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Everything posted by Adam

  1. You're declaring the logincheck() function twice, most likely you've include the same file twice. Using "include_once" / "require_once" can prevent this kind of error, but you should look into removing the cause properly where possible.
  2. What? That's less secure than the session method! The user could just change or remove the cookie...
  3. Yeah me neither, only discovered it by accident. Just some people do use them religiously so it's probably worth knowing for those at least...
  4. The commonly used, interchangeable data format is called "JSON". It's completely up to you how you structure the return though. In this case I'd expect an array containing an option value and display value for each item in the list, perhaps use a multi-dimensional array if you'd like to tack on extras such as "selected". That make sense?
  5. The logic and error handling behind your code should prevent getting 'whack' results if a user were to mess with the parameters. That's like relying on "username=" to be the correct user. Also the GET parameters HAVE to be entered at some point, which would likely be the hole that those wishing to hack your GET parameters would use. Which ever way you try to dress the data up, there still has to be a user input of some form, containing clean, unencrypted data that can be manipulated by the user.
  6. Maaan, things I'd do to that dreamweaver b*tch!
  7. This is a duplicate post.. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,268375.0.html
  8. What do you want help with? Have you done any research yet? Have you started putting together any code?
  9. http://marcorogers.com/blog/08-02-2009/strange-firefox-rendering-bug
  10. I assume the "$item_date" var is then passed through a query? Could you show us the code?
  11. Well, that chunk of code probably 90% of it isn't related to the problem. Just show the relevant parts..
  12. Clever, clever. I never though of that.
  13. Sounds like the file permissions aren't right... Try using chmod to set them as you upload the file.
  14. As the page is processed store the time within a session variable, then when they submit the form you can perform a bit of simple math between the current time() and the time stored within the session to check whether it's exceeded 30 seconds.
  15. Assuming you're using .htacess files, straight after 'RewriteEngine On' add: RewriteRule ^(robots\.txt|sitemap\.xml) - [L] If you have any more files or directories you can just add to that as well. A quick look on Google would have found that out...
  16. Most likely it's exceeding the max. upload file size set by the PHP config. Try using phpinfo to locate the "upload_max_filesize" property and check the value.
  17. By submitting this form I agree to this<a href="privacy.html" onclick="return show_hide_box(this, 500, 500, '2px solid')"> The show_hide_box() function isn't returning false, and so the link is being followed. Can't see the function though it's stored in an external file; "jump.js"... <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jump.js"></script>
  18. Perhaps narrow down the amount of code, most of it's comments anyway, and you'd get a better response from people.
  19. Give this a try: /watch\?v=([^\"]+)/i
  20. http://www.velvetblues.com/web-development-blog/alt-vs-title-attributes-images-html/
  21. Can't tell you without seeing some code really, but the best idea is to tie it in with your PHP.
  22. At first glance it does look like a decent design, but I think once your eyes try to adjust to the darkness, it's still just a little too dark. Problem with that being the different content / sections struggle to stand out from each other. Also I noticed that the search bar doesn't really jump out at you. The menus down the side are okay, although I think they could be a little clearer. The markup doesn't validate: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bloodylexicon.com All in all, not bad!
  23. If you're trying to 'stuff in keywords', I wouldn't. Take a look at the link for more info.
  24. $year_after = date(' jS \of FY h:i A', strtotime('+1 year')); thebadbad beat me to it!
  25. I think that must be coincidence, it's literally impossible that changing background="..." to bgcolor=".." would have any effect on the results of a database query. Perhaps you'd pasted in duplicate code, removed and then forgot to save until then, or something?
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