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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Is any a way that I can change the scroll bar in Firefox? And is there any other parts of the UI that can be changed besides the scroll bar? I'd like to change as much of it as possible ^.^
  2. Thanks I will use p since it's smaller and put the display:inline in the css. It works right in IE now =D BTW is there any other browsers I should test in besides Firefox Opera and IE?
  3. Oh you were right about the header lol I had it wrong.. fixed it and now it's working perfectly! Thanks everyone!
  4. I have a .xml file which normally looks fine, type is text/html The problem is, when I make the .xml file be parsed with PHP, and I put in the header at the start, and all I do is echo what was there before, it totally ruins it it basically turns it into a plain .txt file Why is it doing this? Please tell me how to fix x_x this is very frustrating It should be exactly the same... Basically it is like this before blah blah[/url] after[code]<?header; echo blah blah;?> So ya it should be exactly the same but instead it is totally ruining it please help =\[/code]
  5. j{border-style:solid;} <j>Make a border around this text</j><j>and another</j> <j>and another</j> <j>and another</j> <j>and another</j> <j>and another</j> It works fine in Firefox and Opera but in internet explorer the border doesn't show up.. any ideas how I can fix this? I've tried using real tags like p and div but then the border doesn't wrap around the text, instead it expands to fill the whole width of the screen, which is NOT what I am looking for. Can someone please help me to get this to work right in internet explorer like it works in everything else?
  6. Thanks, I am using the latest version of IE 7 though, and I can't figure out how to get :hover to work right on select menus and on check boxes? Please help ;-;
  7. I have some tables and there is a time field in them that is generated by now() and I want to select all of the data that are recent select id from news where (date()-time)<60 That should select all of them that are less then 60 seconds old But it never works, just returns false over and over no matter what doesn't even give me an error it just doesn't work. Please tell me why it's not working and how I can fix it
  8. a is a relative file path. And the hover works on text input fields, buttons, and textareas, not just links. The only thing it doesn't seem to work on is checkboxes and select menus. In firefox it isn't working for checkboxes either but is for select menus. I want to get that stuff working in firefox and ie like it is working in opera, and I want to get the custom cursor to work in opera like it is working in firefox and ie. Please tell me how to fix it I don't mind if it needs a messy hack or something as long as it works.
  9. I use CSS to change the background color and cursor when you mouseover a check box. The problem is, in IE, the background color of the check box doesn't change, and in Opera, the default pointer isn't replaced with my custom cursor. Could someone please tell me how to fix this? Oh and it works fine in Firefox input:hover{background-color:#000000;cursor:url("a"),auto} Edit: actually the background isn't changing in Firefox either =/
  10. Okay thanks, it is working now and no errors =D
  11. function dumbyfunction($test_var="lol"){die($test_var);} Works But function dumbyfunction($test_var="getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')"){die($test_var);} function dumbyfunction($test_var=getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')){die($test_var);} function dumbyfunction($test_var="$GLOBALS[MyIp]"){die($test_var);} function dumbyfunction($test_var='$GLOBALS[MyIp]'){die($test_var);} function dumbyfunction($test_var='getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')'){die($test_var);} all crash and burn. Please tell me why this happens and how I can fix it.
  12. That wouldn't do any good. The client would still have to download those pages. They would just be pre-generated. Which is bad. It means they aren't dynamic, which means you shouldn't even be using PHP.
  13. Well I guess I just don't know how to handle it properly sorry. I've already tried everything I can think of. Could you please post the function that will sanatize variables/arrays for php/mysql/html? It would probally save me a few weeks trying to get this to work..
  14. Here are some that I have tried, the rest I deleted a long time ago function noinjection($value){ if(is_array($value))return array_map("noinjection",$value); else{if(is_numeric($value))$value=intval($value); $value=trim(mysql_real_escape_string($value)); $test=hex_str($value); if(strrpos($test,"'"))die("ERROR1-$test-".str_hex($test)); if(strrpos($test,'"'))die("ERROR2-$test-".str_hex($test)); return $value;}} function anticross($value){ if(is_array($value))return array_map("anticross",$value); else{if(is_numeric($value))$value=intval($value); else $value=htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES); return trim($value);}} noinjection returns false positives and has no way to just escape the hex quotes so it randomly errors out when it shouldn't anticross doesn't check for hex quotes and thus returns false negatives and encodes stuff with htmlentities to try to stop html escaping, but there are ways around it, and it messes up the data if I want to use it for anything besides html So ya, basically, they don't work very good, but these are the best solutions I have been able to come up with. And they still suck. So I really need some kind of good alternative please. To make noinjection fail just put in a single or double quote in hex, or put in a double or single quote to make it fail with html. To make anticross fail use single or double quote in hex and put in non alpha-numeric characters so that it messes them up if used in anything but html Basically they aren't very good at all and I need something good to replace them with. Something that can effectively sanitize variables/arrays etc without loopholes in php or mysql or html.
  15. I'm pretty sure the foreach is so that if there is more then 1 row he is searching for in the query, it will display all of them, instead of just one.
  16. Thanks I've already tried every combination of those I can think of though. ??? They don't help at all with the problem of strings that mean ' or " in hex, and alter the data stored in mysql tables, E.G. turning &&&& into &&&& so that you can't log in with &&&& and a whole slew of other problems the list goes on =/ So ya those functions don't work for this thanks anyways though
  17. Okay thanks here I added some enters to make it easier to read. Can you please tell me where I forgot to reinitilize the variable? I can't for the life of me figure out where the problem is =/ function datosServidor(){} datosServidor.prototype.iniciar=function() {try {this._xh=new XMLHttpRequest();} catch(e){ var _1=new Array("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP","Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); var _2=false; for(var i=0;i<_1.length&&!_2;i++) {try {this._xh=new ActiveXObject(_1[i]);_2=true;}catch(e){}}if(!_2){ return false; }return true;}}; datosServidor.prototype.ocupado=function(){estadoActual=this._xh.readyState; return (estadoActual&&(estadoActual<4));}; datosServidor.prototype.procesa=function() {if(this._xh.readyState==4&&this._xh.status==200) {this.procesado=true;}}; datosServidor.prototype.enviar=function(_4,_5) {if(!this._xh){this.iniciar();} if(!this.ocupado()) {this._xh.open("GET",_4,false); this._xh.send(_5); if(this._xh.readyState==4&&this._xh.status==200) {return this._xh.responseText;}} return false;}; var urlBase="./"; var formVars=""; var changing=false; function fieldEnter(_6,_7,_ {_7=(_7)?_7:window.event; if(_7.keyCode==13&&_6.value!=""){elem=document.getElementById(_; remotos=new datosServidor; nt=remotos.enviar(urlBase+"?tfn="+escape(elem.id)+"&tfc="+escape(_6.value)+"&"+formVars,""); noLight(elem); elem.innerHTML=nt; changing=false; return false;} else{return true;}} function fieldBlur(_9,_a) {if(_9.value!="") {elem=document.getElementById(_a); remotos=new datosServidor; nt=remotos.enviar(urlBase+"?tfn="+escape(elem.id)+"&tfc="+escape(_9.value)+"&"+formVars,""); elem.innerHTML=nt; changing=false; return false;}} function cambia(_b) {if(!changing) {width=widthEl(_b.id)+20; height=heightEl(_b.id)+2; if(width<100){width=150;} if(height<40){_b.innerHTML="<input id=\""+_b.id+"_field\" style=\"width: "+width+"px;height: "+height+"px;\" maxlength=\"254\" type=\"text\" value=\""+_b.innerHTML+"\" onkeypress=\"return fieldEnter(this,event,'"+_b.id+"')\" onfocus=\"highLight(this);\" onblur=\"noLight(this);return fieldBlur(this,'"+_b.id+"');\" />";}else{_b.innerHTML="<textarea name=\"textarea\" id=\""+_b.id+"_field\" style=\"width: "+width+"px;height: "+height+"px;\" onfocus=\"highLight(this);\" onblur=\"noLight(this); return fieldBlur(this,'"+_b.id+"');\">"+_b.innerHTML+"</textarea>";}changing=true; }_b.firstChild.focus();} function editbox_init() {if(!document.getElementsByTagName) {return;}var _c=document.getElementsByTagName("span"); for(var i=0;i<_c.length;i++){var _e=_c[i]; if(((" "+_e.className+" ").indexOf("HAX")!=-1)&&(_e.id)){_e.onclick=function(){cambia(this);}; _e.style.cursor="pointer";_e.title="Edit";}}} function addEvent(_f,_10,fn,_12) {if(_f.addEventListener){_f.addEventListener(_10,fn,_12); return true;}else{if(_f.attachEvent){var r=_f.attachEvent("on"+_10,fn); return r;}else{alert("Please upgrade to Mozilla Firefox");}}} function widthEl(_14){if(document.layers){w=document.layers[_14].clip.width;} else{if(document.all&&!document.getElementById){w=document.all[_14].offsetWidth;} else{if(document.getElementById){w=document.getElementById(_14).offsetWidth;}}} return w;}function heightEl(_15) {if(document.layers){h=document.layers[_15].clip.height;}else {if(document.all&&!document.getElementById){h=document.all[_15].offsetHeight;}else {if(document.getElementById){h=document.getElementById(_15).offsetHeight;}}} return h;} function highLight(_16) {_16.parentNode.style.border="2px solid #D1FDCD";_16.parentNode.style.padding="0";_16.style.border="1px solid #54CE43";} function noLight(_17) {_17.parentNode.style.border="0px";_17.parentNode.style.padding="2px";_17.style.border="0px";}function setVarsForm(_18){formVars=_18;}addEvent(window,"load",editbox_init);
  18. Thanks it's working good so far..
  19. I know I can use stuff like \ in front of " so that it can't break out of a "" and start doing bad things, but it seems there are other situations where, E.G., if the string is hex for " then it has the same effect, and stuff like that, and it gets tricky escaping it all, so I'm wandering, is there some kind of option I can enable or extension I can install that just simply prevents objects/variables/arrays from breaking out of single/double quotes and also for mysql queries? And also for html so E.G. echo"<img src='$asdf'>"; can't be exploited to do other things? I don't care if it isn't free as long as it works good and isn't to expensive.. Pleeeeeease? Cause every way I can think of either returns false positives or false negatives and I have spent a lot of time on this =/ BTW I use apache 2.2.4 64bit and php 5.2.1 64bit
  20. PHP is processed on the server side, so for the PHP to output something different, the server needs to process it again and upload it to the client again. Meaning that every single page needs to be downloaded at least once before it can be displayed. And they don't have to download the entire php file, only the stuff that you send them with echo, print, die, etc..
  21. Hi, I'm intested in this to. And I'm wandering, does it list what type of word it is? E.G. verb noun etc? Or is it just a huge list of words?
  22. Please tell me how I make it so when somebody sends a mail to my website a PHP script is ran which can read the subject, body, and e-mail that sent it This will be very useful for a registration system I am making and any help will be appreciated
  23. I want to use .htaccess for banning IPs but I want to keep two separate groups of IPs split into 2 .htaccess files is this possible? I want 1 for IP that were manually banned and one for IPs that were automatically banned. And if it is possible please tell me how I can get started ^^ (basically I need each folder to have 2 .htaccess files and each .htaccess file should effect the folder it is in and all of its sub folders) It doesn't matter to me what they are named.
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