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Everything posted by BlueSkyIS

  1. i suggest that you copy the tmp file to a directory, perform alterations, upload that file via ftp, then unlink() the file. i think using temp file is the problem.
  2. it might help if you also echo the sql with the error: $s = "SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE id = ".$editid." "; $sql = mysql_query($s) or die ('Error: '.mysql_error () . " IN $s");
  3. are there any errors? can you describe the problem you are having?
  4. i don't do anything with xml, but you need to remove quotes from around the $_POST variables. one example. $student_node->appendChild($student->createElement('ime', $_POST['ime'])); the code should not even compile with those quotes in there. are you not getting syntax errors?
  5. $file needs to be the full path of the file on the server.
  6. you should check to see if $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] is set before referencing it as an array: if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $referrals, FALSE)) { and this line is unnecessary and potentially causing problems: Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); // REMOVE THIS
  7. public static function onCommandRadio() { don't know what this is supposed to be doing... event $event, // ??? datahelper $dh = null, // ??? $help = 'use !Radio to toggle stream info On/Off') // ???
  8. correct: i would have to set one name= attribute for each dropdown. Like "birth_day""birth_year" "birth_month"?
  9. I verify: With short tags turned off, I get the same parse error. updating <? to <?php fixes it for me.
  10. the only thing that i can think of that would make some php installations fail is the short tag, <? which should be <?php <? // WRONG } if($Prev_Page) <?php // CORRECT } if($Prev_Page) ... which tells me that my installation has short tags enabled. going to turn that off right now.
  11. the data should not have extra slashes to start, then you wouldn't have to remove them. i suggest that you update the code that inserts the data so that extra slashes are not added, then update the database to remove extra slashes that were already added.
  12. parses without error for me, after i add a closing ?> at the end of the posted code.
  13. for convert, you must supply the full path to the image locations. /home/user1/http_docs/images/a.jpg
  14. how are you adding items to $newsimg?
  15. you can only call session_start() once per page, so it only needs to be at the top of the primary (actual) page and not at the top of any include() or require() pages.
  16. oh i see. so in your post you are using the html ® i misunderstood and thought you were using the actual symbol, which is what I did in my example. in other words: i did not change the symbol to it's HTML counterpart before placing it into the url.
  17. not url-encoding seems to work for me. $pagename = "Test Device® CR Plus.htm"; touch ($pagename); echo "<a href='$pagename'>Test Device® CR Plus</a>";
  18. remove trademark or register symbol from the url.
  19. you must use session_start() on any page that uses $_SESSION. you must NOT have any browser output before session_start(): no empty space, no HTML, no nothing going to the browser before session_start()
  20. that means you need to either 1. set a default for that field, or 2. include a value (even an empty string, '') when performing an insert. i would do number 1.
  21. are you trying to log in to wp and phpbb at the same time? if so, that can be done without messing with the hashes. both systems provide login functionality that can be used to log in to the system from another system.
  22. i use tables for forms because i am not so hot at css and find it tricky to get things to line up right in a form using css. lame excuse, but there it is.
  23. don't know. never seen it before and don't know why it's doing what it's doing.
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