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Everything posted by Azu

  1. I'm not sure how to explain something like this sorry. I thought it was pretty common. Like making a program yourself and then making it for sell.. or a website with a subscription (or Adsense?).
  2. I meant more along the lines of making stuff myself instead of for someone else at all.
  3. Azu

    [SOLVED] Tables

    Oh.. I could have sworn that display:table worked.. guess not lol ^^ my bad.
  4. Wow are there actually some employers THAT retarded? I'm definitely going to have to find a way to make money working for myself ^^ I'd never be able to stand idiots like that.
  5. Azu

    [SOLVED] Tables

    o.o how do you choose which way to make the navigation links ordered? I just try to line the ones of simular length so that they are aligned and use less screen width..
  6. Azu

    [SOLVED] Tables

    Thank you, I think I understand it right now. Is it okay if I use divs, then, and put display:table in the CSS to make it display like a table? If I do it this way then it will be correct and everything will understand it right but it will still look the way I want it?
  7. Azu

    [SOLVED] Tables

    Not really, sorry. >_>
  8. Thanks guys! ^^
  9. Okay I have a table like this ID UserID Stuff 1 3 Blah 2 5 Blah 3 1 Blah 4 3 Blah 5 9 Blah 6 20 Blah 7 3 Blah 8 15 Blah 9 5 Blah etc And I want the query to return this 3,3 5,2 (the rest),1 But I can't get it to work :s
  10. ...in the unlikely event you'd have to prove such a thing.......you'd be serving some time. Whoa talk about off-topic. You just love making completely unrelated and meaningless analogies, don't you? Well whatever. If you want to run all your servers on Windows be my guest. It's your loss ^^
  11. Hello.. can somebody please tell me why this is giving me a syntax error and how to fix it? select * from table group by row order by count(group(row))
  12. Again, where are your sources? Who is supplying you with such precious information? I don't know about you, but ALL the schools I've went to ran a Windows Server. I'm not to sure about the university and community college I went to. But I do know that that particular community college runs Novell Netware, which I've only seen run with a Windows Server so far. Unless this little mountain town suddenly acquired SUSE Linux administrators, those which (if they're smart enough) move far away. Okay let's see... Google PHPfreaks Youtube World of Warcraft EVE online(seen up to 30 thousand people logged onto 1 server on it lol) ... and almost all major sites that use Apache, which, according to netcraft (even though the results have been skewed in IIS' favor due to parked domains) STILL shows that the vast majority of the internet is ran by Apache And ya.. there's also the fact that Linux is kind of the undisputed best operating system for running a server on.. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. Try running a server for a few months on the latest version of Windows Vista. Then try running a server on an up to date Linux distro. You will see for yourself that Linux is far superior for running servers. GRR LET MY MAKE MY POST >_< -.- P.S. Google OS/Servers are just tweaked versions of Linux(or Unix?)/Apache.
  13. That really trims down the possibilities, doesn't it? Not really. The majority of servers don't use microsoft products.
  14. For running a website
  15. What is the fastest operating-system independent programming/scripting/whatever language?
  16. You could make a dummy recipient be automatically added if there is less then two recipients. And have big emails split up into multiple emails. Or get your school to fix their email servers. (probably not going to happen)
  17. if($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']!=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])die(); Should work pretty good. Might not perfect but for what you're doing should be good enough ^^
  18. Whatever you do don't base it on cookies/javascript/clientside stuff unless you don't care if every idiot and their grandma and bypass it. Just change the insert statement to an insert ignore. Then go into your database and create a new index for the vote table.. including the ID of what is being voted on, and the name of the person voting. Set it to unique. This should be more or less bullet proof in your situation and very fast/easy to implement. Enjoy ^^
  19. Personally I'd rather use a normal HTML form not a javascript for something like deleting files.. you implement the general works of it in around the same way whichever way you do it though. Basically have the javascript send a request to a URL and have the file names be in the URI. Or with a normal form have them be in POST/GET. Server side, just take those file names, and use a loop or something with unlink(filename) to delete the file.
  20. Try taking a look at http://us.php.net/date
  21. You should probably store it as an unsigned bigint.. or.. god forbid.. a blob, then. Then you shouldn't have any problems with it getting to big.
  22. I KNEW I was picking up some bad vibes from you. This explains it! Just kidding haha :Þ *uses PHP*
  23. I hope you're aware that almost all of the biggest non-microsoft servers in the world are powered by Linux or a Unix variant.
  24. Azu

    [SOLVED] Tables

    Your two examples would be read in the same way by a screen reader. What do you mean, 'keep it aligned'? Aligned to what? I can only assume you mean horizontally aligned as opposed to vertically, which is the default orientation for lists? I want to use the divs if they are better but I want to keep my navigation aligned like how it is now.. here is an example.. http://freethepenguins.com/example
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