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Everything posted by priti

  1. Hi, I went to this page and click submit without entering any data nad it showed me below output User Created! Image URL: Forum BBC Code: You Should Recive An Email Shortly. No recipient addresses found in header If 'No recipient addresses found in header' is true then your first line can confuse user.I think put up a proper error handling.I have no idea what it does and i tried simply. hope it help you in making you sys more robust have a gr8 day ahead
  2. Hi, because you are using if else.In if else if one condition become true then rest are left unchecked so if you have to check all condition use IF separately . regards
  3. Hi, Referring Questions/feedback Relating to:<br /> <select name="attn" size="1"> <option value=" select ">Please Select a Subject </option> <option value=" My Childs Education ">My Childs Education </option> <option value=" Student Welfare ">Student Welfare </option> <option value=" Communications ">Communications </option> <option value=" General Education Issues ">General Education Issues </option> </select> <option value=" select ">Please Select a Subject </option> change this to <option value="">Please Select a Subject </option> When you will post check trim($_POST['attn']) != ''. i.e attn should not be empty. regards
  4. Hi, Have you kept javascript validation ? your code checks for the error then after populating $error on html page you should be able to show those errors to users.I will give you a rough idea if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (empty($_POST['displayname']) || empty($_POST['displaytype']) || empty($_POST['description']) || empty($_POST['address']) || empty($_POST['city']) || empty($_POST['state']) || empty($_POST['postal']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['imagefile'])) { $_SESSION['error'] = 'Please fill in all fields.'; // here, they have not filled in all fields. Set an error. $_SESSION['error_display']=1; header('Location: ');//redirect to the form exit; //you don't want to proceed further anymore becos there is a error in form field's data } else { } } above code will redirect to you on your form page .your html form page has to get convert in to .php and in start do as follow if($_SESSION['error_display']==1) { echo $_SESSION['error']; $_SESSION['error_display']=0; } This will display your error. The second way is use AJAX.I would prefer one should do javascript validation so that you can save some hit to server before form processing and in case if client is not enabled js then your server side can save you. Regards
  5. Hi, will you change your action tag to action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" and try becos i tried your code and could see the output. Regards
  6. hi, I see .php?src=fldrd.asx?srcpath=dir/dir in your post and can point you that instead of .php?src=fldrd.asx?srcpath=dir/dir you whould create url like .php?src=fldrd.asx&srcpath=dir/dir two question marks in the query string ...i never seen them before :-)
  7. try $t= time(); echo date("m-d-Y H:i:s",$t); $timetostop=mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")-1,date("y")); $timetostop=date("m-d-Y",$timetostop); $date=date("m-d-Y",$t); while($date != $timetostop) { echo '<br>'.date("m-d-Y H:i:s",$t); $t=$t-10; $date=date("m-d-Y",$t); }
  8. oops sorry , then please try $copy_to_file='letters/a'.$id.'html'; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],$copy_to_file); Regards
  9. Thats what i query you for? that waa suggestion that if you want to simply sort data in table according to your header name.You didn't put up that you want parameters also attached with search results. Well with this case you need to go your way but still putting drop down in place of column header is not suggestable either you can make bit more flexible that when you click you column header user will be able to see the drop down box with your search parameter.so he knows what he is searching and the parameter he is trying. Regards
  10. Hi, $trimd = explode("srcpath=", $fld); can you show us what in $trimd and kindly print $fld. regards
  11. It would be gr8 if you can explain 'How to decrement the time from current hour of timestamp to last 24hours.'? what you are trying to achieve why so much of scripting is required for dates?if you want time in 24 hour format you can use PHP in built function date H,i,s . and to get the difference betweeon 2 dates convert the dates in timestamp and get the difference and then convert the format of that timestamp in date format you required. Hope it helps a little bit Regards
  12. Hi, In column header you want to have dropdown ??? consider: Name Age ads 12 dzd 22 now in column on eyou would be having a drop down with Name and Age?? i would say this is not the better view with design rather you can creae column headers as clickable links which sort the data on click. Regards
  13. hi, please give write access to your folder.Check weather user which is listed there can write the file in that folder or not? Regards
  14. Hi, I would say try to locate the error in your code.make sure ->dbconnect.php create proper connection ->correct db is selected over which portion you feel is not working correctly??? please paste teh snippet where you are facing this. Regards
  15. Hi, "You will also need to place a copy of the "Monofont" font in the same directory as the CaptchaSecurityImages.php file" make sure this. Regards
  16. Hi, sorry for replying late was on holiday :-) .Try this if(mail ($to, $subject, $body, $xHeaders)) { echo 'mail is sent'; } else { echo 'mail is not sent'; } If mail is sent then check you folder's junk mail.Or it prnt mail is not sent means there is some problem.And if you feel mail is sent but not received at your end then check the mail queue.at times mails aget filter but this option sud be last one to consider first try to check all initial test. Regards,
  17. The standard way for searching through XML documents for particular nodes is XPath.Read below article. http://php5.bitflux.org/xmloncrack/slide_51.php Regards
  18. kindly note The code in second code snippet $id = $_POST['item']; echo ($id);//you have fetched the id $target_path = "uploads/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( '$id'.gif); echo $target_path and see what it prints does it print uploads/$id.gif or uploads/1.gif?????
  19. Hi drummer, First thing when ever you are saving your date use the data type Date or datetime.And i will suggest you to use date_format() function of mysql while saving the date in the required format or while retrieve. Regards
  20. what you have written in your contact.php ?? please refer link http://in2.php.net/function.mail which explain mail() function. Regards
  21. Your code say the page sud refresh every 15 sec set your $rate according to your need. regards
  22. priti


    I wil advice you to use CURL and post your data to this page without clicking on it.With this option you don't have to create form simplye query string which you have to assign to POSTFILED parameter. I would suggest you to read about this. Regards
  23. oops sorry but i was just trying to ask you what your second statement say :-) anywayz kindly check if that file output correctly if it run independently. Regards
  24. hi, how your html file understand $row_mv????? Looking at your first post look in the second file you have something like .... $template->assign_block_vars. here you assign the variables to template which you are trying to see.I don't know which template engine are you using but check how 'STYLE_ID' is been displayed in your portal.html. and i hope if you can understand the second file code you will understand that how you have to go ahead. The query and the result has to be fetched in your portal.php and then you have to assign them in var or array depending on your template engine and use them in profile.html and you would be able see the output. Regards,
  25. hi, if your url is http://www.domain.com/main.php?pages=link then switch($_GET['pages']){ case 'link': include 'links.php'; //it shud get included. break; case 'contact': include 'contact.php'; break; etc.... } You are trying to echo the html in specific reason according to the questioned page in url?? what output you are expecting or what is the error?
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