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Everything posted by Azu

  1. They are using their own "program/script", and I doubt they will just hand it over to you (unless you pay them a HUGE amount of money). I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted at least a few million dollars for it. Just like Google is not going to just hand over their source code lightly. Neither would Microsoft. Nor Ebay. Nor Paypal.
  2. Looks like one of the many little guestbooks all over the place that are up for free download. And there are already bots spamming it. lol
  3. Then don't expect someone to work for you.
  4. I'm pretty sure that most web sites are ran by a web server. Anyways, there isn't really anything on there to critic really. It seems that you've made it so the links will not work unless somebody allows you to run javascript on their computer (judging by all of the URLs linking to "#"). Other then that ya, not much to critique on there since there's not really anything there.
  5. Maybe make it so that the flash thing at the very top of every page doesn't keep playing over and over every time you goto a new page. Gets kind of annoying after a while ^^
  6. Seems good to me ^^ not really sure what language it's in or what it does though lol.
  7. You say that as if road rage is a disease and you can't help it...you should really get into a anger management class if you really can't control yourself. Agreed.
  8. [quote author=nadeemshafi9 link=topic=119164.msg744788#msg744788 date=1195782775] what a load of crap, your all educated in programming you have to learn how to program via a teacher it dosent make sense otherwise, that teacher might be somone off the net if your a hobbiest or somone professional if u are aiming to become a professional, with php programming you have to know web technologies and they dont just appear in your mind you have to learn them as a hobby or an aimed professional progression course. In a degree you learn the basics of all internet technologies hardware and software including the basics of computer programming which means people that are educated KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING even thogh they may not know exactly how to do it they know what effect it will have and how it works. [/quote]Really? I think that the vast majority of what I know I have learned from randomly looking through source files myself and messing with them until I find out how they work.
  9. Wow no search box or anything. Gonna have to second that. I'm guessing your site is either completely broken, or for some stupid reason you have purposefully prevented it from working unless people allow you to run javascript on their computers. I'd give you an A for effort, except it really doesn't seem like much effort was put into it sorry (no offense).
  10. I smile every time I come across a website that doesn't use javascript/flash to do rollover effects. To bad the links don't work until javascript is enabled.
  11. Kind of confusing front page. First it says it's free, then it says you have to pay $40 a month for 12 months (adding up to $480). The layout is okay I guess.
  12. Since it's a PNG file I can't really check it much (for compatibility/validity/accessibility/loading time/etc) so can't really review it, sorry.
  13. Trying setting the mimetype to text/html?
  14. What is the exact code that you are using to try to parse the XML?
  15. <=$_SESSION['logged_in']?'You are logged in.':'You are not logged in.';?>
  16. Probably better to do it whitelist based instead of blacklist based. Like if the response is 200 then mark it as valid, if not then mark it as invalid. And if it's 301 or 302 then test the URL in the location header.
  17. Thanks. I tried the APC thing, but I think there is a problem. In my php.ini file I have I have the php_mysqli.dll file and the php_apc.dll in the same directory as that. But when I try to open a page, an error pops up saying it can't load the php_apc.dll file. I commented the APC line and it works fine. I renamed my php_mysqli.dll file and I get the same error (but with php_mysqli.dll instead) so the problem is that the file isn't there right? But it IS there! So I'm not sure what to do about that. And I'm not sure how to get the Zend thing to work either.. my page loads with it but I get an error in the console and it doesn't seem to work (no speed increase)
  18. Actually I am just wandering how to compile my PHP file so that it won't have to be compiled on every page view. It's a single file called index.html and 272kb in size.
  19. Note that this will only return true if ID is the very first variable. so website.com/index.php?id=10&foo=bar will work.. but website.com/index.php?foo=bar&id=10 will not work. Also, website.com/someotherpage/?security=problem&index.php?id=10 will return true, when it obviously shouldn't. Just checking the _GET variable would probably be best in this situation.
  20. Thank you 32bit PHP doesn't run on my webserver though, so I'm guessing a 32bit PHP exe also wouldn't. In case you're wondering why I want to have PHP be a pre-compiled EXE instead of compiling on page request.. it usually takes between 400 and 1200ms for the PHP script to compile, and between 1 and 20ms for it to run. So I'd really like to find a way to make it pre-compiled so there won't be a compile time on page request.
  21. Okay I guess the silence means you won't help. Decided to just make a new database and leave the old one there for now. Basic functionality implemented okay, going to bed now.. good night..
  22. I wasn't expecting the databases themselves to become messed up x_x just the data in the tables. Please if you could tell me soon a way to fix them I would really really really appreciate it because I've been up over 40 hours and I need to fix this before I fall asleep, I can't have it be broken down all night X_X;
  23. About 1 third MyISAM, 1 third InnoDB, and 1 third Archive There is a "a.ARN" in the folder. Is there some way to drop this database without messing up my other databases? I don't want to cause any more damage then has already been done x_x BTW is there any way that I can recover my table structure? It will take me forever to recreate it all from scratch =\ and I need to make all of the rows in the exact same order that they were in before or else when I try to import the data it will get all messed up
  24. Not really. I think that M$ took the idea from Firefox not that other browser you named that noone has heard of. It doesn't really matter if some other browser had it first or not. I'm just saying that M$ took the idea from Firefox. In any case, I think Firefox always has been and always will be superior to IE you can try to convince me to use IE but whatever.
  25. My computer completely froze up so that I had to hold the power button like 5 seconds or whatever to turn it off. When I turned it back on, every time I tried to access a certain database, the mysqld-nt.exe would instantly die. Just clicking on it in SQLyog would do this. I tried restarting my computer/restarting MySQL multiple times to no avail. I finally gave up and tried to drop the database, and that failed to
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