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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. wrong way round $_SESSION['username'] = $username; should be $username = $_SESSION['username'];
  2. It is but why would you want to remove the slashes first :s You can always disable magic quotes
  3. Maybe this one will explain it in a way that is clearer to you http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_file_upload.asp
  4. Hmm not sure when you are using custom keys like that. Maybe look through this http://djw-webdesign.awardspace.com/code.php?snippet=8 If that doesn't help i might be able to make a code to do it.
  5. What does this give you <table cellspacing="0"> <form method="POST"> <tr> <td><input value="Ny" name="City[Ny][]" /></td> <td><textarea name="City[Ny][]"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input value="Ca" name="City[Ca][]" /></td> <td><textarea name="City[Ca][]"></textarea></td> </tr> <input type="submit" /> </form> </table> <?php $City = $_POST['City']; $Ny = explode("/n", $City[Ny][0]); $Ca = explode("/n", $City[Ca][0]); print_r($Ny); print_r($Ca); ?>
  6. Have a read through http://www.plus2net.com/php_tutorial/php_file_upload.php
  7. ok, i understand try <tr> <td><input value="Ny" name="City[Ny][]" /></td> <td><textarea name="City[Ny][]"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input value="Ca" name="Country[Ca][]" /></td> <td><textarea name="City[Ca][]"></textarea></td> </tr>
  8. You can use mathematical operators in sql statments e.g. $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE total > '$x' AND total < '$y'"; That is greater than or equal to , and less than or equal to.
  9. well you can lock pages to the user's ID(which would be unique) and then on the page check their ID against the one stored in the db for that page. to generate new folders and content you will need to look into fwrite() and some similar PHP functions
  10. Use addslashes(); and mysql_real_escape_string(); and then when you recall the data use stripslashes(); to remove the slashes
  11. cam you post the result of the print_r
  12. GOOGLE Please, stop asking for code to be handed to you.
  13. http://google.com Just to help you on the way
  14. Please at least try it on your own instead of expecting us to hand it to on a plate
  15. http://uk.php.net/file_exists
  16. Why? $plan = "$row['simple']"; //is this ok?will it get table simple? $plan2 = "$row['combo']"; simpler if you do $plan = $row['simple']; //is this ok?will it get table simple? $plan2 = $row['combo']; for this you could do if ( $plan == "on" ) { //if that table's value is on then it should get page x echo file_get_contents("filename.php"); //or include("file.php"); } elseif($plan2 == "on") { //if this one is on then it gets page b echo file_get_contents("filename.php"); //or include("file.php"); } or header("Location:filename.php"); would work, as long as there is no whitespace of HTML before the header
  17. then start on one and when you get a problem/question post here
  18. If you want a session login, here is how http://djw-webdesign.awardspace.com/code.php?snippet=9
  19. Seriously , go and learn HTML and read up on how to put images into web pages. http://w3schools.com or http://tizag.com You just put the image location to go back one folder do ../image.jpg .../image.jpg = back two folders etc.
  20. Using the image tags and try doing include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'\Classes\Business\register.php');
  21. Sessions should be used to track what question they are on so they can't go back
  22. Tried But not working when i enter mysite.com/Updates/1/the new thing/
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