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Everything posted by Maq

  1. You can use something like: following-sibling::*/html/body/div/div[2]/form/fieldset/h3[2]
  2. Now all IBM has to do is buy Oracle.
  3. Your web server's error log.... (apache, IIS, etc...)
  4. With the lack of information the most help I can tell is that it could be a multitude of things. Are you sure you followed the setup and configuration instructions step by step?
  5. You need to compare the days which would be a double equal (==) the single equals is for assigning. You also have to compare $freq to each day... i.e. if ($freq == "daily" OR $freq == "monthly" OR $freq == "yearly")
  6. Don't double post especially in two separate sections, please read my response in your other post. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,248975.msg1166066.html#msg1166066
  7. Maybe you're not receiving help because: - You never asked a question. - You didn't specifically mention what part you're having trouble with. - You didn't make any attempt. - Now you posted in the wrong section causing a double post which is annoying and wastes people's time if they read one and the other is solved. You need to join the tables and check the "user_id" on "Post Table" and grab the "id" for the post. I'm not sure why you want an inner join? Maybe I'm mistaken but I think a LEFT JOIN would work. Read more here: JOINS.
  8. There are certain debugging techniques you can use depending on what kind of error or symptom you're seeing. There is no correct answer to your question but here are some common tips. The best way to debug is usually just to echo out variables/queries to see what values they contain. You can also put this at the top of your page: ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); For more on error_reporting, read more here: error_reporting.
  9. max maybe? EDIT: Just tested it with your sample array, should be exactly what you're looking for.
  10. I assume this is solved then?
  11. EDIT: Nvm....
  12. Always use <?php tags, never short-hand as you use in your code, it minimizes portability. You need a name for this option. How is delete.php supposed to know what it is? What Band ?
  13. Can we see your form?
  14. Is there an echo in here?
  15. How are you passing it? Why do you think it's not passing it? What happens? If delete_band is a button then use this instead: if (isset($_POST['deleteband'])) {
  16. Great, this is solved then?
  17. Ah yes, you're right. I'm on a linux system so my slashes are always forward.
  18. Yes, the name of the directory goes in the path, how else would it know the directory name you're trying to create? The reason for the error is because you need to escape the forward slashes, it's escaping the quote which creates an invalid argument. mkdir("C:\\wamp\\www\\new_dir", 0700);
  19. Depends on your application...
  20. Yeah, so did I. In fact, there were only a few classes we actually used a computer in class. It didn't really matter because everyone brought their laptops to class.
  21. ORDER BY age, id Do you want to order by the age, but if there are multiple records for that age, order that subset by id? If you order by id first it's just going to order by id and nothing else.
  22. That's what mkdir does. Can you post the exact path? It should be i.e. "path/new_dir_name"
  23. A calculator is a computer
  24. When you echo out the query string what does it output? Post your current code. Does it show up in the URL when you get to the next page?
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