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Everything posted by Maq

  1. http://lists.evolt.org/archive/Week-of-Mon-20020923/123084.html
  2. Do you mind sharing the solution so that others can reference? NOTE: There is a "Topic Solved" button in the bottom left.
  3. These errors are very basic mistakes, and it is irritating that you're trying to perform something such as uploading files when you don't even know the fundamentals yet. I suggest you read the manual and some tutorials on the basics before proceeding. To answer your question, you need to replace the ampersand with '$', it is a variable.
  4. Your link leads to an error. You should probably post some relevant code.
  5. Well look at your $_POSTs, you're using a parenthesis and a square bracket. You should be using square brackets.
  6. I'm afraid I'm English... Right...
  7. Please don't double post, it just wastes time.
  8. You should also be escaping your POST values with mysql_real_escape_string, to prevent SQL injections.
  9. 1) Use [/code] tags. 2) What have you done to diagnose the problem? 3) Post only the relevant code. 4) Don't use short hand PHP tags, use <?php tags. 5) I don't see anything that even resembles you trying to get the owners... (Assuming it's coming from the DB)
  10. Maq


    Hi JBlaze and welcome! Just to let you know we actually have a sticky for this sort of topic: Get to know your fellow coder
  11. Does it have to be triggered by the first request? If not, you could simply schedule a cron for run first thing each day. If that's not a possibility then you can use mattal's suggestion (as I don't know any that will work without querying the DB every time), but I would use a DATETIME type, not a VARCHAR.
  12. Key phrase. If everyone person can only be in a single group then using AND wouldn't return anything, because that implies that a person could be in A and B at the same time. The short answer is yes, change your clause to OR.
  13. When you say: do you mean, A or B or people that are in A and B (1 person in both groups)? If it's the first scenario then you should apply the same concept, change AND to OR.
  14. First of all in your query you use 2009 not 2008. Second, I think you want an OR, I don't think cars can have 2 years. If that doesn't help, then I suggest posting your structure, example data, and desired results.
  15. It's also nice to know what part of the image the user clicked to find out what the most popular part is.
  16. I recommend jQuery. It's powerful, easy to use, and one of the more popular frameworks. The documentation isn't too verbose, but you can usually find what you're looking for somewhere on the web.
  17. You should read the documentation on $_SERVER, may find some helpful information.
  18. You're missing a terminating '}'. You have 12 opening and only 11 closing.
  19. That's the whole point of the WHERE clause, to only select a specific player. The * just selects all of the fields for that specific player. Maybe post your table structure, sample data, and what you want to output to be based off of a scenario.
  20. You spelled optimization wrong on your software box.
  21. No, only building_name. Read the documentation on MySQL SELECT. If you want more fields then either specify them in the select or, if you need all of them, use *. Not sure what you mean by this.
  22. Should just be a simple select query with a where clause: SELECT building_name FROM uk_user_buildings WHERE charname = 'playerA'
  23. A simple WHERE clause should do the trick. In your example what column would playerA be in? charname?
  24. Read the documentation: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/documentation/ I haven't used it for a while but I believe it should come with a GUI to assist you with the settings and configuration.
  25. It's hard to help with that kind of information. Sounds like you have an invalid XML document, did you change anything? I recommend PHPMyAdmin for a MySQL GUI.
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