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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Azu

    Nested tables

    I know how to make tables in a database and how to make rows in a table. What I am trying to find out how to do is how to make a table inside of another table like I can make one inside of a database? In a flat file database I would just have some folders, and some files in them, and sometimes some folders in them, and those folders would have folders etc Folders = tables Files = rows Please tell me how I can do this in MySQL. I know there are ways I could get similar functionality but I would rather use nested tables because I think the performance would be much better. Instead of giving each table an ID and an ID of the table it is in, and running queries to navigate up this artificial tree to find out what the higher up tables in, I'd rather just nest the table inside another table, I think the performance would be better this way, because I could just look for all tables that are nested inside 1 of the tables, instead of searching through all the tables in the database or having all the rows in 1 table and searching through them all. I am using the MyIsam storage engine in MySQL right now but it's okay if I would have to use a different storage engine/database program as long it can do this and do it fast. Please tell me
  2. Thanks, I tried that right before you posted it XD It hasn't crashed again yet so I'm not sure if it will work or not ^^
  3. I have no idea how to investigate it though. I just no that every once in a while the process just turns off. That is all I know. I just want to either make it turn itself back on when this happens, or prevent this from happening, but I don't know how to sorry
  4. Azu


    It isn't the same thing. Now that it is in a frame, I can navigate the site all day long, click on as much stuff as a want, and the navigation will only be reloaded if I close the window and open it again, or press ctrl f5. This is the kind of behaviour I am looking for. The problem is that there are a lot of problems I am running into with frames. The header is the same on all pages, it's pretty much static. The title is dynamic, and is generated based on which base the person is viewing, but <title> doesn't work in a frame. A lot of spiders (E.G. for search engines) don't like frames. The URL doesn't show up in the address bar, it just constantly shows the home page url. If someone types the url into their address bar or clicks on a link pointing to it, bye bye navigation. If someone middle clicks a link in firefox, bye bye navigation. Frames act a LOT differantly in differant browsers. There is no way to get framesets to just scale to fit the size of the frame, so I have to set an absolute value, and then if someone has a differant font size or something it will mess it up. And probally some other problems that I forgot to mention. So I would really like to find a way to do this without frames. And no using include does not work the same. The whole navigation will be downloaded every single time any page is opened. And the reason I am concerned about bandwidth is that I don't have a lot of it, and can't afford to get more of it. And I know the navigation isn't using a whole lot of bandwidth right now, but I would like to make it more complex. I can't right now because then it WOULD be using to much bandwidth. Anyways, I really wish that someone could please just help me do this instead of trying to talk me into not doing it and thus forcing me to write a long description of my motives in order to convince you that there is a reason that I want to do this. Please help x_x Oh and also pages open faster when not as much stuff needs to be downloaded. This is especially important to the majority of people that use the internet (dialup users).
  5. Azu

    Eval for PHP?

    Thanks, I just want it for in PHP though, not clientside. It isn't going to be displayed to the client, ever, in any way or form. It's going to be used in a cron job and should have nothing to do with anything in a browser. I just want the PHP to be able to decode javascript stuff. Thanks for your time though, I appreciate it! ^^
  6. Actually nevermind, I don't think modrewrite is what I am looking for. I just want to replace ? and & with / it's really that simple. I don't want to redirect them or anything. I just want to do exactly what I said in my first post.. What I meant by that is exactly what I said. I want people to be able to just type in site.com/foo=bar/hello=world instead of site.com/?foo=bar&hello=world And work EXACTLY the same way as before! The only differance should be the url in the address bar/the url in ahref links! I hope I explained it right this time.. In case I didn't I will explain it again; I want to replace ? and & with / So that / will have the EXACT same effect as ? and & used to. Thanks for your patience and time. Please tell me how to do this now okay..? I've been trying for so long and I just can't get it to work =( Again in case I didn't explain it right, I just want to replace ? and & with /. It is that simple. Then there will be no way for people to tell that my pages use PHP, and also they will be more search engine friendly. Thanks again for your time. P.S. Please move this back to the PHP forum where I posted it! I am running Abyss instead of Apache but that should make no differance. This solution should work for all web servers that use PHP, it shouldn't be anything specific to Abyss, thanks!
  7. Is there some other function or something that I can use then (that DOES support the SSL thingy needed for GMail)? Or am I just out of luck? =/
  8. I know that's why I just want to make it restart when it crashes please tell me how to do this okay? I'm sure it's something very simple that I am missing.. :s Surely it would be faster then finding the file that this error is logged in, shifting through all the logs in it to find the error, figuring out what it means, and fixing whatever the problem is, assuming it isn't just some random fluke in mysql's programming. So please just tell me how to make it automatically restart..
  9. Thanks Effigy that did the trick perfectly! =D
  10. Azu


    Hmm I found a way to do it by putting the navigation stuff in one frame and putting the content in the other. The problem is that now whenever you refresh the page it brings you back to the main page. And also I'm worried this might be search engine un-friendly. And I'm not able to put titles in the differant pages this way either. So I would really liek to find a better way ^^
  11. Azu


    Thanks.. that isn't what I am looking for though.. I don't use includes I have everything in 1 file.. I just want to save bandwidth.. so that the navigation thing at the top of the page which is same on every page doesn't need to be downloaded every time a page is opened.. because bandwidth is a very big concern for me right now.. disk space isn't, I don't care if it would take 300GB of disk space to do this, it would be worth it.
  12. Azu

    Eval for PHP?

    There is some stuff javascript and the javascript eval function changes it into, say, "abcdefg". Without using the javascript eval function, it's a bunch of rather gibberish javascript code. I am just wandering if there is something that I can use in PHP which will act just like the javascript eval does, and thus turn turn the stuff into "abcdefg". It would be a really big waste of time to learn exactly how javascript works and make my own function for this if something like it already exists, so if I was just wandering if someone could please point me in the right direction if it does exist. Thanks.
  13. Okay thanks.. I think the mod_rewrite works.. I don't really understand how to use it for this though :S I'm not sure how I can implement it.. Please help =x I just need a way to make it so that people use / instead of ?& and it will work the same way (so that I can access it with $_GET)
  14. Because I can compress ~2gigabytes of automatic backups into a ~6megabyte file with it.
  15. Please tell me how I can do something like "select from table where foo=regex([^A]) I think it would be a lot faster then selecting all of the data in the whole table and regexing it in PHP.
  16. I don't know what logs to check and it doesn't really matter to me what caused it. I just want to make sure that if it happens again it will restart itself. Please tell me how I can do this..
  17. Hi I'm using MySQL on windoz and when I got up this morning the MySQL service had crashed and I had to go into the service manager and start it again manually. Please tell me how I can make it so that it will automatically restart when it crashes! Whole website and server depend on the MySQL database =/
  18. Please tell me how I can have PHP compress and decompress files using 7zip?
  19. Um why wouldn't it be possible? The only major differance between XP and vista is the GUI. Which doesn't effect anything. Just adds a lot of bloat. So it might run a lot slower but other then that should be exactly the same.
  20. I tried using PHP to send email to my users but everyone instantly marked my IP as a spammer and I'm not going to waste time trying to convince them all to whitelist my IP or whatever so please tell me how I can have PHP use my gmail account instead, cause I'm sure that isn't blocked.
  21. Azu

    Only download once

    The only differance when I'm not using them is that when I click page info it says "Expires: no specified" Either way it doesn't cache it Please tell me how to fix this..
  22. It tells me that I live in Chicago, IL when I live in Hawaii. And then it tries to get me to buy some wood or saws or something like that. :s
  23. Okay, thanks, I guess I will have to contact them all and ask them to whitelist me or whatever. =/
  24. Hi, that is what I normally use to benchmark my PHP, the problem is that the microtime will not start until my PHP has already been read from my hard disk drive, and has already been compiled, and already checked for errors so PHP knows whether or not to fall over and die, and already ran. By that time there is nothing left of the starting up to benchmark, only the time it takes for it to run once it has already started. By the way, is it faster to have all of my code in 1 file like it is now, or is it faster to put it in separate files and just include them based on if() clauses? And vBulletin is a very heavy forum. I am trying to make my website lightweight. It is a file called 1, around 200KB without comments, outside of my webserver directory, and I include it from a file called index.htm I am trying to make it secure ^^ and fast Thanks
  25. Azu

    Fast select

    I mean is there a way to just ask the DB if the record exists or not, and the DB will just see if it exists and tell PHP if it exists, without actually reading the data in it (except for searching)?
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