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Everything posted by ILMV

  1. Can I have your index.php file instead please.
  2. I haven't tried this yet, but there is a way to get Google Analytics to record the IP address of traffic, you define it as your single custom field, and use JavaScript to send that off to the Analytics site. This page will tell you more... http://intermarketing.merkados.com/ip-address-google-analytics
  3. Put it this way... if the script works, then it must, somehow find the function. I usually put an echo in the function, something like this: echo("I am inside the function <br>"); If you get that output on the screen, then you can be sure the function is being called
  4. I have done a Google search... there is a getURL function within the HTTP_Request package of pear, but it doesn't share the same input parameters. http://pear.php.net/package/HTTP_Request/ newer version http://pear.php.net/package/HTTP_Request2
  5. It would appear this is a custom function... have you got the entire code files? You should search through to see if you can find said function.
  6. 1) The issue for me is that you are advocating illegal activity "100% free of charge, put your credit card away", my opinion is that if you stay neutral you will be ok. 2) The massive link ads at the top it looks like a small link farm, that concerns me 3) The large advert for the toolbar at the bottom is concerning, toolbars to me scream "slow down my computer", but you only have it for IE of which is slowly declining in browser share. To sum up, if you had a very simple interface, without any ads (inc. toolbar ads) that searched the torrent sites this would be way more appealing. If you were to get rid of the slogan "100% free..." it would also help, because whilst I admit I have used torrents before, I don't tend to broadcast it throughout the world.
  7. ILMV

    String to rows

    Can you post a screenshot of the browser screen and source code window when this issue is occuring... seems like a strange one.
  8. Fantastic use of your authority
  9. The only organisation that will be able to roll out your concept of websites using these meta tags would be Wikipedia, because they have the web presence already. I think it would be better (but maybe not easier) to attempt to find the data using other methods, for example try and find on a web page "article written by joe bloggs" or "article updated 12/03/2009"... Obviously more difficult, but then you wouldn't have to try and distribute your meta tags If you get that nailed (or something similar) then this service will be in my bookmark bar, and I assume lots of other students.
  10. I agree, I think we should leave it at that, before things get violent
  11. Don't give me that crap, yes Google exists, but if you can get all the answers off of Google why would this forum exist. And yes I know his question was relatively simple so the chances of him finding the answer is going to be pretty high anyway, but if you felt like that why didn't you just say that in your first post, rather than ridiculing him with your facetious comments.
  12. Hello All I already have a Rewrite rule within my htaccess to ensure that the URL always has a www infront. Now I have two web addresses for this domain, one .co.uk address and a .com. I always want to use the .com address, so if people com in using .co.uk, how can I redirect them using htaccess. I have had a look at RewriteCond etc but I cannot understand them. Many Thanks, ILMV
  13. I don't think it was a stupid question, despite the fact some of us know the answer, not everyone does, hence why he asked the question. Frankly, as an administrator you should probably have the skill set to identify when a question is stupid or not, it seems as if you have misjudged this one. Deleting this thread when it was posted in miscellaneous would have been the stupidest admin decision ever, if only because of the content of the other topics in this forum.
  14. No worries! I used this code after each change: document.getElementById(el[i].id).onchange(); Thanks Me!
  15. Hello All, I have a form with x amount of checkboxes on, I also have a button of which fires the following code to select / deselect all of the checkboxes: function checkAll() { // set the form to look at (your form is called form1) var frm = document.processPaymentsList // get the form elements var el = frm.elements // a variation to store whether any boxes are checked var testit = false; // loop through the elements... for(i=0;i<el.length;i++) { // check if the element is a checkbox and whether it is checked if (el[i].type == "checkbox" && el[i].checked == true) { // we have found a checked box so remember this! testit = true; } } // loop through the elements again... for(i=0;i<el.length;i++) { // and check if it is a checkbox if(el[i].type == "checkbox" ) { // if it is a checkbox and we have found a checked box if(testit == true) { // tick the box el[i].checked = false; } else { // otherwise untick the box el[i].checked = true; } } } } My problem is, whilst this code will happily select / deslect the check boxes, it will not fire each onChange individually, this is essential. Can anyone tell me how I can force an onChange in this script. Many Thanks, ILMV
  16. There must be, however as PHP is a server side language it will have no use here at all. This thread should probably be moved to a more appropriate forum, perhaps Javascript.
  17. Are you posting data from a form to a script? Because if you are and you try to go back to that page IE may prevent your page from initially displaying, unless you confirm you want to post the data again.
  18. I got the same Yesideez dual 22" ftw Dude, there is no way you will get like 500 lines of code on a screen, unless you put two 24" screens on top of each other, on their sides with the code at size 8, then you might have half a chance...
  19. You might get a slightly higher resolution, but nothing like 10,000x8,000 Also, in my experience it is more difficult to setup, the quality can be a little crappy. What size screen are you currently using? You could consider getting a larger one, I get a good 50+ lines of code on my 22" TFT at 1680 x 1050 resolution. Finally, if this isn't enough, consider rotating your screen onto its side to increase the vertical resolution, my 22" will display 90+ lines of code in this view ILMV
  20. Ok so I am having problems figuring the problem out, my issue is it's this complexity of problem I would need infront of me to nail. On that note, your nested queries are pretty complex, and because fo this your nested loops are pretty complex. Have you considered using one query to get everything? This can be achieved using JOINs and will reduce the amount of code, increase code performance as well as making it simpler to understand.
  21. Hmmm, I did a quick test based on the information you have given me and it would appear it works for me :S Where you have {$h="H"} try putting an echo statement like this... {echo("IM IN THE ARRAY!<br>");}
  22. Can you run this code: echo("<pre>".print_r($ary,true)."</pre>"); And post it here. It will just display the contents of $ary. ILMV
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