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Posts posted by hcdarkmage

  1. When you do handwriting (which must happen sometimes) what do you prefer:


    Standard pencil


    Mechanical pencil


    Mechanical, so you don't have to run to the sharpener every time your tip breaks


    Hot Chocolate


    Hot Toddy


    4. More Legos.  Can never have enough.

    How old are you?


    As an uncle of mine said while flying his favorite stunt kite: "If you ever catch me growing up and not just growing old, just give me a good kick."


    On the same subject, I just made this up: You don't need a second childhood - just keep the first one around.


    Age should not matter when your having fun with the "toys" you get!  I am 30 and I still like to break out my Lego kits, just to keep my mind creative.

  3. I know a lot of people don't celebrate Christmas, so we will call this the "What I REALLY, REALLY want before 2008 starts" list.


    The first on my list is THE hardest thing to get in stores, but if your willing to pay over inflated pricing online you can get . . . the Wii.  Love it.  Want it. Can't afford the internet price.


    Then the rest just goes down hill.

    2. New car.  One that will ac... fit my little family and isn't a gas hog.

    3. The Orange Box - X360 or PC don't care which.

    4. More Legos.  Can never have enough.

    5. HDTV set.  Pricey, but a reasonable request.

    Last but not least, a better computer.  Mine is about to kick the bucket, but my wife doesn't believe it is time to upgrade.  We've only had it for 5 - 6 years.


    What's on your wish list?

  4. Considerin KELLZ lies about her age (14yo) ...More like a 40yo COP!!


    I wouldnt believe her about this either.




    I don't know what your obsession is with kellz and the cop thing, but leave it alone.


    I agree with neylitalo, you need to back off.  Whether the OP is  what she says or not, it is not your place to interupt a perfectly legit topic on cats.  How would you like to be in her position?  Maybe we should start calling you TROLL or FLAMER or some other name every time you post.


    Just back off!


    I know what its like to lose animals. I had a dog (Blackie, very original, I know) that I had since I was 8.  He was a Black Lab/Great Dane mix.  He was a big dog.  When I was 18 I went away to school and he was left in the care of some "friends".  They didn't take very good care of him and he died.  I was devastated.


    I have also grown up in a house that ALWAYS has animals . . . dogs, cats, or fish.  The fish never lasted long.  We have had 3 dogs total, Blackie being mine, and too many cats to count.


    It is hard to lose animals.  Especially when you are very attached.

  5. If you think that "u" and "ur" is bad, check out this article: http://www.news.com/8301-13772_3-9832741-52.html?tag=newsmap.


    Not exactly setting trends over arguing about the "appropriate" way to "l33t", but I do agree that in texting and IM's, I believe it is ok to use l33t speak, but in a forum like this . . . NO.  It is annoying trying to decipher what a problem is when you have to remember what accronyms and such that they use in the problem.


    "Keep the l33t in the street".  Nice slogan.  I think i'll keep it! ;D

  6. I Believe that there should be coding compatable in diffrent languages


    I think that is the point being made.  Your idea isn't really a NEW idea, but one that was brought into being because you get frustrated with the current coding language.


    It's like having 10 people look at the same problem.  At least 2 of them will have the same idea on how to solve the problem, given certain parameters.  Look at the "inventions" of the time.  They are not NEW ideas, just different ways of solving the problem.

  7. Another thing is, I don't think people would want to spend forever scrolling to get to the country that they want.  Use a drop down menu, little icons, or something else instead of just a loooooooooong list.

  8. The layout is a sturdy standard.  The font colors, though, are a bad choice.  The orange works, considering it is a dark background, the blue give me a headache when I look at it and the darker color blend too much into the background (almost disappears).


    Your choices to rectify this are:

      A) Lighten the background or

      B) Pick lighter text colors to replace the two colors mentioned.


    When using a dark background, it is good practice to use lighter text colors so they can be seen.

  9. Funny thing happened over the Thanksgiving holiday . . . my company's website was highjacked.  I personally didn't see it happen, mostly because I never go to the site on my days off, but I was told by my manager that another company made it so that anyone who typed in our web address was sent to a completely different site.


    How did they do that?


    I'm a little sketchy on the details, mostly because I am the "fix-it" programmer (one that fixes little details in the site, not code the whole thing).  The main "Guru" told me little about what happened, but I found out when I tried to make changes to our phpMyadmin using my login and it told me I was locked out.  He also told me that he locked everyone out.


    Is it possible to prevent this from happening again?  Like I said, I don't know who, what, why or how they did it, but I would like to make sure it doesn't happen again.

  10. Without having read the link you posted, if they don't bundle a browser with their OS, then how are people supposed to download one? I doubt most normal users are able to use the terminal/command line to do that. One of the first things I do after having installed Windows is to open Internet Explorer, go to http://getfirefox.com and download and install Firefox.
    Here here!


    The other day I was trying to show my mom something on YouTube.  having a big enough screen on my fathers computer, I went to use it.  One thing you must know about my dad, he is usually one of the first people to adopt new OS's when they come out, so naturally he had Vista.  He absolutely refuses to use anything but IE.  YouTube didn't want to work in IE (kept hanging up) so I installed FF on there (much to my father yelling that it is a worthless program).


    I still had problems because his version of Vista didn't like me installing the (flash?) player software for FF.


    There are people who swear by Vista, but I am still using XP.  Getting fed up with my dad's computer, we switched over to my mom's (which had XP and FF on it . . . thanks to me!) and watched the video (plus others) with no problems.


    Thank you FireFox!

  11. Today starts the great Holiday rush that (almost) everybody dreads.  For those that work in the great shopping district, I feel your pain.  Black Friday is 2 days away, with traffic soaring, and the parking lots at the mall full, how can a simple man get anything done.


    Decorating for the holidays, cooking for the masses, organizing family events . . . its no wonder that a lot of people get depressed at this time of year.


    I work for a company that gives out a Holiday Bonus around this time of year, but they have a tendency to wait until the last minute to give it to there employees.  So . . . we get our bonus, rush to the bank, and hope that we can still purchase the Holiday gift that we had been eying for our loved ones (i.e. hoping it is still in stock).


    The Holiday Blahs.  Appropriately named.


    Gee . . . I can't wait for New Years!

  12. They can only rot your teeth if you let them.  Sugar is not a bad thing, as long as it is in moderation.


    do you have any spare bottle tops?


    What kind of bottle tops?  Metal, plastic, specific brands?

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