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Everything posted by unsider

  1. I'm assuming your probably pretty proficient in your work, so I'd say that's pretty close to accurate, I figure if you had a customer, you wouldn negotiate a little to suit all their needs. Otherwise, good pricing. I think. I don't think tables should cost extra in the database. That's dependent on how you write the scripts, the client has no control over it. I would say charge per database only, and that's assuming you're providing the hosting. Hmm, now that I think about it. That's true, the tables are based on the the creator. Maybe cut it down to $1 or something. $5 can rack up pretty quickly depending on the project.
  2. All I can say is search google for a few keywords, there are plenty of easy to follow tutorials for this, and his signature is helpful as well.
  3. I hope this can fall into this category, because it is help, but it's also a question. If not, sorry. Is is more space effective store the user uploaded image in your DB or in a file, example "images"? Obviously, both can be retrieved, but what is more efficient, in both space, and load time?
  4. Looks fine to me. I'll input more feedback soon.
  5. Similar to myspace-esque capabilities? And I too wouldn't mind looking at some of these tutorials, if any exist. Unlikely though.
  6. Post some code, or something else for us to go on, even if you think it could help.
  7. I'm assuming your probably pretty proficient in your work, so I'd say that's pretty close to accurate, I figure if you had a customer, you wouldn negotiate a little to suit all their needs. Otherwise, good pricing. I think.
  8. Sessions are stored on the server. Queries are stored in a DB. Cookies are stored on the computer/browser. (Can be edited).
  9. You write a script that jus generates random string of #/letters, and then outputs that wherever you want? Then have a script check that generated code matches what the user has input. Google a tutorial if thats all you want..
  10. Similar to the images on registration forms?
  11. That's easy to do. Create a script that checks if the user is logged in, and if not, don't display the content. Google it. I'm sure you could find something to help you.
  12. The site itself looks a ittle plain, and I realise google ads are good for making extra money on the side, they really turn me off. And overall it seems simple, but.. I think if your product really is that great, they should have to register, if not, then forget it. An alternative would be a "subscribe to newsletters" "enter email here:" type deal. I'd probably put them in the members area, but that's just me.
  13. unsider

    Adobe AIR

    I'm 100%, learn AS3, there is a pretty good market for it, and people pay bug money for a profession working flash add/website. It's fun as well. Can't say much about AIR though, sorry
  14. sessions would probably be better for something like that, especially if you want to retrieve things like "time online", "last date visited", etc... EDIT: and what shocker said.
  15. Also, Found an error with the download page... (.rar) format ... http://www.image-ant.org/download/1.1/upload.rar I'm running Safari. Rar!Ï?s ?t ?/&áE¾?2?&83 upload.htm°-LÌÌý{ðÁÖ}.Þ?ÜÐ[µHÆׯ(7?&Òm¬i?²L/¼a£?ÚÚq$Û?1t´o?¤?<çá/ç â(?Ù$}ðø?ç~wåLóAíög?a?ë?`ð=¤z?üHC¬ø{²dù?sé'??ˤÝ/¿§¼zµ?Èõy#íòã?¿+"È?¸[§P?ZØÑ´Ä??D53¹?1Yij?V??`©{W4îßwgxïi?`ÄJ$­2Ý¿úU\Û?TÌx;ñ N8ë~4?I?,ñ¥5?Ï]HG8?3F?x½¦íF$${¿Ì>¾ÔС???wl?T÷¿ã?|ÇiT'ÓqÅÒ;/³héº-"Æò¥à{òkqÿÆÆ-µ5TCÀg}ÇÖW ?¡ñ ³¯¨?²ótw}º¹xE?yÛj?.?q³>??O8,?Wd©é?$°gKìçÈºÝ Æ+Â?Jé?ª^¨?2?KF? w?BsÚ©H( ?Ðã(?E¼_>W/?9p§couÖ=jËü!¢#îA?Ü ³sì-÷U?¢Eà[?#-??º«Õ#JßØìíz§êÉÐ8?Üä­-iz,?4ÏÿÉß½0ÎDïA?¥£yßã??¼Ô¶¦,?¦;??^h?X=nÆÚ?-×uD-¿Ø???Xy½ý Ä={@
  16. Wow, I really like it, it has a nice feeling to it, not too plain, nor too busy. and I LOVE the fact you've made it open source. Can't really offer any criticism, mainly because I can't find anything that I find fault with.
  17. Eh can you educate me as to what an FF/IE toolbar is? Like creating your own? Adding stuff to your current toolbar? I'm confused by your question. And try a google search?
  18. ^ Ya check your other divs because that could be screwing it up, as well as other tables with unusual lengths.
  19. Did he remove it? Or was it never there...or, ehh maybe I'm blind.
  20. I know, I understand that this will not be easy, and this is a long-term goal I intend to works towards when in my free time, and as for recreating facebook, I don't want to do that, just work towards some similar aspects of it, uploading videos, private messages, the fluffy stuff, not APIs and the whole bit. And tippy as well, thought you were being sarcastic, just wasn't expecting something of that degree, so i interpretted it as sarcasm.
  21. I wasn't commenting on your sarcasm, that was directed at tippy_102. And I have made an account on myspace years ago, but immediately lost interest, as I too, am not interested in such activities, and it doesn't suprise me that you've never associated yourself with said activity. And why assume I'm part of that? I merely asked how to design something like that because, it's a nice hook to create an enviroment fit for advertisement, etc...
  22. Zend Studio 6.0 Eclipse works on OS X I haven't upgraded to Leopard, so I'm not certain, but works fine for me.
  23. Is Zend still doing the synch up your files to upload? Or have they simplified it to Save, refresh browser, walah done? This will determine whether i get it... EDIT: Oops, wrong section. Realized this question has probably been answered, but a simple yes or no would suffice.
  24. Add a few more spicy designs here and there, combined with a well designed banner, and I'd have a ncie homey feel to it.
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