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Everything posted by ohdang888

  1. i dont understand why i can't find this online... i have this code <style type="text/css"> .blah { background-image:url('http://theblonk.com/iphone/business/jquery.mobile/images/icons-18-black.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat; width:16px; height:16px; } </style> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <div class="blah"></div> and i want to move the icon set to the left by 16 pixels in order to show a new icon. How do i move that image? Thanks
  2. Its no safer than checking an input field. just for a check; if a user submit's a form, only the input's from within that form get sent, right? right.
  3. Note: Always declare the border-style property before the border-color property. An element must have borders before you can change the color. from http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_border-color.asp
  4. no, to my understanding, you would either have to use a child element or image
  5. try $sql="INSERT INTO `cbcrusta_test3`.`info` ( `id` , `name` , `event` , `time` , `date` ) VALUES ('".$_POST['id']."','".$_POST['name']."','".$_POST['event']."','".$_POST['time']."','".$_POST['date']."')
  6. It is likely calling an AJAX function that returns the coupon code and displays it (for your purposes, i'd use the Jquery framework to make it more simple and manageable) http://lmgtfy.com/?q=AJAX+Jquery+Tutorial
  7. you are getting a json object from your php code, not a strong. Thus, it cannot be split by comma. what you're getting is something like this: {0:"test",1:"test2",2:"test3"} http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=javascript+how+to+handle+json&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
  8. These are essentially the same question. Yes, it is perfectly okay. All the .php extension is doing is running that file, when called, through a program on the server that looks for code between "<?php" and "?>". If it doesn't find any, it simply passes it on. Granted, theres no point on naming a purely HTML file as a php file, but unless you're just serving up millions and millions of pageloads a day, you likely wouldn't notice the effect of sending a purely HTML file through the PHP parser.
  9. Change this: $(function() { $(?#datetime?).datepicker({ duration: ?, showTime: true, constrainInput: false, stepMinutes: 1, stepHours: 1, altTimeField: ", time24h: false }); }); to this: $(function() { $("#datetime").datepicker({ showTime: true, constrainInput: false, stepMinutes: 1, stepHours: 1, time24h: false }); });
  10. Well, ya. Just hardcode it into the function.... In other words, set the URL variable manually in the JS function.
  11. Its no safer than checking an input field.
  12. So i've built a javascript bootloader to dynamically load JS files as they are needed and to call a loaded function after the load is complete. I've read facebook does this, and it has dramatically sped up their pages b/c they only load the exact JS they need. I guess you havta be using like 500 KB of JS for this to be useful, but it seems like it could to useful to smaller sites as well, seeing as though my bootloader script is only 900 Bytes. Thoughts?
  13. there's a whole lot on jquery. One is here http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/validation but theres tons more
  14. the way you have this worded: "Is there a way to set this javascript code to a constant url rather than allowing a user to type in the url address?", that does not make sense. Please re-word
  15. i don't understand why would require a "submit" key in post, but if need be, you'd just a hidden input element in the form <input type="hidden" name="submit" value="yes" />
  16. Take blogspot as an example... when someone creates a blog, its creates "username.blogspot.com" How does this work? I a subdomain folder is not actually created, i know. That would impractical. Is this achieved through .htaccess?
  17. <script> function changeAndPrint(){ document.bgColor="#FFFFFF"; window.print(); } </script> <input type="button" name="Click me!" onClick="changeAndPrint();"/>
  18. http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=apache+pretty+urls&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#sclient=psy&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&q=apache+clean+url+tutorial&aq=f&aqi=&aql=f&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=3c39b015884aae73 Its called apache URL rewrites
  19. reminds me of a late 1990's early 2000's style
  20. have you tried debugging by putting this code before the page starts to see what all its receiving.... echo "<pre>"; print_r($_POST); echo "</pre>";
  21. it should't be doing that at all. There is nothing in a your javascript function that would make it do this.
  22. you're probably stuck in an infinite loop on your FOR loop
  23. From my own understanding, There's a difference between complaining, and slander. Complaining is more about a situation. Slander is more about a particular person or group. Complaining can be things like "i really do not like this person!".... slander is more like "i really do not like this person because they cheat, lie, and steal!" if you make a claim, and cannot objectively prove it to others, its slander. Nevertheless, its not a good idea to post anything negative online, at all. Its plain stupid. Would you put a sign in your front yard that said i hate my boss?
  24. i finally got sphinx up and running on my site, but i'm using it for testing purposes right now, though.
  25. Ya i played around with it. It doesn't have the formatting at all.
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