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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Azu

    Fast select

    Timed_query is just a mysql_query except it adds time to a variable so I can see how long it took to run ^^ And what exactly is the best way to do an index?
  2. Thanks, I'm really confused though! I just want it so that mousing over the <td> will change the color of the links also, instead of only changing plain text like it does now... Here is the code I'm using right now td:hover{background-color:#66ffff;color:black}
  3. Right now I use CSS to change the color of links, and the color of them when you mouseover them, and the color of text when you mouse over a <td> that they are in. The problem is, it doesn't change the color of links when you mouseover the <td> that they are in. I've even tried nesting an a:link{color:} inside of the td:hover{} but that didn't work either. Please help
  4. Is there any way at all to remove the linefeeds from display:block then? Maybe with javascript or something?
  5. Azu

    Fast select

    Please is there a faster way? X_x
  6. Azu


    Thanks a bunch! That's exactly what I was looking for =D
  7. Azu


    Is it possible to make it so that certain tables are stored entirely in RAM so that the hardrive does not need to be accessed no matter how much it is used, and it just saves it to hardrive every once in a while in case the power goes out or something? And if it is please tell me how I use MyIsam btw..
  8. Thanks fo your help.. I think that I described it wrong though sorry! Basically I just want to do <table><tr><td>text</td></tr></table> but with 1 tag.. Is this possible? o_o
  9. Azu

    Fast select

    Can someone please tell me if there is a faster way then if(mysql_result(timed_query("select count(*) from table where info='blah'",$DB),0)) to just see if a row exists that matches the where? I don't actually want to retrieve any data from it, just see if it exists..
  10. Thanks.. looks like I'm screwed then.. =/ I'm gonna have to resort to JAVASCRIPT. Yuck. Can someone move this please?
  11. Thanks. I tried that exactly and it has the exact errors that I already mentioned, though. =( Can you just look at the picture please? That is how it should be able to work ^^
  12. Why do you keep quoting the code that does not work? =(
  13. I just want to make a border wrapped around the text it is that simple That is how it should look no matter where the text is it should have a border like that around it so the only way it will be differant then not having a tag at all is that it has that border around it other then that it should look normal... It would also be good if it could use border collapse in case there is 2 or more that have borders that meet.
  14. Usernames can have high ascii in them. Usernames need to show up right and you should be able to click on them to do a search on that username and find more info. So it needs to be right in the html or else the url it takes you to will be wrong.. and also I like it to show up right. Is there a way that I can sanitize data for putting it into html without messing up high ascii?? I only want to sanitize it for html I have a different function that I use for mysql queries. So if there is a name called TÎmmy it should show up right and when you click it it should bring you to site.com/?user=TÎmmy and should display that name. It will be sanitized for mysql to run the query but mysql sanitizing is different then for html... Sorry if I am not making sense but I am sleepy and my keyboard is acting weird =/
  15. Right now I sanitize input to protect against XSS It makes it so that you cannot search for usernames with high ascii though Such as Þ and ® and Î Is there a way I can make it so high ascii can be used? Without removing protection against XSS? Right now I am using htmlentities(stripslashes($value),ENT_QUOTES)
  16. Sorry I did not post the entire thing a:hover,input:hover,textarea:hover,select:hover,span:hover{text-align:center;background-color:#66ffff;color:#000000;cursor:url("a2.htm"),auto} How do I change this so that check boxes in IE change the same way they do in Opera? Right now they do not change in IE when I put my mouse over them =(
  17. Edit Thanks there is still the problem though that when it is more then 1 line it stops at the end of the first and then starts again at the second instead of just surrounding them both. And if I remove the inline thing then it stretches out to consume the entire width and I cannot put anything else on that line. Please help =x
  18. O_o it is going fast again now but I did not do anything... weird haha thanks
  19. Bump >_> Can you please tell me why it isn't working in IE7 and how can I fix it?
  20. It has been months since I have changed anything in MYSQL though.. =S Why would it be doing this now all of a sudden? I have been making a bunch of updates in my PHP though so I'm pretty sure it is PHP problem o_O just not sure how to fix it x_x
  21. I've tracked down the exact part of the code that is taking so long It's taking ~4.3 seconds to generate and everything else put to together is taking around ~0.01 seconds $db1=mysql_pconnect(localhost,"root","root")or die("Error - can't connect to databaseb1q"); $db2=mysql_pconnect(localhost,"root3","root")or die("Error - can't connect to databaseb5"); $db3=mysql_pconnect(localhost,"root2","root")or die("Error - can't connect to databaseb4"); $db4=mysql_pconnect(localhost,"root1","root")or die("Error - can't connect to databaseb3"); Any ideas why this code is taking so long to run when it used to run so fast? I tried optimizing all the databases and defragmenting but that made no differance =/
  22. About an hour ago my pages were taking around 0.01 seconds to load. Now those same pages are taking like 5.00 seconds to load. CPU usage is 1% Why are they going so slow all of a sudden? Even pages that I have not edited at all whatsoever in any way are suddenly slow as poop when they used to be loading instantly an hour ago! Please help! And no its not everything Images and stuff are fine It is just PHP And there is noone browsing the site except me so I have no idea what is causing this =(
  23. I would really like to do it without javascript since only 0.0000000001% of people don't have CSS, where as like 5% of people don't use javascript.
  24. When I put the tags around something that is more then one line, it should make the box around both lines, instead of stopping at the end of the line and continuing at the start of the next line like it does now. Any ideas how I can fix this please? Basically I want it to work like using <table><tr><td>stuff</td></tr></table> except only needing 1 tag.. Sorry for double post but for some reason I wasn't able to edit my other post =(
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