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Everything posted by Adam

  1. When people request you design it like another site, they don't mean an exact replica. They mean they want a similar style, colour scheme, layout, or something along those lines. Looks like you've 'photoshopped' their logo off of theirs and stuck it on yours too. As neil says, bring on the lawsuit..
  2. echo $this -> n1 + $this -> n2; This in your "addcalc" class needs to be wrapped in a method, "calculator" you're calling. Edit: You're also calling it with new addcalc; .. should be new addcalc();. Apparently you can get away with that.
  3. Ha. Have a read of this then.. http://therumpus.net/2010/01/conversations-about-the-internet-5-anonymous-facebook-employee/?full=yes
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8492862.stm Sign the petition!
  5. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/01/facebook_php_rewrite/ Word is it's some sort of compiler or accelerator rathen than a full rewrite, but still interesting...
  6. Have a read up on the imagecopyresampled function.
  7. Okay, how is that linked to "_post.php"?
  8. I'm getting some parse errors; failing to open "inc/navigation_func.php".
  9. Okay. Where in "_post.php" is $post declared, or where is it originally declared if "_post.php" is included?
  10. Do you mean "$_POST", or actually "$post"?
  11. Yeah, not even close... http://www.lamebook.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/PregnantPermanent1.jpg
  12. The reference sheet doesn't really help with finding the issue, except to a provide a little insight. Code you post the relevant code? "_post.php" would be useful..
  13. Dashes are invalid characters in function/variable names.
  14. Actually the post subject didn't make sense, I assume you mean continuous? The code you posted works for me. Could you be more specific with what happens when you try to run the code?
  15. You could try changing the router's "channel". I had a similar problem where phone calls knocked off the connection and it was down to interference caused by the cordless phones operating on a similar frequency as the router. http://compnetworking.about.com/od/wifihomenetworking/qt/wifichannel.htm
  16. Well you've not really said what you're trying to do... Do you mean...? echo "<br>".substr("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",0,80);
  17. Try removing the leading slash in "/search/".
  18. Assuming "online" is a bool value, this SQL would do the job: select a.*, u.* from accounts a, users u where a.id = u.account_id and a.online = 1
  19. Chances are nobody here will know know what "Imagethumb" does (and I don't know why you're storing the result into the GLOBALS array). Post the code for the "ImageThumb" function...
  20. That's basically what he had, except with "$row == 0". Most likely if you're not seeing the JS output you're expecting, there's something wrong with the condition. Could you post more code? At a guess I'd say you're using the mysql_* functions incorrectly.
  21. Agreed. Plus I'm sure any lawyer could poke holes in your (very basic) privacy policy in seconds.
  22. The last thing I'm going to do if I hate someone is write up a profile on them saying so, surely that would just remind you of their faults and piss you off even more? I really can't see much of a future for this kind of service to be honest.
  23. Yeah pretty much. They generally "contract" you to perform work either till a certain project or development is complete, or for a fixed amount of time. I imagine it's the same on craigslist.
  24. Why not just use: preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $string);
  25. Adam

    SQL Error?

    You're missing a right bracket after the values.
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