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Everything posted by RussellReal

  1. I gave you answers for both bro
  2. #pikame { width: XXXpx; }
  3. #pikame li { float: left; }
  4. lol man, I'm not so sure about that.. you could try to do your interface in flash.. its way cooler
  5. no problemo
  6. if its at the very top just set your logged in value to true.. I don't see the problem.. and ANYWAY you shouldn't leave your user on the same page as you posted to.. header("Location: whatever...");.. move them, back to the same page.. for all that matters.. aslong as if they press refresh they don't resend all the post information.. AND you should never set a cookie with your user's password in it.. also look into sessions, they're better for this cookies should be used for like.. nothing lolz. realistically though cookies really have no use whatsoever except maybe for php to asp communications or something.. but I still see no purpose. ^^ take that back actually.. I use a cookie to dynamically store user prefered titles for my users for my site.. but still that could be done with a session
  7. do you drive a Chrysler? haha that would be ironic welcome to the party
  8. ORDER BY or WHERE type = 'XXX' or do you mean filter an array? you can sort it? asort or you can filter it with array_filter
  9. do you do an else if the cookie isn't set.. then after elseif set the cookie.. that wou.d be why I can't exactly say for sure since any output would diminish your accessibility to your users' cookies. set the cookie at the top of the page.. not at the bottom
  10. every 45 seconds through a command line would be no problem..you just use sleep or maybe even SSH you could do it.. but through an HTTP Request, its impossible without cron.. well not IMPOSSIBLE.. but its impossible to have it run exactly every 45 seconds..unless you have a page view at exact intervals 45 seconds apart..
  11. I use Notepad++ aswell.. AJAX is just javascript.. so notepad++ does just fine
  12. hello there I'm a runescaper.. or retired anyway, but I play time to time, RussellReal add me if you're interested SIDE NOTE! live search is usually every key or every other key or retriggered after a certain number of milliseconds.. like.. 250 milisecond wait.. even if the guy types like 5000 characters per second.. hes only going to get 4 or so requests in that second.. you gotta figure if someone is typing that fast they know what they want already.. and 4 queries per second if its ajax and returning something light like 40 bytes of data.. and all thats happening is 1 query.. I'm pretty sure you'll be alright
  13. you probably don't have access to write to the directory you start in.. try changing directories.
  14. his javascipt is not asynchronous meaning it will hang until it gets a response or fails
  15. I like it.. once its not an image it'll be less distracting
  16. welcome to the party
  17. I would add spaces..
  18. expects form to be like this below <form> <submit onclick="void(e = this.parentNode,e.action = 'page2.php',e.target = 'iframe2');"> </form>
  19. uhm.. you kinda deserve a bonk on the head lol. window.open opens a new window.. if you don't want to open a new window.. don't call window.open
  20. 'course its possible.. if you own both domains.. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ([^\.]+)\.com$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1.co.uk/$1 ^^ I think that will do what you need..
  21. just use it.. in Javascript there are only 2 scopes.. function variables and global variables, anything specified outside of a function will be available inside of a function.. everything specified inside of a function will be destroyed after the function exits.
  22. maybe pdfs don't support positioning from css.. put it in a table..
  23. last resort.. iframe.. set up an iframe 100% tall 100% wide.. then put the footer on the bottom of the page.. and the iframe will scroll correctly
  24. getimagesize
  25. <body style="margin-bottom: 20px; overflow: hidden;"> <div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0;">Footer Text</div> <div style="overflow: scroll; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: block;"> content content content </div> </body>
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