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Everything posted by TheFilmGod

  1. A url for an online article would be better off like this: http://www.domain.com/articles/2009/4/21/article-name-goes-here.php
  2. I did what I call the "fast-semantics checking test." - Just highlight a list of links (top navigation) and if the pipes "|" get highlighted with the code, it is a strong indication that the html was poorly written. I recommend using an unordered list, and tag each <li> with a "border-right" property to emulate the pipe characters "|" 's. All professional websites follow this principle including abc.com and microsoft.com. Websites like facebook are still living in the 1990's.
  3. What's wrong with notepad++? How does an IDE help coding in css/html/php become more efficient? Notepad++ has more than enough features.
  4. Just a quick note - in FF you can't change the scroll bar look.
  5. If you are looking for "visited" then make sure to do it like this: #navbar a { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; color: #FFF; text-decoration: none; } #navbar a:visited { color: #202020; text-decoration: underline; } #navbar a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #202020; } #navbar a:active { color: #333; font-style: italic; } LoVe HAte - For the links to work properly in some browsers, you need to put the psuedo classes in that order. If you are trying to style the "current" tab that applies to the current page: You need to add a "current" class to the <li> or <a> <ul> <li class="current"><a href="#">Currently styled link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Normal link</a></li> </ul> #navbar a { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; color: #FFF; text-decoration: none; } #navbar a:visited { color: #202020; text-decoration: underline; } #navbar a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #202020; } #navbar a:active { color: #333; font-style: italic; } #navbar li.current a { styled properties... }
  6. It's a minor css issue - you did not define the background color in css. Therefore, the browser injects its browser default background color.
  7. The problem with this code is that you every selector property in the second list would need to override the initial selector you set in the first one. This may work on a small scale, but not on a massive project. You should use two separate classes. Or use the ">".
  8. hmm... that's interesting. Do you have a link to a demo page of this bug? I never had a problem with absolute positioning.
  9. I'm not talking about IE6. IE6 has huge problems when it comes to basic css positioning. IE7 on the other hand understands the box model well. I never had an issue with it. IE7 doesn't understand opacity because it requires the ActiveX object to render the desired effect. Using opacity isn't the greatest solution when you want to make a div "semi transparent." You could easily use a png. This enables you to have text 100% visible (whereas this is not possible, since opacity affects all elements within the div, including text). Xhtml isn't fully supported by IE7. Although its unfortunate, php/javascript could be easily used to take the raw xhtml and convert it to nicely formatted/looking html. Raw xhtml doesn't look very pretty in a typical browser. Anyone else? What makes IE7 so bad?
  10. Everyone constantly complains about IE7. Why? On my first shot, I can design a website perfectly in IE7, Opera, FF, Safari, and Chrome. Sure, IE7 isn't as good as FF since it lacks firebug and fast load times, but there really isn't anything to complain about. The only problem I ever had with IE7 is that it doesn't support "display: table" which makes things I pain in the ass when shrink wrapping anything. It seems as though IE7's name is just tarnished, stained with complaints from people who can not design properly. So my big question? What makes IE7 so bad? Refrain from the stereotypical "it isn't standards complaint." Specific examples.
  11. survival ego social growth security Your "four needs" all go under survival. A quick search on google rendered these results.
  12. Get a laser printer and just print the code out. Lay all the pieces of paper out on an empty desk. Enjoy putting the puzzles of the code together!
  13. There are is no secret recipe. The most important ingredient in improving your chances of success is finding the right "niche". Phpfreaks worked out so well because there was a demand for it. People were looking for a php community to join and be part of. PHP is also one of the fastest growing communities. This forum hit the gold in finding the right "niche." Unfortunately, your niche - "unofficial mootools" is a poor idea. I don't want to be so blunt about it - but creating a forum for mootools will not fly in the buisness world. Mootools has their own forum which has a bigger community and is OFFICIAL. Why not create a niche for all javascript frameworks? I would like to have a forum for jquery/mootools framework bunched together. Throw in there some basic webdesign and php, and you got a perfect combo!
  14. The problem with css sprites is that CSS 2.1 specification does not have background-crop. You can't crop a piece of the puzzle and position it in a div as you wish. You could either: 1) crop the background image and put it right where your div is 2) don't use a css sprite and position the background image wherever you like. That should help a bit. CSS 3.0 does have background-crop, thank god.
  15. In response to your javascript. -> Look into jquery. It's an amanzing javascipt library. Makes life 1000x times easier. NO JOKE. Instead of putting javascript in things like "onclick" or href="javascript..." You do this in jquery. $('a.javascript_links').function(evt){ evt.PreventDefault(); // don't follow link ... fancy javascript coding... } <a class="javascript_links" href="#">Link text</a> This gives you an idea. You should do a quick google search and find more info on jquery/javascript. Hope that helps!
  16. I disagree with your #2. Yahoo! is the only large search engine to still use meta keywords in its search algorithm, and even then, the meta keywords rarely have an effect on your overall page ranking. Using meta keywords is discouraged. One of the biggest factors that weigh in on your page ranking is your text to code ratio. Meta keywords only blot your source code with unnecessary crap. Google has recently rolled a beautiful search engine technique where the crawler is able to "analyze" the relevance of your web page to your meta description and your title page through context! You don't need to use the same "keywords" and "terms." Instead, google knows that webdesign = css/html = search engine optimization or that computer = pc = windows etc. Taking a quick scan on your webpage, I see that you are missing 3 crucial parts: 1) You are missing a META description tag (there is no excuses for not having one) 2) You are not using headings (H1, h2, h3). 3) You are not using correct semantics. Span tags should only be used for inline text changes (like underlines, or color changes). Paragraph tags (<p>) should be used to denote chunks of tag. Otherwise, you could use an unordered list, a heading tag, or some other block level tag. I hope this helps you. I don't consider myself a professional, but the amount of research and books I have read in this field makes me consider myself damn close to a professional. Edit: I totally forget to add this in-> Using programs like "SEO Centro" is a waste of time. No computer program can analyze a web page for semantics/relevance/contextual meaning like well-educated programmers can. Programs like SEO centro are running on old algorithms that analyze keyword relevance that are obsolete. Instead of upgrading and revamping the entire system, SEO centro is analyzing your webpage to google 2004 standards. Times have changed. Using meta keywords is just one example of the many changes. Using relevant keywords is important, but search engines now have contextual readers. Search engines will only improve over time. I have one piece of advice that you get from my long rant: "Semantic code will never grow obsolete in any future SE algorithm." (headings, <p> for text chunks, lists, full css control, etc.)
  17. Thanks for the effort, but I'm not interested in obtaining the inner html. Instead, I'm interested in SELECTING an element according to the inner html value.
  18. Using jquery, how can I select an element whose inner html is == 'login' $('#toolbar .header ul li a').text('login') Thanks!
  19. I disagree. They're not exactly "cute" but they aren't scary either.
  20. You are using javascript right? You must have incorrectly told IE7 to: preventDefault(); // don't follow the link
  21. Png transparencies or opacity: 0.5; Search google. It'll be a lot faster and easier than asking for help here.
  22. #container { overflow: auto; } This clears the floats. A quick search on google would be one million times faster than this forum. You would also avoid a deadly temper.
  23. Great first impression. However, I do have several concerns. Some links don't change over hover. That's basic webdesign 101. Although the royal blue looks nice on the right sidebar, it detracts from the main focus of the webpage. I recommend spicing the page up with more blue all around.
  24. Is your website's domain end with "sg." That is extremely important. There might be a preference you can change in the webmasters' tools created by google. It's one of those services google provides webmasters with, similar to adsense and adwords.
  25. I'm a bit annoyed you blatantly ignored my post. I think my post clearly described WHY your site's details weren't getting updated in google. Since we're already on the subject of google - Google provides users the ability to search for something - search for an answer to a question. You have a question. Search it on google. It's pretty hilarious how easy it would have been for you to search for "new website details not updated in google." You'd get 100,000 search results. One is bound to provide a better answer than I or anyone else on this website could. My 2 cents.
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