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Everything posted by ohdang888

  1. Most difficult part of your concept is getting users to submit when they see a deal. I know its supposed to be like "hey let's all help each other" but in reality you'll likely havta give people an incentive to take the time to post a blurb about a deal they've found.
  2. The company i work for is wanting to use an inventory system. I'm thinking inFlow is the best way to go (http://www.inflowinventory.com/) Fishbowl seems good (http://www.fishbowlinventory.com/), but they're too expensive for what i'm looking for Any other suggestions? Thanks
  3. its timing out
  4. without a demo that we can see, there's nothing we can say other than its probably something you can't control
  5. does the link lead to a page you control? or is it another domain?
  6. what version of mysql?
  7. you're using UNIX, you need regular datetime, and NOW() gives you the current datetime use this exact query: $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `date`, DATEDIFF (NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(`date`)) AS diff FROM `news`";
  8. yes, so put that in your query DATEDIFF (NOW(), field ) AS diff and in the while while ($var = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $name = $var['name']; $date = $var['date']; if($var["diff"] <= 7){ $new = "[new]"; }else{ $new = ""; } echo " - {$s_name} $new<br />"; }
  9. use mysql_num_rows $result=mysqli_query($dbc, $sql); //-create while loop and loop through result set if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){ echo "There were no matches!"; } while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
  10. In your query, use DATEDIFF http://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_datediff_mysql.asp
  11. use: or die (mysql_error().' in updating actualplanttable');
  12. a website this well-coded will take an advanced user. Assuming you have no background in programming, it would take AT LEAST a year of programming to get to that level (AT LEAST!), then months to build it.
  13. Hey, I'm just confused with the general idea of GIT. I know it keeps a log of changes, etc, but how do you test your websites? Bascially my problem is this: I have a number of users on my site, and i don't want to actively develop on the LIVE site. So for the past few weeks, I've been developing on a beta.mysite.com address, and using rsync to transfer the changes. But I'm growing too fast for that. Sometimes i want to commit 1 or 2 files, but not the other 10 I've created as new features, etc. In RYSNC, this is a little tedious, and i'm hoping GIT will help... But if develop in GIT on my mac, I'll need to test it out on Beta. and then would i have to use RSYNC again to bring it to the live site. I guess what i'm asking is this: Do you all (who use GIT), test your websites on a server hosted on your personal computer, and then push it from the live site to there? Or how do you go about this? Thanks
  14. I want to allow customers to use their own domain to attach to their blog/etc... so instead of username.blogsite.com they can buy a domain, point it to my IP, and have theirdomain.com bring up the same content as username.blogsite.com Can this be achieved through .htaccess? How can this work? In other words, I can't figure out how to mask theirdomain.com to blogsite.com/index.php?site=theirdomain.com Any ideas? thanks!
  15. ohh ok makes sense. Thanks! Also, one more question: I'm using this <script> call to log info about a business. How can i validate it? A.K.A., i have this url (http://mysite.com/log?id=6).. Obvisouly, I don't want someone to be able to log go directly to that URL and intentionally try to screw with results. So... is the only way to do this is to use a session() to limit data logged per user. BUT, then "bad-people" could just delete their cookies, change their IP, and continue to process. Any solutions to this? There's gotta be something! (especially seeing as though there's tons of JavaScript API"s by facebook/group/big guys) Thanks! EDIT: Also, i know there's JS to be used to pass the current URL in the url to the javascript... but that could be forged as well, i assume
  16. Just double checking: I have a <script> that calls a php file to compose the javascript. Just double checking: when a browser loads content from a <link> or <script> tag, it always sends the appropriate HTTP_USER_AGENT string as well, correct? I just want to sure it ALWAYS sends it before i rely on its functionality. Thanks
  17. I like it. Would i use it? No. What does it offer that FB doesn't?
  18. you simply echo it into a the table... <?php echo "<td bgcolor ='#E6F8EB'>$variableName</td>"; ?>
  19. In my knowledge, yes, that would be sufficient for most businesses. But i'm interested to see what others have to say about this as well
  20. Wow. I'm an idiot. Anyone who has this problem. Clear your cookies first.
  21. Alright, So i want to pass a session from www.mysite.com to mobile.mysite.com And i'm doing so by calling this on the top of every page on each site: <?php session_set_cookie_params(360000, "/",".mysite.com"); session_start(); print_r($_SESSION); ?> yet, the session data that is set on one subdomain is NOT printed on the other subdomain. I've even tried destroying the sessions several times to start over. But it won't work. What could be up? Thanks
  22. Ya I'm making a new one that's 45 seconds
  23. So i'm starting a new website at http://www.crambu.com Now that i've buillt the site (need to revise a few things, still), my biggest issue is figuring out what my prices should be. I know this is something i'll havta decide for myself, but i'd like your advice, seeing as though many of you have done this before. My biggest competitor currently working MoFuse, here's their prices http://www.mofuse.com/plans/ Here's my current prices: http://www.crambu.com/pricing.php The biggest issue is the Geolocation i see features. My competitor requires an enterprise account, which undoubtedly is at least $100 a month. Whereas my prices are much cheaper, but are by features. One other web developer i've talked to thought the prices were too high, but clearly people are going for it at MoFuse (and i'm not suggesting I could/can/will ever charge that much..) Anyways, I'd really appreciate your input on my current pricing scheme: too high, just right, too low? Thanks
  24. thanks ya i'm playing around with pricing, we'll see how it goes
  25. I've updated the client area, and created a demo account: Email: [email protected] password: demopass Feedback appreciated. Thanks!
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