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Everything posted by PravinS

  1. Try using SQLyog https://www.webyog.com/product/downloads you can import MS Access database in SQLyog
  2. first remove semi colon ( from last closing bracket and there is no closing bracket for first if condition if($result) also use CODE tags when you post any code so it can be viewed properly
  3. search for "pagination code using php" on google, you will get the code
  4. you need to use some library try TCPDF
  5. your SMTP connection is not working, try telnet from your server telnet smtp.gmail.com 587 telnet smtp.gmail.com 465
  6. check this line $mail->AddAddress(abcd@gmail.com,'abcabc'); use quotes around email address
  7. check your sql query
  8. its problem with your query, echo the query and debug your query in phpmyadmin or any other MySQL client
  9. you can put session_start() at top of your page
  10. you can use session to store the date when you open page first time next time you just need to check the session value, if it exist then don't store date in it, use session variable date may this will help you
  11. try using NuSOAP php toolkit
  12. check this url http://www.freecontactform.com/email_form.php
  13. second link is a reference for to check difference between specific time zone also you need to set some default time zone in your code and according to it your need to calculate the difference
  14. you need to check SMS APIs
  15. use NuSOAP PHP toolkit
  16. session_start() function should be at the top every time
  17. check PHP time zone section http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php also check http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.in/to/ist/to-est/
  18. it depends on payment gateway you are using, there are number of payment gateways like EBS, CCAVENUE which support card payment methods
  19. user array_slice() like array_slice($array,0,-10)
  20. what kind of card integration?
  21. your button name is "Submit" with capital "S" and while checking isset you are checking with small "s" as "submit", also assign values to each option in age drop down
  22. check SOAP client http://php.net/manual/en/class.soapclient.php
  23. how are you executing your index.html page? also you can not have PHP code in HTML page, check index.html page
  24. write error_reporting(E_ALL) at the top, so it will display errors if any also check whether your database user is having CREATE previlege
  25. PravinS


    check your MySQL database username and password
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