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Everything posted by PravinS

  1. Add semicolon( on lines echo $query echo $result echo $views
  2. $queryreport = mysql_query("SELECT post_time_dif FROM response WHERE profile_id = '$id'"); $post_time_dif_tot = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryreport)){ $post_time_dif = $row['post_time_dif']; $post_time_dif_tot += $post_time_dif; } set zero value to $post_time_dif_tot variable above while loop or try above code or else you can disable notice errors from php.ini file
  3. Try using "array_merge" and "array_merge_recursive" php functions
  4. There are number of CMS in php like joomla,drupal etc, they provide all tutorials and documentations. You can visit there site.
  5. If you want to post any data from "index.php" to "print.html.php", then you need to submit your index page to print page, for that you can dynamically change form action to print page using javascript and submit that form. may this will help you
  6. First change type of print button from submit to button(i.e. type="button"). And add javascript onclick event on that button i.e. <input type="submit" value="Print" name="print" onclick="javascript: window.location='print.html.php';">
  7. Use MIN function in mysql to fetch least amount Refer: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/group-by-functions.html#function_min
  8. Try this $mail->Body = '<span style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px">'.$text.'</span>';
  9. get one from here http://www.phpclasses.org/search.html?words=curl&x=-421&y=-163&go_search=1
  10. create on common file and include all files in this common file, then include this common file in you main php or any other files
  11. yes using .htaccess (RewriteRule) you can set urls according to your requirement
  12. Refer this url: http://www.phpclasses.org/package/5927-PHP-Display-an-hierarchic-menu-stored-in-a-MySQL-table.html
  13. echo the query and execute it in MySQL and check the result
  14. SQL syntax is fine, but check the table name, field names etc.
  15. Using query string, you need to use key=value way of passing values like <td width="33%" align="left"> <?php if ($result==1) header("Location: import1.php?imagename=$imagename"); ?></td> and in import1.php page you need to get the value using GET method like this $imagename = $_GET['imagename']; echo "the filename is " . $imagename; may this will help you
  16. try using urlencode() and urldecode() functions for the links
  17. Please check the server configuration and also check that FTP functions are enabled on web server
  18. So you can use FTP php script. Just create single FTP account and use your above code for uploading, but do take security measures.
  19. According to you requirement don't use FTP upload script, you can use simple PHP uploading functions like copy, move_uploaded_file etc. to upload files. refer : http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp
  20. What exactly your requirement? If you want to upload/download multiple files from your local machine to server or server to local machine, you can use any FTP client like FILE ZILA, CUTEFTP etc.
  21. Please check this lines $connection_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server); $login_result = ftp_login($connection__id, $username, $password); variable name $connection_id in second line has tow under scores(__) also update this lines as if ((!$connection_id) || (!$login_result)){ die ("No FTP-Conection established!<br>Connection with FTP-Server as user ".$username." not possible!");
  22. As "AS" is reserved word in MySQL, so may not be updating the record and also not giving any error as sql syntax is correct. Try using this query mysql_query("UPDATE registrations SET `AS` = '9' WHERE `ID` = '123' ");
  23. Use like this <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var id = '<?php echo $id; ?>'; </script>
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