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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. I'm sorry, gizmola, but that is currently not true. The only people who are allowed to submit tutorials are administrators, moderators, PHP Freaks Recommended, gurus, and alumni staff. A while ago we allowed regular members to do that as an experiment, but we dropped it again due to lack of interest.
  2. We are currently not allowing that for quality assurance reasons.
  3. Don't store the object in the sessions. Store a reference to it (e.g user id) and instantiate the object again. Otherwise it might be difficult ensuring that you have up-to-date information in the object.
  4. Works for me.
  5. Ctrl+; on Windows. You can change it to something else if you want. It's also under View -> Show -> Guides.
  6. There is nothing running on the hour on neither the hardware host node nor the PHP Freaks VPS. I'll try to see if I can spot something on top some time.
  7. usort
  8. I would do like: chown daniel:www-data -R /path/to/the/files chmod 640 -R /path/to/the/files (assuming the web server is part of the group www-data and my username is daniel) Then I would selectively do: chmod g+w -R someFile1 someFile2 someDir1 someDir2 on files/directories that needs to be writable by the web server. Note that only root can chown. Of course there is no "best" way. Which way is the best depends on your needs.
  9. 755 means that: owner can read, write, execute group can read, execute others can read, execute So, if the file is not owned by the same user that the web server is running as, you will still not be able to write to it. See this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions#Octal_notation
  10. If you are running on a Unix system, yes, that would be the case.
  11. Probably the permission on the file system. Make sure that the web server has read and write access to that folder.
  12. I think there was network problems yesterday. It dropped a lot of my packets, so it couldn't have been server load problems. I wasn't able to SSH to the server either.
  13. It is, but we're not mind readers. You'll have to provide sufficient information. It's like asking "my car doesn't work, how do I fix it?" and then nothing else.
  14. Yeah, but what about SHOW CREATE TABLE name;?
  15. Can you show the EXPLAIN output and the output of SHOW CREATE TABLE?
  16. Combine with common anti-CSRF techniques and you'll have fixed it.
  17. Hmm... I can't remember when I last made HTML comments for anything besides temporarily removing stuff.
  18. I heard about a such situation a while ago. I'll see if I can find the link and possibly the outcome as well.
  19. I don't know. I suppose you can send them an email and ask them that question.
  20. Why would you want to do that? What do you hope to gain?
  21. I've some some overall optimization today. Using SMF's "page generated" time on the bottom of the page, it seems like most of the pages generates in less than 0.1 seconds and many pages generates in less than 0.05 seconds. That should be sufficiently fast. I'm still not sure why people would get hourly lags. I can't say I experience this, and I know that there is no intensive tasks run hourly.
  22. Just use prepared statements using either MySQLi or PDO.
  23. It doesn't.
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