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Everything posted by Azu

  1. It would probally be better to just have one piece of code that does this. And have the 1000 games stored in the database. Then the counter thing would just select the games from the database and loop through them. $a=mysql_result("select * from games"); while($b=mysql_fetch_row($a)){ Counter stuff goes here }
  2. Personally, I think that the second method would be much faster. It would create the PM instantly instead of maybe taking a lot of time (and space). And also, the system won't be slowed down by users that don't visit the site anymore.
  3. select substring(article,1,30) from database
  4. Do you have something against people who aren't Christian? And did you even make that? It looks to me like Drupal or something. I'm pretty sure this section is for websites that YOU made, not for downloading vBulletin/Drupal/IPB/whatever and putting a theme on it (that you didn't even make).
  5. It CAN hurt you if you get freaked out/stressed out every time you notice it. Especially if it happens in an already dangerous situation. Distractions are BAD.
  6. Wii if all you ever want to do is play games. Otherwise PC.
  7. Basically it makes changing the PHP program itself.. php-cgi.exe or whatever it is called on your system. So that it acts differantly then it normally does. A (rather poor) example would be, say, changing = to work the same as ==.
  8. Ask your religious leader to perform an exorcism on you to remove the bad spirit.
  9. Are you sure that you really even made this? I could have that I saw the exact same thing somewhere else a while ago..
  10. My extensions got messed up lol and now I can't remember which one made it so putting something in the address bar makes it open in a new tab.. searched for a while but couldn't find it x_x Can somebody please tell me what it's called?
  11. Most stuff will wrap if it's to big for the screen so it shouldn't be much of a problem.
  12. I was just trying to be funny lol ^^
  13. If he rips you off, SUE HIM! You can sue people for ANYTHING nowadays.
  14. Sometimes when I search for something on Google, underneath the Title/Description of a site, are some links to other places on the site. How do I make these for my site? Is it some kind of meta tag?
  15. This only needs to be done for places where users input data that goes into the database. And for data being displayed from the database that was created by users. So yes, only pages that use the database.
  16. Okay. If you're using the standard mysql library, then putting mysql_real_escape_string() around all of the input should sanatize pretty good unless you are using a very weird character set. So basically everywhere in your code that you use a $_GET or $_POST or $_SERVER you should surround that like so; mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['variable']) instead of just $_POST['variable']. Whatever code you are using against XSS (I'm guessing it's strip_tags?) apply that to the data AFTER it is retrieved from the database and about to be displayed, not before putting it into the database. mysqli_real_escape_string is for putting things INTO the database. Also it would probably be better if you just encoded the input as XSS protection instead of deleting all tags. That way if someone has a legit reason to post something with a <> in it it will display properly. To do this just replace the strip_tags with htmlspecialchars. If you are using the mysqli library then instead of mysql_real_escale_string use mysqli_real_escape_string and put the mysqli database link as the first parameter (E.G. mysql_real_escape_string($mysqli,$_POST['variable']) This should make it pretty secure as long as you aren't using a very weird encoding that is exploitable. If you're using something like UTF8 or ISO-something then you should be fine. So basically, all input should have mysql_real_escape_string before going into database, and htmlspecialchars when coming out of database.
  17. Sorry but I'm not going to post code on here that could be used as an attack vector. If you want help securing your site I could try to help you though.
  18. Azu

    PHP 4 or 5?

    Obviously you should use PHP5. PHP4 is deprecated. PHP6 is coming soon and will replace PHP5. You might just want to wait until then before upgrading, if you're the lazy type and don't like to change things very often.
  19. Azu


    Basically when a site is screwed up and/or isn't standards compliant and/or is tag soup, then it will often be messed up in browsers not designed to parse tag soup (basically any browser except ie).
  20. I don't think PHP6 is production ready yet..
  21. It doesn't look to bad to me, but I think the top navigation bar would look a lot better if the rollover effects were gradient like the bar is instead of monotone which kind of clashes I think.
  22. Ew the amount of sql injection vulnerability is outrageous. If I wanted to I could delete your whole database. And depending on the version of MySQL that you are running, I might even be able to arbitrarily delete/install/run any file on your computer in any drive I wish. Bad. Also, your Google adsense account will probally be shutdown soon for your blatant terms of service violation. Google is not leniant. In any case, your website is all around ugly, no offense, but it could use some colors or something. And putting the name of your website IN ALL CAPS EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU MENTION IT (WHICH IS ON EVERY PAGE) IS ANNOYING BECAUSE IT MAKES IT SEEM LIKE YOU ARE SHOUTING OR SOMETHING. Again, no offense, you just asked for an honest critique so I gave one.
  23. AMD used to beat the pants off of Intel as far as battery life/energy usage/laptops went.. I think that Intel is starting to catch up now though.. so I guess it comes down to a matter of preference.
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