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Everything posted by unsider

  1. If you've got images you want to store, longblob is certainly your friend. And I'm curious if wasting space is an issue as well.
  2. Haha, oops, my mistake, I meant image_graph. And ok, I thought so.
  3. When I have some free time later this week (exams, etc..) I will come back and fool around a bit more.
  4. So how are you identifying the user inputting the comment? my guess is cookies, considering IPs change, and that wouldn't be the most effective manner. Oh, and like I said in my comment, the edt function is working well, and the images are loading x234352653 faster.
  5. It's cool, I didn't take it as offensive in any manner I'm surprised thorpe, or any of the admins haven't shown up yet. They've probably seen errors like this before. If ultimately you can't get localhost to work, I suppose your only other options are to get some free/buy server space, and test it all out there.
  6. When I use phpinfo(); I use it to test if certain libraries are enabled, and other settings, etc.. for my hosted server. I know you're havng problems, but I'm curious why you need to test out phpinfo();? If you haven't already, try testing some other code.
  7. Clean and refined, I like it. It works. And I personally would change the font: type Will you be adding more content soon though? The only thing that really stands out, and I don't personally like is the blue background. I couldn't offer alternatives, but consider some more colors, and if it doesn't work out, then keep the blue.
  8. Hmm, just curious, is it just so you know for the future what's enabled, or is it to check something specific right now? And maybe one of the other more advanced members here can help because I don't know. Sorry.
  9. That's the only bit of code, right? There are no includes, etc...? That's an unsual error, if that's your only bit of code, I have no idea why it's displaying that error.
  10. When is their new version coming out, and I heard they've supposedly fixed a mess of vulnerabilities, errors, etc..of that sort? but I agree, phpBB boards would be a good start. PHPbb3 came out not too long ago... Hmm, I guess I'll have to check it out. Has anyone else messed with them?
  11. I'm not thoroughly educated in this area, as I have never worked with it before so excuse my possible ignorance... Does the image_draw function require the GD library, or any other libraries for that matter to be enabled?
  12. When is their new version coming out, and I heard they've supposedly fixed a mess of vulnerabilities, errors, etc..of that sort? but I agree, phpBB boards would be a good start.
  13. What he said: something like this: header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
  14. Maybe go download the forum scripts and try to edit it to your needs. Creating a forum is a lot of work, and you need quite a bit of knowledge of PHP/DBs Simple google search might do it?
  15. That's like poco said, WAY too much work. I like to simplify it, even if it means more storage. But hey, whatever works for you.
  16. Specifically more surrounding code, not much to go on there.
  17. Hmm, good one, never thought to do both. ??? Alright. Thanks, clears a few potiental decisions up in the future.
  18. I'm pretty sure he means generating a .jpg image with "hello", not simply displaying "hello" to the browser. I don't know what to tell ya, search google some more?
  19. Ya there are plenty of tutorials/scripts for this, just google it. It's actually a nice little add-on to any website. Question for anyone that deals with uploading photos.. Do you guys store the images in a database (longblob), or in a folder, for later accessibility? And which is better for both: space efficiency / loading time?
  20. action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" Something else might not work, but make the form reload the page. If this doesn't work, look in the php code for other possible solutions.
  21. I like it, and I posted a little comment, looked around, seems stabel enough. Although when I refresh the page, it loads from top down and it takes longer than normal to load the sidebar images, but ah well. Otherwise, nice job.
  22. A least a high school education, for logical decisions, and as high as a phd in everything? Just know how to code, and it shouldn't matter. Weird question..
  23. Thanks Gamic, that was the error. And yes, my code is pretty sloppy
  24. I'm quite tired, and I'm having just the hardest time wrapping my head around this.. Not hard, just can't figure it out, I should probably get some sleep as well. echo "<img src='getpicture.php?fid='" . $row["fid"] . '<br>'; Full code here: <?php include ("connect.php"); $query = "SELECT fid FROM files"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed'); echo '<table>'; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<img src='getpicture.php?fid='" . $row["fid"] . '<br>'; } echo '</table>'; ?>
  25. I didn't test it, but I took a look at it, and it looks amazings, nice combination of design + functionality. Amazing job.
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