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Everything posted by unsider

  1. Wouldn't you rather determine that for yourself and just set a user/pass for your friends/viewers to use, and give it to them if they wanna see it?
  2. This is the method I have used in the past, although it's not very effective when you have hundreds of entries piling up on you.
  3. Link us to your site, post some code like rofl90 said, we have no idea as to how to fix it without seeing something. The question isn't very clear.
  4. write login code, whatever, and check if($session->logged_in){ // display site } else { header("http://www.google.com"); } Otherwise I'm confused by your question, maybe more clarification?
  5. Plans were cancelled, and I checked out jEdit, and the FTP was quick, simple, and so far now errors. Highly recommended for potiental readers, jEdit is great. Topic Solved.
  6. Which editor do you guys think has the best and most convenient FTP system? Or atleast one with the fewest errors, etc... Express your opinions, and I gotta go, so if there was already a topic about this I'm sorry, just delete it then. Note: I'm running OS X
  7. Really appreciate it. If you're wasting too much time don't worry about it, just post the closest thing you find, but otherwise, that's very considerate of you.
  8. Damn, ran out of time to modify. If you would be so kind, could you tell me if all the required code is viewable through speficially "source", or is in an included js file? It'd save me time
  9. You were right about the JS, I'll go find a few scripts. Thanks. I just wish it weren't client-side
  10. Ya that looks pretty stable, and I'm certain there are scripts that remove any questionable user input. Google search and you can base your security off of a few scripts. Good luck protecting your stuff, it's going to be my biggest issue when the time comes.
  11. Better hit the books on security and validation, and make sure you backup your DBs or any other info, because like Ken said, they will probably find your other sites too.
  12. Can't think of anything to add, looks great, but I'm curious... How do the rollup menus on both the left and right side work? Is it done with css, javascript, ...? "Search", "Recent Posts". Thsi forum has it as well.
  13. Nice and simple, but you need to make a more colorful banner that stands out forcing the reader to notice it, and potinetally remember your site. Repetition creates consumer rememberance.
  14. Check to see if it has SMTP configured. Or any type of mail server, depending. Maybe google something for instructions.
  15. Another one would just replace, but things would be a little choatic for a while, eventually conforming to a new 'big search engine', like rev, film said: yahoo, etc..
  16. When I first loaded it, I felt a little overwhelmed by the massive amounts of text, but I qucikly found my way around. I suppose it's fine for right now, but a new organizational method will be needed in the near future, assuming it gets bigger. As for ways of organizing, well..you may have to make decisions. Possibly creating a side toolbar that lists the the most general 'topics', and have the front oage be updates, news, tricks & tips, etc... Typical yes, but it works, and it'd be an easy way to keep it managable. http://www.tutorialized.com <-- good example, if you can keep yours cleaner though it'd be a dream to deal with.
  17. I only tested out the register form, and everything worked fine, so on the surface it's good. And you should change your extension from .php5 -> .php
  18. Post some code, or anything that will help you lead you in the right direction, otherwise explaining it will be a pain.
  19. 1.What amount of ice must be added to 540.0g of water at 25C to cool the water too 0.0C and have no ice remaining? 2. 15.0g of water at 0.0C are added to 40.0g of water at 40C. What is the final temperature of the mixture? 3. It takes 333.51 joules to melt exactly 1 gram of H2O. What is the molar heat of fusion for water, from this data? Few others: 4. How many grams of patoassium carbonate are needed to make 200mL of a 2.5M solution? 5. How many liters of 4M solution can be made using 100 grams of lithium bromide? Chemistry teacher is a jackass and can't teach, giving a huge test in 3 hours, and I gotta make sure I'm clear on it. They are actually pretty simple (in comparison to the real deal), but out book doesn't cover it. If you you're using formulas please show them, a little bit of work would help mainly because I'm trying to understand how to work them. Thanks.
  20. That's a good point, empahasize the purplefusion, and make sure to hold it for a while, then loop it back. The more you display your site name, the more likely it is someone will remember it and come back.
  21. Maybe so, I just tested "hello", "php", and both queries worked fine for me. I'm running Safari and I occasionally get error messages, but they eventually get fixed, or just a simple reload works. What browser you running?
  22. I don't see a way around this, like andy said, you're probably just going to have to confirm you were in possession of the FTP. Good luck
  23. I'd be EXTREMELY impressed, and utterly shocked if he was the one that designed speedtest.net.
  24. ^ yup, prompted to log in, nothing displayed. Upload screenshot to imageshack or something *shrug*
  25. I suppose I'll add my two cents. I like it, the colors match, and it looks clean, which IMO is a plus. But, I don't like the way the login form looks, it seems to stand out to me, mainly because it's structure is so much different than everything else (unless you wanted to do that?). Other than that it looks nice and professional.
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