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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Oh no, it finally loaded after a couple of minutes. Anyway, I half agree with what ignace said about the time it takes. To start with I would just focus on quality. There are jobs though that will be time critical, or where you're being paid per-hour and they'll not want inexperience costing them more, unless you're upfront about it. Three weeks isn't a very good indication either; how many hours per day did you spend working on it? In answer to your questions: 1) There's nothing uncommon or unique about that site's functionality, so most freelancers will have a lot of this code laying about for recycling, or they'll use a framework and that kind of thing takes no time at all. Your question has too many variables to give a direct answer. 2) ignace answered this pretty well. 3) HTML & CSS! The site you provided is awful. Not in terms of looks, but adapting to the user's browser. Viewing on my 1366 x 768 monitor, the login and news components on the right side aren't even visible, while there's a huge left margin wasting space. Plus you mentioned IE compatibility issues. How much longer would it take you to convert that website into something production-worthy? You might be surprised how time consuming that kind of thing can be when a client requires it. 4) Beginner.
  2. The window close event is not part of any standards, and so doesn't have great support across browsers. It's not recommended for use. The window unload event is standardised, however again it shouldn't be used except for in exceptional circumstances, as browsers can't cache the page when you use it. I don't think this is what the OP is after anyway.
  3. Not loading for me?
  4. No, given JavaScript is run by the browser.
  5. I'm not sure I understand what the problem is? Can't you just use 'pikachoose'?
  6. Ha, I have to agree with ChristianF that everything will taking longer than you expect! You also can't be certain that you won't get ill, or something happen that keeps you away from work for a few days. That's why it's always a good idea to estimate generously with time scales, to cover your own back. Plus it's a win/win situation if you do get the work done by your estimates, as it's early for the client. Late is never good though, clients don't understand/care if you have some production issue with Apache, or something. You're not likely to get more work from them, or have them recommend you to others, if you're always missing deadlines. Even if every delay is perfectly justifiable to somehow who knows what you're on about! I don't do freelance full time myself, but several of the jobs I've gained are from word of mouth from previous jobs, so it's a good source of work even on a part-time basis.
  7. It's nice looking, but what exactly have you done design-wise? We generally shoot down most requests for critiques that have used a template or a bought design.
  8. All benchmarks I've seen for IE10 put it roughly in line with Chrome in terms of performance. I think Chrome has a little more support for the HTML5 draft spec, but I'm sure they will upgrade various areas in future Win 8 upgrades. As kicken said though there's not much between them. The problem is that it was developed for Windows 8 and still tied to the OS--though there is a Windows 7 release upcoming at some point. Still though my version of IE right now never even got on top of CSS3, and it's taken years for them to release an upgrade. This will happen again in a year or so as IE10 starts to become dated, and then again they will have to wait until the next version of Windows to release any major changes. They need to ditch tying it to the OS!
  9. .. And what's equally as important, Chrome updates automatically! So newer standards will be adopted faster and faster. FF has started doing this too, but it's a bit more clunky. IE will always lag behind while ever it's tied to the OS.
  10. Symfony2 is a great framework, but you need to invest time into learning it.
  11. You either need to remove the noConflict() call, or reference jQuery the standard way: jQuery('...');
  12. Can you provide the code you used? I remember IE7/8 were a bit funny about which events listen were triggered for different keys.
  13. Take a look at line 447 of the source for that link. The WordPress JS is making the call to noConflict(), meaning the $ reference has been removed when your code runs at document ready.
  14. There is no such event. Select menus have always been a little unpredictable though, and new JS specs haven't really helped in this particular area. You just have to work around it. This would be pretty simple to implement though. Basically as the select is clicked, attach a new, separate click event to the document that waits for the next click event to bubble up. When that click event is received, check the origin element wasn't the select itself, and if not trigger your blur event. Just be sure to remove the click event from the document when that click is received, or if the normal blur event is triggered. Quick tip by the way! Given you're using jQuery, you can namespace events for easier removal: $(document).on('click.select', function(event) { .. }); Then remove it with: $(document).off('click.select');
  15. Adam

    Happy No2

    Never has a website failed to explain what the hell it's about so badly before. I'm not sure if you meant it to be intriguing or something, but nobody will buy your book off the back of that website, because they won't know what they're buying! That blurb on the intro page is so out of context it barely makes sense, especially when slapped next to a picture of some random bamboo hut? Edit: I will also add, you're using a theme. Design-wise there's nothing to comment on, except on what does a bamboo hut have to do with anything?
  16. You don't need to specify a height here: http://jsfiddle.net/prt7b/
  17. You're not displaying anything in that line, you're just adding a 'change' event listener to the 'CustFaxNumber' named input.
  18. There's no reason to pop-up an alert saying something like "thank you for visiting". As Josh said that's just going to annoy your users. Browsers have detection now to make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen; calls to alert() and window.open() for example are just ignored, although the event is still fired. What you should be aware of is that trying to add in that kind of thing to the unload event, even if the result is hidden across some browsers, means that most browsers will not be caching the page. At some point it was decided amongst the browser makers that it was too difficult to predict how the load event should be handled when an unload event is fired, so they simply don't cache the page. To the best of my knowledge that's still the case. So basically, not only is it horrific for the user's experience but you're also impacting the performance of your website. It is possible though to add a confirmation box working relatively well across browsers using the beforeunload event.
  19. Personally I would add this check within the PHP script, instead of using Javascript to conditionally include Javascript. However you could do it with: if (/^\/website1/.match(location.path) || /^\/website2/.match(location.path)) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = '/this/extra/script.js'; document.head.appendChild(script); }
  20. That's because you're animating the "html, body" selector, not the modal window.
  21. window.location.hash
  22. FYI you can access the query string in Javascript using the window.location.search property.
  23. I assume you're referring to the Pine email client..?
  24. Can you elaborate a little on "add some animation"?
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