to do any for-profit work using the stuff you download from MSDNAA. In reality nobody ever checks it though. We are about 1000 students at my department, all of which are eligible for an MSDNAA subscription. It's pretty much guaranteed that nobody will bother to check what people are actually using it for regularly. Of course continuing to use it would be just as illegal as applying a crack downloaded from the Internet.
  7. I downloaded Windows 7 Pro for free and it's copyrighted. I'm pretty sure it came without viruses. [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. Isn't there some sort of sticker on your computer with it?
  9. I modified the poll to allow changing vote.
  10. I've split this off. Please start separate topics for separate problems in the future. Thanks.
  11. I guess that explains why I've experienced so many slow websites with files ending in .aspx.
  12. Preferably it should only go to the mod log if someone is marking a thread they didn't start themselves.
  13. No. In fact it won't work. 1.5 % 1 == 0 is true because 1.5 is implicitly casted to int. $n % 1 == 0 is a tautology in PHP even for floating point numbers. A whole number is an integer, i.e. a number without a fractional part.
  14. You can only edit posts up until 10 minutes after their creation. I've removed it for you now. Just another reason to use a configuration file I guess :-\
  15. Did you implement it using an additional field in the table instead of the retarded implementation the old one used?
  16. Then ditch it and get something else. WinSCP is open source and supports it.
  17. 3) Use public key authentication.
  18. Only using 1's complement. The reason why we use 2's complement is to get rid of that though. No, not really, but if you do x >> y you are guaranteed to get 0 if y >= n-1 and x >= 0 on an n-bit system. I'm using a 64-bit version, PHP_INT_MAX = 2^63 = 9223372036854775807 for me. This means that x >> 63 = 0 for all x >= 0 and x >> 63 = -1 for all x < 0.
  19. Yeah. The mod we used isn't compatible. I'll have to fix it first.
  20. And here goes an explanation for why the result will be -2: Say that you have four bit integers (PHP doesn't, but it saves me from typing a lot of 1's and 0's). When you are storing integers as signed, the maximum number will then be: 0111. When you shift 1 to the left you'll get 1110. The x86 architecture uses 2's complement for storing negative integers. Basically to switch sign (+/-) you flip all the bits and add one. So you get 0001 when you flip and 0010 when you add one. 0010 is +210, but we switched the sign so we had -210. There is also something called 1's complement, and that's basically the flip only, but this results in having both positive and negative zero. Both of these are mathematically the same so someone came up with 2's complement instead. Thought it might be useful to OP to have this information as well.
  21. Only when you're within the range of integers. If you do PHP_INT_MAX << 1 you'll get -2.
  22. I did take notes. I just didn't make an SMF package out of it.
  23. If all women had giant fat asses, there is no way you could have experienced the smaller and firmer ass so you couldn't possibly tell if you prefer one or the other; you wouldn't even know there was an alternative. That is not what I said. If you have only ever been exposed to beautiful people (by your metrics) the word beautiful has no meaning. Beautiful is a part of a scale. A scale requires some points to be higher and others to be lower. If everybody look completely alike it doesn't make sense talking about find a person attractive or unattractive. You need to be exposed to people who are better/worse looking before you can determine to what degree you find someone attractive. Similarly, if everybody else have $1000 and you have $100000 then you are rich because you've got a lot more money than everybody else do. Now suppose we give everybody else $99000 (doesn't matter where they come from) so they'll have as much money as you. Now you're no longer rich even though your wealth remains unchanged.
  24. Well, yeah that might be nice, but if there are no ugly people, there are no beautiful people either. A person looks good because he/she looks good relative to the majority of other people. So you might find it nice that you scored this really hot chick, but without any contrast you would've just scored an ordinary girl which makes you ordinary in that respect as well. Being ordinary gives no rush. Woo... I'm an ordinary person! Yes! Kind of like yin and yang if you wish. It applies to virtually everything that is related to motivation. You might work harder because you're saving up for that really nice TV, but if everything is ordinary you don't need more money thus you don't work harder. People constantly perform actions that lead them away from their lives being "ugly" and that is for instance why, Garethp, you might want to portray something that is ugly. Consider this: When was the last time you read a book or watched a movie about an ordinary person doing ordinary things?
  25. Well, even The Matrix portrays the ugly sides of life: war, greed, deception, betrayal, etc. I can't remember what his name is (and I can't be bothered to look it up), but there is this one dude who betrays the others because he wants to get back into the Matrix so he can get the nice stuff. "Getting the nice stuff" is a powerful motivator and that makes "the ugly" and how people react to it and deal with it an interesting object of study in itself.
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