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Everything posted by Azu

  1. [quote author=DeathStar link=topic=115877.msg522589#msg522589 date=1170769330] :o :o :o NOoooo.. im NOT trying to do that! just wanted to know because i cant make a script for retriving passwords.. and i use email registration!! (some ppl dont get their email...) [/quote]Then just have it make an entry in the database with a variable, and their account name, and send them a link they can click on, and then have them type in their account name, and a new password.
  2. I need to have a huge amount of data constantly being modified on a regular bases from many different connections. Reading and writing it to disk simply takes to long I have tried it already, so I need to find a way to keep it in ram. Unless you know of a better way? o_o
  3. Okay thanks. I guess there isn't any way to get them working without rewriting all my code.
  4. In that scenario it would probably be better to save it to disk. My scenario is different though. Let's say you have a file that is 900MBs in size, and you only need to restart the server it's on once every few months, and noone else uses it, and you have plenty of ram. Do you save the the whole file to disk every time there is 1 modification and close it only to open it again a few seconds later, and do this over and over every few seconds, or do you just leave it open, and save it to disk once a day and have it load on startup? I'm trying to find a way to accomplish the latter.
  5. Oh okay thanks. Can you please tell me how to enable OOP?
  6. I still would have to go through every single function and change them all though. Isn't there a way to just remove the function scope or whatever? And what is "OOP"?
  7. Please tell me what is a simple way to make all variables global everywhere? So that when I declare a variable somewhere in my script it will work everywhere without me having to write "global $variablea,$variable1,$variablex,$variableblablablabla,$grrrrr,$zomg,$wtf,$asdf,$varrrriiibbbllle;" in every single function which is annoying as hell? Oh and I've tried using the $globals array but it doesn't work on my server so I can't use that. P.S. my arrays and objects also need to work everywhere
  8. I need something that will be permanent, meaning if the person formats their hardrive the variable will still be on the server. I need to use a lot of them, with large amounts of data in them, so I can't just write them to disk and read them off the disk over and over.
  9. AJAX just means it uses PHP along with JS. It's a problem with the JS though. For some reason it is only working once and after that it goes all buggy and I have to refresh the page to use it again.
  10. [quote author=DeathStar link=topic=115877.msg522506#msg522506 date=1170760573] ahh well... but will a password encrypted in md5 at one site be the same as a password encrypted in md5 at another?? is all the encryptions the same? [/quote]Only if they don't use a salt (almost all do) Look it's obvious that you want to trick people into registering on your site so that you can try to steal their passwords and use them to access their accounts on other sites. You're not going to be able to do it though so stop asking how. This site isn't for finding ways to crack into people's accounts.
  11. You put it into the .php that processes the input.
  12. I would like to avoid having to read and write to files, if possible, since it is much faster to have it already loaded to begin with, then to constantly read and write large amounts of data to files =\ What do you mean about the global variable with eval? Can you please go into a bit more detail?
  13. How can I make a permanent global variable that will never be unset unless I specifically set it to null? (Permanent meaning it will still exist after a page finishes executing)
  14. My forum uses Ajax to edit posts but it only works once after that you have to refresh the page for it to work again. Can somebody please tell me how to fix this? Here is my javascript file; function datosServidor(){}datosServidor.prototype.iniciar=function(){try{this._xh=new XMLHttpRequest();}catch(e){var _1=new Array("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP","Microsoft.XMLHTTP");var _2=false;for(var i=0;i<_1.length&&!_2;i++){try{this._xh=new ActiveXObject(_1[i]);_2=true;}catch(e){}}if(!_2){return false;}return true;}};datosServidor.prototype.ocupado=function(){estadoActual=this._xh.readyState;return (estadoActual&&(estadoActual<4));};datosServidor.prototype.procesa=function(){if(this._xh.readyState==4&&this._xh.status==200){this.procesado=true;}};datosServidor.prototype.enviar=function(_4,_5){if(!this._xh){this.iniciar();}if(!this.ocupado()){this._xh.open("GET",_4,false);this._xh.send(_5);if(this._xh.readyState==4&&this._xh.status==200){return this._xh.responseText;}}return false;};var urlBase="./";var formVars="";var changing=false;function fieldEnter(_6,_7,_{_7=(_7)?_7:window.event;if(_7.keyCode==13&&_6.value!=""){elem=document.getElementById(_;remotos=new datosServidor;nt=remotos.enviar(urlBase+"?tfn="+escape(elem.id)+"&tfc="+escape(_6.value)+"&"+formVars,"");noLight(elem);elem.innerHTML=nt;changing=false;return false;}else{return true;}}function fieldBlur(_9,_a){if(_9.value!=""){elem=document.getElementById(_a);remotos=new datosServidor;nt=remotos.enviar(urlBase+"?tfn="+escape(elem.id)+"&tfc="+escape(_9.value)+"&"+formVars,"");elem.innerHTML=nt;changing=false;return false;}}function cambia(_b){if(!changing){width=widthEl(_b.id)+20;height=heightEl(_b.id)+2;if(width<100){width=150;}if(height<40){_b.innerHTML="<input id=\""+_b.id+"_field\" style=\"width: "+width+"px;height: "+height+"px;\" maxlength=\"254\" type=\"text\" value=\""+_b.innerHTML+"\" onkeypress=\"return fieldEnter(this,event,'"+_b.id+"')\" onfocus=\"highLight(this);\" onblur=\"noLight(this);return fieldBlur(this,'"+_b.id+"');\" />";}else{_b.innerHTML="<textarea name=\"textarea\" id=\""+_b.id+"_field\" style=\"width: "+width+"px;height: "+height+"px;\" onfocus=\"highLight(this);\" onblur=\"noLight(this);return fieldBlur(this,'"+_b.id+"');\">"+_b.innerHTML+"</textarea>";}changing=true;}_b.firstChild.focus();}function editbox_init(){if(!document.getElementsByTagName){return;}var _c=document.getElementsByTagName("span");for(var i=0;i<_c.length;i++){var _e=_c[i];if(((" "+_e.className+" ").indexOf("HAX")!=-1)&&(_e.id)){_e.onclick=function(){cambia(this);};_e.style.cursor="pointer";_e.title="Edit";}}}function addEvent(_f,_10,fn,_12){if(_f.addEventListener){_f.addEventListener(_10,fn,_12);return true;}else{if(_f.attachEvent){var r=_f.attachEvent("on"+_10,fn);return r;}else{alert("Please upgrade to Mozilla Firefox");}}}function widthEl(_14){if(document.layers){w=document.layers[_14].clip.width;}else{if(document.all&&!document.getElementById){w=document.all[_14].offsetWidth;}else{if(document.getElementById){w=document.getElementById(_14).offsetWidth;}}}return w;}function heightEl(_15){if(document.layers){h=document.layers[_15].clip.height;}else{if(document.all&&!document.getElementById){h=document.all[_15].offsetHeight;}else{if(document.getElementById){h=document.getElementById(_15).offsetHeight;}}}return h;}function highLight(_16){_16.parentNode.style.border="2px solid #D1FDCD";_16.parentNode.style.padding="0";_16.style.border="1px solid #54CE43";}function noLight(_17){_17.parentNode.style.border="0px";_17.parentNode.style.padding="2px";_17.style.border="0px";}function setVarsForm(_18){formVars=_18;}addEvent(window,"load",editbox_init); Oh and the problem occurs in both Firefox and IE7
  15. Be sure to put a die(); after the redirect unless you want all the rest of the code to continue executing even after the person has been redirected to another page.
  16. A brute force attack is just randomly entering passwords over and over until you are lucky and enter the right one. You can't use an MD5 hash to find out what made it, because there are many different combinations that could make it. For example there might be 100 trillion possible passwords, and each MD5 could belong to like 1000 different passwords, there is no way to find out. And the only possible purpose for wanting to decrypt MD5 is to crack people's passwords. And the only people that could possible have a legit reason to do that are the CIA, FBI, etc. Anyone else is just some script kiddie who wants to steal passwords, most likely to cause damage, although probably won't admit it. Asking how to crack people's passwords is as bad if not worse then asking how to make and distribute a virus. Why do people come onto these forums and ask for hacks and cracks and viruses? It's just plain sad.  :-\
  17. Thanks everyone I think I'm going to use BOTH of those methods, just to be on the safe side
  18. I have it so that when somebody registers they get sent an e-mail with a link to click on to verify that it is really their e-mail. This part works okay. Now what I want to do is have it so that there is a function to e-mail another member, but without getting their e-mail address (unless they reply) this way spammers won't be able to harvest anyone's e-mail address. And I want to have it so that the recipient knows where the e-mail is coming from rather then just have the from address always be my website, so if it is spam, they can just block that spammer's e-mail, and continue to get normal e-mail. The problem is, I can't figure out how to put the senders e-mail address into the from field so that the recipient will get their address. Can someone please tell me how to do this? It should be like if the person e-mails the other person normally, except that you will only know the e-mail address of people who e-mailed you already, so that it can't be abused by spammers.
  19. Okay, thanks for the detailed explanation. I think I understand it better now. 1 last question though Is it possible to make it so that a file can be accessed, but only by includes? So that I can have some file somewhere, and it will work if I include it, but it can't be accessed directly? This would be really useful for preventing people from directly accessing files, so that I could just only include it if they are logged in for example, so if they aren't they would have no way of accessing it
  20. What?????? I think I worded my question wrong. I meant to ask which is faster, 1 big file with functions in it, or a bunch of little files using includes. I didn't mean 1 big files AND a bunch of little files.
  21. This is what I do with 1 big file, only with functions instead of includes. Is there any performance difference? I'm not really sure how to benchmark something like this myself.. microtime definitely isn't accurate enough
  22. Is there any performance difference between using 1 giant .php file and using a bunch of little .php files? Besides that I have to upload the whole giant file every time I update something? I thought there would be a simple answer to this but google has failed me :-\ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Giant%20php%20file%20vs%20small%20php%20files&btnG=Search+Images&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw Oh and if there is a difference, what is it?
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