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Everything posted by Maq

  1. Why don't you try it instead of asking.
  2. Can you post the code and some lines surrounding it?
  3. You need to specify a delimiter as the first parameter. Read the manual - explode. This should fix the second error as well.
  4. You're missing a semi-colon on the echo above line 70. NOTE: When posting code please use .
  5. The default character set is case insensitive. What character set are you using?
  6. Found this game: http://www.puffgames.com/getout/ Picked up a coin and a cup then gave up after 2 minutes.
  7. This is a very broad concept/design, that's why it would be hard to give advice. Minimalism is exactly how it sounds, keep everything as simple as possible and minimize confusion for the user. I understand your concern, but I think the best way to go about this would be to locate some web apps that you find easy to use and gather ideas and techniques that illustrate how to go about designing your user interface. Again, it's hard to help without knowing what you're designing for. Maybe someone else can provide more precise advice but for now I'll move this into the "Application Design" section.
  8. You're welcome. Just be careful copying and pasting, you may get unwanted characters. NOTE: You probably could have just posted this in the PHP Coding Help section. I understand you got this from a book but third party apps are more for CMS apps, forums, etc...
  9. Use regular double quotes, not those lopsided italic looking ones.
  10. You spelled restaurants wrong. SELECT re.name, AVG(ra.rating) AS rating FROM resturants re LEFT JOIN ratings ra ON re.resturant_id = ra.resturant_id ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 5; I'm not sure if you can do an ORDER BY from an aggregate function. If you can this should give you what you want.
  11. Post your table structures.
  12. It only shows groups that have a different color. Oh ok, thanks Daniel.
  13. I just realised it's missing the 'staff alumni' category (unless that has been deliberately left out for some reason or another). It's also missing on the forums home, under users online.
  14. 1) Use code tags. 2) Why are you declaring '$selectedno' global? I don't see where that variable is coming from. If it's being read from the DB previously in the script then you should just pass it to the function as a parameter. 3) In your echo statement, you can use double quotes for the string and single quotes for the attributes so you don't have to keep concatenating to the string by breaking out of it.
  15. What do you actually get? If the field is a VARCHAR it will sort alphabetically.
  16. Note that mattal999's suggestion will capitalize the first letter of every word in the string. i.e. $s="maq is the shiz"; echo ucwords($s); output Maq Is The Shiz
  17. You also insert '' for id every time. If that field is auto-increment it will throw an error.
  18. 1) Please use code tags next time. 2) Please only post the relevant code. 3) I don't know what this word means, "completecated". 4) Try to implement the suggestion that MatthewJ and I posted.
  19. Check out heredoc.
  20. Show us the relevant code.
  21. If multiple forums aren't responding to your question than we can isolate that the problem is with you. The reason for me not answering, in addition to Daniel's, are (note: these have no relevence with your specific question): 1) I'm usually at work, so I don't feel like taking 20 minutes to answer questions. 2) A topic or subject that does not interest me what so ever. 3) (not me but most) People see a lot of text or code and run. You have to remember this forum, and probably the other ones you've posted on, are run by volunteers and take their personal time to help others. If you want immediate help (which is really what you're asking since you posted this less than an hour after your thread that's being ignored) then either pay someone or use a pay forums to receive help. It may not even be you, there are a lot of posts that are ignored due to a plethora of reasons.
  22. I guess considering your teacher can't spell, it makes sense that question doesn't make much itself. What part are you having trouble with?
  23. MAX() should work on a datetime field. Is your column really called 'datetime'? It would be nice if you showed us the entire query. This will work as well: SELECT `datetime` FROM table ORDER BY `datetime` DESC
  24. A grouping (rank) system has already been implemented. See here.
  25. Jeez, talk about lazy.
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