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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Search engines cannot locate anything you do not link to on your website. If you have 'index.php?page=about', and then 'index.php?page=contact' .. search engines will recognize these as different pages, but you must provide a path to these pages though otherwise they obviously just won't know they exist.
  2. If I understand you correctly, should be able to go to image > canvas size .. and select the size you want.
  3. What part of it do you want us to critique exactly?
  4. Definitely looks better, though there's still most of the previous problems.
  5. You are trying to create the table without first specifying the database.
  6. Look into MySQL UPSERTS.
  7. Not keen on the pop in content, it doesn't actually show when JS is disabled either. The corners are a little too round and the gradients aren't very effective. Looks like a mix of Photoshop tutorials if I'm honest. The logo has a darker edge around it as well. It's not optimized for search engines; the ratio of content to mark-up is very low. There's no use of text tags like <p>, <h1>, etc. It doesn't validate. There's no meta description. The design overall isn't too bad, but I wouldn't call it 'web designer material'. The mark-up is terrible. All needs more work in my honest opinion. Sorry if you think that's harsh, but you are claiming to have been designing websites for a combined 20 years; yet don't seem to be giving great results.
  8. /^0x[0-9A-F]{1,4}$/i Source: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=629540
  9. Is that the entire error?
  10. Could use cURL..
  11. It's a bit... too dark blue and black. Would look better centered. It's written with tables and fails validation. Not a bad layout though.
  12. Not using standard HTML, it may be achievable with JavaScript though. Why do you actually need to?
  13. Hmmm, only given it a quick test... <?php function clean_json($str) { $str = preg_replace('#([\w]+)(,|\])#', "\"$1\"$2", $str); return json_decode($str); } print_r(clean_json('[bank,"TNL_bank_acc_123456"]')); ?> Edit: Made need to alter it slightly for other characters that could be in the data. The draw back is it will add quotes around integers as well, but you could just do a test for that.
  14. You'll be able to solve that problem simply enough with a regular expression. I've finished work now though, off home! I'll be on later on if you still need help.
  15. ..pardon?
  16. Yer I didn't get that either. How is it not a web page? Multipart email messaging?
  17. Mmm, myspace, facebook? Depends really. How much data will there be to display? What kind of data is it? I suppose a few tutorials / articles on how to use white space effectively could help.
  18. $str = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', ' ', $str);
  19. Variable scope of the $socket variable. Try moving socket_create() to within the function.
  20. jQuery, perhaps using a plug-in, has the ability to create pop ups like that. Then as you said just store a cookie to not trigger the pop up on page load. Again if you choose to use jQuery there's functionality for manipulating cookies. Alternatively you could store their IP, or even username if you have a user system in place, to better ensure they don't have to see it again.
  21. Ermm, you're not really far off. Just change the query input to this: <label for="query"></label> <input type="text" name="query" id="query">
  22. Try: preg_match_all('|<span class="menuitem">(.*?)</span>|i', $menu, $menu_matches); Edit: Actually, it works no problem for me as it is?
  23. Adam

    mysqli error

    Ah, you need to make sure the returned result variable ($results) is not equal to false to prevent the error in future. As patrick mentioned, use the mysqli_error() function to find out why the query's failing.
  24. Adam

    mysqli error

    I think you have the $sql and $cxn variables in the wrong order in your mysqli_query() call. Edit: No you don't! Thought it was same syntax as mysql_query().
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