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Everything posted by PravinS

  1. This will help you <?php //For A - Z (Capital letters) for($c=65;$c<=90;$c++) { echo '<a href="page.php?letter='.chr($c).'">'.chr($c).'</a>'; } //For a - z (Small letters) for($c=97;$c<=122;$c++) { echo '<a href="page.php?letter='.chr($c).'">'.chr($c).'</a>'; } ?>
  2. Use nusoap PHP toolkit, download it from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/nusoap/
  3. Using PHP $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] also refer http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php
  4. Enable error_reporting(E_ALL) for PHP errors and let see what happens.
  5. Try this $array_search = array('<td>','</td>','<tr>','</tr>'); $array_replace = array('','','',''); $str = str_replace($array_search,$array_replace,$str);
  6. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/tutorial.html
  7. As this code is not in form, so "this.form" will not work, instead of it assign "id" attribute to radio button and use javascript "document.getElementById" function to check the radio button.
  8. Remove "%" from LIKE statement, search only pageid like e.g. "LIKE '$pageid'" in WHERE clause of SELECT query
  9. Use "$stmt->affected_rows" or "$stmt->num_rows" instead of "$mysqli->affected_rows"
  10. remove "$" from $phone, it should be like "$this->phone" not like "$this->$phone"
  11. you need to check user login status on every page and if it is inactive just destroy the session of logged in user.
  12. Set alt,title attribute for image tag Like: echo "<img src='".$showimage."' height='200px' width='133px' alt='SAMPLE TEXT'/>"; OR echo "<img src='".$showimage."' height='200px' width='133px' title='SAMPLE TEXT'/>"; or you can download some javascript tooltip script and apply it to image tag.
  13. Try using PHP "array_intersect()" function.
  14. Rather than creating you own CMS, use open source CMS like Joomla, Wordpress etc.
  15. try.. <?php include('../header.php'); include('../menu.php'); ?>
  16. Try using PHP "array_merge_recursive" function
  17. No need to use "CONVERT", just use "ORDER BY datetime". Also if possible change the field name "datetime" as it is reserved word
  18. You are checking USERNAME and PASSWORD both in SELECT query. I think you should check only USERNAME in database.
  19. Try "popen" function http://php.net/manual/en/function.popen.php
  20. what error you are getting, generally shell_exec() command is disabled on servers.
  21. "where" is reserved word in MySQL which is used as field name in your INSERT query, it may be giving problem, so change the field name or use "`" (back tick) to enclose field name in query may this will help you
  22. You can disable error reporting NOTICE in PHP.INI configuration file.
  23. Remove "AND WHERE", just use "AND"
  24. put this at the end of the page <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">changeButton('basic');</script>
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