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Everything posted by ohdang888

  1. thanks for responding! That script works, but it doesn't preserve formatting (underlines, bold, etc.) Any ideas?
  2. I am running PHP 5 on a linux server. I want to be able to open a .doc or .docx file with PHP (or any way possible, for that matter) in order to grab the contents from it. How can i do this? I know COM classes work with windows for this, but i have linux. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  3. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ajax+and+php
  4. I've seen some feedback tabs like the one here: http://www.feedbackify.com how do they get that image to stay put while a user scrolls the page? thanks
  5. the slider thing i have on the main page of my site works in everything but IE. it used to work in IE but doesn't now. I haven't done anything to do it in awhile any thoughts? http://www.theBlonk.com thanks
  6. very, very well done. the only flaw is that there is a LARGE gap between the end of the content and the footer. (Firefox) other than that, its great.
  7. I have dates in this format: Wed, 26 May 2010 14:59:42 +0000 how can i get the mysql datetime or unix timestamp from this date? Thanks
  8. on a lot of rss feeds, theres a tag called <content:encoded> this is the post itself </content:encoded> i use xml_parse_string, etc. and have converted that into an array (but i still have it saved in an object too anyways... how do i get the data in "<content:encoded>"... simply calling one for <content> doens't work. thanks.
  9. yes. this is a rough example: class first { public $name; function __construct(){ $this->name = "it works!"; } } class second { public $other; public function go(){ echo $this->other->name; } } ////////heres the rest: $first = new first(); $second = new second(); $second->other = $first; $second->go(); basically, you're storing that other instance in a global variable of another instance
  10. dude we need way more information this this. try to put what in a function? are you trying to do with this function? whats it doing now? are there any errors?
  11. alright so i had some font issues but i think i've fixed them now. Check out my site and i would appreciate any feedback you have at all. http://www.theBlonk.com Also, could you tell me this: 1) can you tell what the site is about and what it does? 2) if you blog, do you think you would register? (i have it closed now btw) Try our the stats page: Email: demo password: demo http://www.theblonk.com/account/stats.php?bid=1 Thanks!
  12. in your SQL query, in the Where clause, you need something like this WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date_added`)) < (60*60*24*182) that set of numbers is the number of seconds in half a year (ish)... so whatever you do needs to follows this logic: number of seconds since epoch to right now - number of seconds since epoch to the date added must be less than the number of seconds in 1/2 of a year (60 seconds * 60 min * 24 hr * 182 days)
  13. i solved it by pulling 20 records from the filemanager rather than 10. pretty stupid ha but actually i do have quite an error that i can't figure out now, and was the reason i was playing with its location.. i talk about it here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,301022.msg1424648.html#msg1424648
  14. by using the backslash "\" something like this: echo "<div id=\"test\"> yup</div> ";
  15. have you tried yourself?
  16. I have this simple line in my .htaccess file Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin and it keeps on giving me 500 internal server errors whats wrong?
  17. nvm solved it. gah.
  18. So i was fooling around with my .htaccess file on my var/www/ folder of my VPS account, and when i edited it i accidently moved it to the main directory ("/") and when i go there to find it, its not there. But i know its there because when i try to create a .htaccess file in that directory it gives me an error saying it already exists, Also i try to move a new empty one and it says i can't overwrite it. Anyways, its become quite a problem because now i get a 500 interal error on all my web pages. Gah. and i can't figure out how to fix it. Any ideas?
  19. I have this query: SELECT COUNT(impression_id) AS total FROM impressions WHERE widget_id='$widget_id' GROUP BY YEAR(datetime), MONTH(datetime), DAY(datetime) What i am trying to do is get a COUNT of impression from each individual 24 hour day. so.. for this table i have 2 dates right now (they are in datetime format) lets say 2010-05-06 and 2010-05-07... i want the count for each day... right now... all its returning in total = 1 ... but i have 2 dates with about 5 impressions each in them
  20. post the code of both files
  21. your error has nothing to do with the query itself, its the connection. are you connecting the to database before this code is executed?
  22. do you do graphics? i suck at em
  23. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=php+basic+tutorials
  24. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=php+mysql+user+login+tutorial http://lmgtfy.com/?q=php+video+upload+tutorial rename the video, store the file in a folder, and the name in the database
  25. Thanks. that font is actually white... so you know of any way to have better contrast? I use gimp.
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