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Everything posted by unsider

  1. I artificially sped up my time (actual focus), but I almost never type that quickly in pefect grammar. I'm much much more relaxed, specifically on forums boards like this.
  2. Safari Mac OS X. So much better than anything I've ever used before (Firefox, IE, and Opera, listed)
  3. Hmm you guys are pretty quick, I only got 91. But the second time I got 96.
  4. Version 5.2 Locally, and server. Oh yeah.
  5. Everything looks organized and manageable except for the large amount of text in the center of your site. I suppose it's my own preference, but I try to break that up into "click here to read full article..." Otherwise, from what I see it looks fine, keep working on it.
  6. Thanks for the feedback. I really wanted to keep the graphic elements down to where the content becomes the focus, but still have some visual appeal. I purposely made the right navigation large because I hate large reading areas. At the same time I don't particularly like skinny layouts anymore as I usually have a 1280 resolution and I think 1024 is pretty much the norm now. I haven't messed with any of the plugins yet, this was the first time I've really even looked at wordpress and had to figure it out. I don't like some things like the default nested list for the sidebar. I changed all of that and removed some other things. As far as the logo/graphic, it isn't so much a logo, just a creative spin on my name. I figured the cat5 cable worked with the .net and overall theme. Maybe it isn't flashy, but I'm not the graphic designer some people may think I am. I'm not sure what you are referring to with "table designs". Oh, and the top menu wasn't rushed, but just kept simple. I don't want too much shine or gloss on this. It's understandable, wasn't sure what angle you were going for. And ya I had heard good things, so it was a first hand assumption of your skills, but it's nice to see your a modest person about it. Either way, if content is the focus then you doing a good job with that.
  7. fopen(), and fclose() mkdir("./filename"); etc.. Google search a little bit, I'd do more to push you in the right direction, but unfortunately I've gotta get going right now.
  8. Yes. I'm pretty sure it's possible. Where you place your code is the trick.
  9. Sounds like you want to create an admin script with certain functionalities, google search for a possible script. Lot of content you are askng for there. And the second thing, replacing the 'unethical words'. Sounds like you need to research str_replace, ASS -> ***. I'm sure there are plenty of scripts for you.
  10. Isn't the correct syntax ORDER BY?, if that's not it, check the md5 encrypte, otherwise I don't know, don't see any other obvious errors.
  11. Umm your question is...eh confusing, and.. I think you are thinking of CSS. Google Search it and check.
  12. I agree, the colors almost distract me, and that doesn't happen very often. I couldn't focus and find the topic. It sounds unusual but it feels cluttered. Change up the white/grey combo with other possible solutions, like the above listed.
  13. echo "<div class='titlebg' style='padding: 4px; font-weight: bold; background: url(http://rhythmicdesign.com/andy/images/tborder_bg.png); border:thin; border-style:thin; border-color:#999999;'><a href='javascript: void(0); return false' onclick='toggle('5'); return false'><img id='blockcollapse5' style='margin: 0;' align='right' src='http://wiicharged.com/Themes/OverViewLight_tp/images/collapse.gif' border='0' alt='' /></a><a href='http://wiicharged.com/index.php?action=who'>Users</a>"; EDIT: nevermind I fixed my error with a creative little work around. Sorry, just let this topic die.
  14. unsider


    OOh, thanks for the tips. I'm working on my site and when I'm done with everything I may throw it up somewhere. Making some serious money is the only way I'll be able to afford a a hot car. How many clients did you have at once, and is it demanding? And those are some high aspirations, but that'd be an amazing accomplishment. I got 3 - 5 clients a week, sometimes 2, sometimes 1.... Try to stick with small projects with a budget in range of 50 - 200$ then work your way up. The jobs are pretty demanding if you have school, a job, a family, a wife (women *eye roll*) ,homework...etc. I got by all those because i made a schedual or i usually finished homework at school. Although if I needed a pair of new shoes, new ward drobe, an ipod...etc I would just call some of my clients who had more work for me, and I found myself with what I wanted in the next couple of hours. If your a fast thinker, worker, and gots a flexible working time, then it will be to your great advantage. Good luck I find myself to be a fast worker, but I'm too maticulous for my own good. I see what your saying, and I think at the moment I could handle some smaller jobs. Although, I go to tough little private school in my state and lately it has been taking up too much of my time :-\ I think if I planned it out, I could potentially stay on top of things. Although friends and the social life (reason why you stopped) would certainly take a toll, but I think I could manage that. Can you explain to me what a "$50-$200" is? I'm thinking of a simple login-script, with specific user capablites, a simple DB, few tables, and a few pages to display whatever the user wants. Maybe a day or twos worth of work? You've really got me interested. I've been picking up the pace, I want something to display soon. I'm thinking this summer will be different Thanks.
  15. The logo could certainly be more flashy. I've heard you are pretty technical on your design skills, so you should make sure that you use them for that. And the right navigation menu (top right) looks rushed, which I'm assuming it is? I'd touch up the buttons a little. Otherwise it's a very nice, I particularly like your table designs on the right of the text/image. Hope that helps.
  16. Porbably not you, sometimes people just forget. I've registered at a few sites and never went back, either because they weren't the most effecient, or I forgot the URL . Others choose not to participate,thinking of there are a lot of reasons. I wouldn't worry about it. Just be happy with the users that are active, and try to inprove anything for them you can.
  17. unsider


    OOh, thanks for the tips. I'm working on my site and when I'm done with everything I may throw it up somewhere. Making some serious money is the only way I'll be able to afford a a hot car. How many clients did you have at once, and is it demanding? And those are some high aspirations, but that'd be an amazing accomplishment.
  18. Wow I wish I had been exposed to it that early. Same for guitar I'm a male.
  19. Everything is aligned, and it is a nice layout so far. I would most certainly change the colors, but I suppose that's your own preferance and you will eventually get to that? Regardless, it looks fine. Oh, and Safari Version 2.0.4 (419.3) OS X
  20. I've learned a lot about n00bie errors and what not to do from reading PHP Help section topics. But I'd just suggest picking up some advanced books, and coming here with questions in PHP Help, from what I've seen, we have some pretty knowledgable people here.
  21. I agree it's certainly worth it, but it was a little disappointing. I probably held to high of a standard though, considering past work. I felt it lacked substance, a little too rushed possibly? I heard it was recorded and mixed within a scope of 6-7 months. Although I am thoroughly statisfied with Radiohead's latest ' In Rainbows '. thorpe, I'm going to check out a few on you've listed, about 5 or so I've never heard of, but nearly identical tastes. Wide genre scope in here. Gotta admit I've got some Snoop Dogg, old style rap for those frustrating times coding/school work , always good to have some fun.
  22. I'm not sure if there has been a topic like this before. Considering this board has been here a while, it's highly possible, but regardless, I'm curious. What music do the members of this board listen to? I'll start with some of my personal favorites: Tool Radiohead NIN Nirvana Aphex Twin Rage Against the Machine Autechre Sublime Russian Circles Sigur Ros Let's hear um.
  23. You've never felt bad for not going back to get your diploma? I've always felt I need to atleast finish college.
  24. I'm with you, I'd rather invest time with the industry standard PHP, but I know nothing of thi platform, so my judgement is slightly biased. I think you guys need to discuss why this platform would be more beneficial/effective for both of you. I'm probably telling you what you already know but, go with what you know most, if both of you are fluent with PHP, i'd say: use it. Either way, good luck with your buisness. EDIT: does this platform increase the amount of time it takes to produce a site? and if it is, and you two are in control of the outcome, it might be worth checking out the platform, effeciency is certainly an aspect in that buisness, but quality is as well.
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