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Everything posted by thebadbad

  1. Have a look at this post: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,276359.msg1307247.html#msg1307247
  2. That's so straight forward, why didn't I think of that?
  3. Or preg_replace('~<span\b[^>]+\bclass\s?=\s?([\'"])eventname\1[^>]*>(.*?)</span>~is', '<strong>$2</strong>', $input)
  4. thebadbad


    rajiv is right, you can check the range in the last table on this page: http://www.ascii-code.com/ Edit: And you can output the range using range(): <?php print_r(range("\x7f", "\xff")); ?>
  5. I would probably do that with two separate patterns: <?php //get image link(s) preg_match('~<img src="http://www\.discshop\.se/shop/img/omslag/front_normal/([^"]+)"~i', $html, $match); //build image URLs $thumb = 'http://www.discshop.se/shop/img/omslag/front_normal/' . $match[1]; $full = 'http://www.discshop.se/shop/img/omslag/front_large/' . $match[1]; //get price preg_match('~<span class="price "[^>]*><span\b[^>]*>([^:]+):~i', $html, $match); $price = $match[1]; ?>
  6. I'm with Boom; it looks like quoted-printable. If it's not, what is it then? Where does it come from? You have to know the encoding before you can decode it.
  7. The OP says he want to write it to a file. The easiest way to do this would be using the nowdoc syntax to specify the string, but that requires PHP 5.3.0. Any other method potentially involves a lot of escaping.
  8. Sure, you can e.g. output the data in a table (in its most simple form in this example): <?php echo '<table>'; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { echo "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>$key</td><td>" . implode('<br />', $val) . "</td>\n\t</tr>"; } echo "\n</table>"; ?>
  9. You need to read the contents of the file into the variable. Either use file_get_contents() or cURL. And I noticed that the site uses <br/> instead of <br> for line breaks, so you'll have to change that in the code (the parameter for explode() inside the foreach loop).
  10. AFAIK that's only possible if the visiting computer is on the same physical network as the server.
  11. Assuming the source looks more or less strictly like that for every film/series, here's a way to do it: <?php //$html holds the source code preg_match_all('~<div class="item1"><b class="txt_grey">([^:]+):</b></div>\s*<div class="item2">(.*?)</div>~is', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $data = array(); foreach ($matches as $arr) { $data[$arr[1]] = explode('<br>', $arr[2]); foreach ($data[$arr[1]] as $key => &$value) { $value = trim(strip_tags($value)); if ($value == '') { unset($data[$arr[1]][$key]); } } } echo '<pre>' . print_r($data, true) . '</pre>'; ?> Output: Array ( [svensk titel] => Array ( [0] => Familjen Macahan ) [Originaltitel] => Array ( [0] => How the West Was Won ) [Genre] => Array ( [0] => TV-serie ) [underkategori] => Array ( [0] => Äventyr [1] => Kult (60-80-tal) ) [Produktionsland] => Array ( [0] => USA ) [inspelningsår] => Array ( [0] => 1977-1979 ) [skådespelare] => Array ( [0] => James Arness [1] => Bruce Boxleitner [2] => Eva Marie Saint [3] => Kathryn Holcomb [4] => William Kirby Cullen [5] => Vicki Schreck ) [Åldersgräns] => Array ( [0] => 15 år. ) )
  12. Using array_rand() instead of rand() and count(): <?php $arr = array( 'http://www.site1.com/new_page.html', 'http://www.site2.com/new_page.html', 'http://www.site3.com/new_page.html' ); header('Location: ' . $arr[array_rand($arr)]); ?>
  13. Simply don't echo/print/var_dump()/print_r() the array. Via a cron job.
  14. <?php if ($match[1] == 'open') { echo 'Glowing'; } ?> But note that $match[1] won't exist when the pattern doesn't match the source, resulting in a thrown notice in those cases. That's possible yes, but problematic. Some servers ban your server's IP if they suspect you're automating a lot of requests. And the script would halt until the state changed to "open", and probably time out, depending on your server settings. A more realistic approach would be to make a request every 5 minutes e.g.
  15. It works, as in runs without syntax errors, but the output is a total mess and includes parts of what's supposed to be PHP code.
  16. It's not only valid but required when it's used like that, in the middle of a larger string.
  17. A way to take care of the casing: <?php $str = 'Groups you own Your groups Create a new group'; function _callback($matches) { $matches[0] = 'organization'; if (ctype_upper($matches[1])) { $matches[0] = ucwords($matches[0]); } return ($matches[2] ? $matches[0] . 's' : $matches[0]); } $str = preg_replace_callback('~\b(g)roup(s?)\b~i', '_callback', $str); echo $str; ?>
  18. Well, isn't it obvious? You're not closing the anchor tag.
  19. Word boundaries were made just for this. Example: <?php $str = 'The whitest color is white.'; echo preg_replace('~\bwhite\b~i', 'black', $str); ?>
  20. I would probably do it like this then: <?php $replace = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Current Conditions'); $string = preg_replace('~(<title>(?:' . implode('|', $replace) . ')[^:]*):[^<]+~i', '$1', $string); ?> Just make sure that the string in $replace doesn't contain any special regex chars or the delimiter in use.
  21. Variables aren't translated inside single quotes.
  22. That's only part of a larger string, right? Assuming the 'variables' are non-whitespace, try this: <?php echo preg_replace('~(Sunday): \S+ Low \S+ High \S+~i', '$1', $string); ?> If the string you provided is the full string, you could simply do <?php echo substr($string, 0, strpos($string, ':')); ?>
  23. Ah, thought it might have something to do with the version.
  24. Clever, although it complaints that func_get_args() can't be used as a function parameter
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