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Everything posted by PravinS

  1. Use session_unregister() instead of session_destroy(). As session_destroy() will destroy all your sessions, while session_unregister() will only destroy the mentioned variable from session.
  2. Just remove "echo' from your code
  3. You want to insert new record or want to update existing record. If you want to enter new record then you need to write INSERT query instead of UPDATE query.
  4. Try like this for loop $column2 = $_POST['column2_id']; for ($i=0;$i<count($column2);$i++) { echo $column2[$i]; }
  5. Try PHP nl2br() function
  6. Try this UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW());
  7. Try this http://www.phpclasses.org/package/5988-PHP-Retrieve-MySQL-query-results-into-arrays.html
  8. Ex. SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE field1_index = '1' OR field2_index = '1' OR field3_index = '1'
  9. It depends on your requirement. Also there is aurthorize.net, cybersource, 2checkout etc payment getway.
  10. Try this <?php $str .= '<?php'; $str .= ' $con = mysql_connect("localhost","forum","password");'; $str .= ' mysql_close($con);'; $str .= '?>' ; echo $str; ?>
  11. User strtoupper() function in PHP
  12. You have not called any of the defined functions and your functions does not return any value.
  13. Try htmlspecialchars_decode() function
  14. As while retrieving categories you will have a loop which will display categories. Now in that loop fetch the articles related to the category id and display below it.
  15. Check this out http://www.w3schools.com/Ajax/ajax_example.asp
  16. You can use simple for loops for it. For Day for($d=1;$d<=31;$d++) { // option tag with value and text as $d } For Month for($m=1;$m<=12;$m++) { // option tag with value and text as $m } Form Year for($y=date("Y")-90;$y<=date("Y");$y++) { // option tag with value and text as $y }
  17. According to your coding there is only way to pass PAGE_TITLE variable in page_header() function.
  18. There is space between $min and $timetype try this <?php echo $hr.':'.$min." ".$timetype; ?>
  19. Use like this <select size="1" name="cat_show" id="cat_show"> <option value="1" <?php if($e['cat_show'] == 1) echo " selected ";?>>Yes</option> <option value="2" <?php if($e['cat_show'] == 0) echo " selected ";?>>No</option> </select>
  20. getimagesize get size of the image, not of swf file.
  21. Refer this http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/misc/rewriteguide.html
  22. You need to use mod rewrite in .htaccess file.
  23. Yes, it can be determined. You can check this url http://www.ip2location.com/
  24. Use this function <?php function quote_smart($value) { // Stripslashes if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); } // Quote if not a number or a numeric string if (!is_numeric($value)) { $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'"; } return $value; } ?>
  25. Try this INSERT INTO `tasks` ( `id`, `challenge_id`, `title`, `frequency`, `category`, `description` ) VALUES ( "", 12, "title1", "frequency1", "category1", "somedesc1" ), ( "", 12, "title2", "frequency2", "category2", "somedesc2" ), ( "", 12, "title3", "frequency3", "category3", "somedesc3" );
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