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Everything posted by bluesoul

  1. Probably going to take some JavaScript to be somewhat usable.
  2. That cPanel may rely on a central user DB (all the users on the physical server), I'd ask your host where the info is stored and if it's possible to code your own script.
  3. He may want to get a DeviantArt account, you can upload plenty of really high-res stuff, and it'll watermark on request.
  4. Yeah the all-in-one solutions are great, I use them whenever I have the chance. Getting Apache and PHP to work on a new test environment can be infuriating.
  5. Perfect, I wasn't in the right frame of mind to come up with that simple solution! Ryan Hehe, I understand perfectly. It can be way to easy to overthink a problem, that's why this place is great. EDIT: As a note, you really don't even need to make a new var, just check $i, something like if($i%3 == 0) { echo "<br />"; }
  6. Nah, you shouldn't have to. I typically have the best luck installing Apache, then PHP. Check your httpd.conf and make sure it has something like... #BEGIN PHP INSTALLER EDITS - REMOVE ONLY ON UNINSTALL PHPIniDir "C:/Program Files/PHP/" LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll" #END PHP INSTALLER EDITS - REMOVE ONLY ON UNINSTALL Also make sure that PHP and Apache are both trying to read the right directories. The fact that you're getting a response is a good sign so just check those last few things.
  7. it needs to be... <?php phpinfo(); ?> Also, if that doesn't do it check your httpd.conf and php.ini, the order you install them in can make a difference.
  8. Well, yes, one can download a swf with some finagling, but reproduction from it is nearly impossible. With a subject like this it really comes down to minimizing the possibility, which can mean making so much of a pain in the butt that only those that are dead set on it will bother.
  9. Depends on how opaque the watermark is. Watermarking in my experience is pretty effective.
  10. I'm not sure I'm following exactly what you're asking but if you just need two rows of three you may want another variable inside your loop that you increment and insert a linebreak if it's divisible by three.
  11. Your best bet is a Flash gallery, they're the least prone to image stealing though, as it's been pointed out, if someone really wants it they're going to get it, though that's no reason to make it easy for them. You may want to try the forums at http://www.photography-on-the.net as the subject comes up quite a bit there.
  12. I've never messed with triggers, is it limited to static definitions or can it do, say, a session variable (username)?
  13. Thanks, I figured out what was wrong (I gave the textarea a name but not an id). Great stuff, you've helped more than you know!
  14. I feel like a schmuck but I'm not sure what to do with this. I've messed with it a little bit and I guess I'm not calling the function the right way. If the page loads with... <textarea name="foo">This is foo text.</textarea> And I want to click a link that says bar and have... <textarea name="foo">This is bar text.</textarea> Do I need to do something like... <script type="text/javascript"> function addTxt(txt_content) { document.getElementById("foo").value = txt_content; return false; } </script> <a href="#" onClick="javascript:addTxt(This is bar text.)">BAR</a>
  15. Sorry for the possibly obscure working in the subject, not exactly sure the best way to describe it but I believe it's a fairly simple bit of JS. I have a <textarea> that starts with some standard text. I want to give my users some preset links that populate that textarea with some static data. They can be simple text links or buttons.
  16. Ugh, I'll be the first to admit that regex isn't my strong suit and I may not even need it for this but I don't think substr will do it. Say I have a line that reads... request.type: domain.transfer.request I need to take everything after the colon and space and store it as a string. request.type: is constant, the text after it is not, and there will usually be lines above and below request.type.
  17. You may have to be a bit more specific about what you're wanting to do, if there's a pattern to the renaming, etc.
  18. Used this to send CSVs as attachments, provided you've fopen()ed the files and stored them as attachments this should work. --PHP-mixed-<?php echo $random_hash; ?> Content-Type: application/pdf ; name="file.pdf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment <?php echo $attachment; ?> --PHP-mixed-<?php echo $random_hash; ?>--
  19. Just thought I'd point out that spoono is one of my favorite resources out there, though their photoshop stuff is getting a bit outdated.
  20. This sounds right to me. Ask whoever hosts ghostadventures.net to add an A record in their DNS pointing to phpBB uses relative locations, not absolute, so if it starts with an IP it'll stay with an IP. Get your DNS straight and you'll be fine.
  21. Never done it but I imagine you'd be making a sessions table with a timestamp field that you can count against.
  22. Insulting people generally doesn't get them to help you. You're asking people to "explain how it works". We're telling you to "learn PHP". There are no lack of resources online that explain stuff like this. Or buy a book if you're into that sort of thing. If you don't know PHP how are you going to correct bugs when stuff goes wrong? If you take the time to learn the basics and how PHP and a database work with each other, building a profile page is really one of the easier things you can do, and thorpe (the administrator of this fine forum who you happened to tell to shut up, btw) just gave you the basics.
  23. Yeah, you'd have a cron job to repopulate fields in your DB. Or something like that.
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