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Everything posted by RussellReal

  1. try containing the content in a div.. and making the div overflow: scroll.. and the body overflow: hidden; so that the scroll pane only shows up to the right of the div containing the content.
  2. yes.. it is.. my old regex just matched tunesANYTHING_ELSE but didn't tell apache where to fetch any other files.. and so it all is just a redirect to the index page..
  3. RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^tunes(?:/(.*))?$ files/music/$1 [L]
  4. lol, set the images and stuff on the page to search from the main directory on.. for example instead of: main.jpg ^^ that will point the file to http://whatever.com/path/to/phpfile/main.jpg use /main.jpg ^^ that will point the file to http://whatever.com/main.jpg understand?
  5. You're not misinformed.. it does do what you think it does, however, I don't exactly see what is wrong with that code.. try this: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^tunes.*$ files/music/ [L]
  6. there are a couple tutorials here on the site already, but TRUST ME you're going to learn ALOT better by coming up with a project you want to do.. be it something simple or silly.. get interested.. a tutorial will not keep you interested and give you a bunch of code which will just give you teh answers and will still leave you asking how most of the time... find a little project or think of a little project.. then when you need to figure out how to do something like.. get the length of a string (strlen) you browse php.net until you find a function that will do it for you.. and many times you will have some trouble finding the function.. in which case that is what forums are for.. helping you find your way either way, welcome aboard!
  7. mysql_real_escape_string but also if you're expecting an integer you might aswell typecast the variable $id = (int) $_GET['id'];
  8. function next50($page) { // this code assumes the xml feed will return no data when there is no more rows to update.. // get the other 50 and fill into $xml with $page being an int if ($xml == null) return; foreach ($xml as $v) { // parse your XML into $id, $price, $name etc $products[$id] = "whatever whatever"; } next50(++$page); } next50(1); note its untested, but it should work.
  9. what do you mean? why not just put 1 image tags together then set them to block elements.. td.2imgs img { display: block; } <td class="2imgs"> <img src="x.jpg" /> <img src="y.jpg" /> </td>
  10. not exactly sure what you mean.. but tryna guess here.. $description = nl2br($row_myData['content']); // lol
  11. instead of : document.getElementById('rategood').innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; try: alert(xmlhttp.responseText);
  12. .footer { position: fixed; bottom: 0; height: 20px; /* set height of the footer */ } body { padding-bottom: 20px; /* set this to the height of the footer */ }
  13. dude how are you making a function inside of a function?
  14. matter of preference there is certain quirks to blob but its not a real noticeable quirk unless your charsets conflict somehow.
  15. between a blob and a text datatype you should not see any change in the html equivalent to that piece of data. You might want to, however, set the max byte size of the text field to 4000.
  16. anytime man I've got an MSN and I KNOW HOW TO USE IT
  17. So that would be $player->Orc->berzerkerRage(); and $player->Paladin->prayForAbsolution(); to access each individual method. That wouldn't be bad, I guess, because the specific classes would still exist, AND I would only be instantiating the ones I needed. Makes sense. I had thought about this too - instantiating the attacks, which would then presumably be controlled by an interface to make sure it's got all of the appropriate methods (getViableTargets, getDamage, getDamageType, etc). That's probably a good idea in it's own right. it would be $thePlayer->race->ability(); and $thePlayer->spec->ability();
  18. You don't need to make a million different classes that'd be annoying you could, however, instead of making the classes extensions of 1 big class you COULD simply make a few variables inside the player class class Player { public function __construct($name,$race/* Orc.. etc */,$spec/* Paladin etc */) { eval("\$this->name = new $name;"); // = new Orc(); eval("\$this->name = new $spec;"); // = new Paladin(); } } then you can go thru each object to get the special abilities or whatever, however again, you could just use classkit its awesome
  19. shes pretty hot, I'd hit it.. but with a database you'd be better off. You'd be able to fit way more information around the images with a database, and the database won't be looking through folders just fetching data, also paginating will be a tiny bit easier.. so faster + better information capacity.. What you'd want to do is keep the images whereever they are, and in the database point to those images.
  20. welcome
  21. Yeah this site really does have lightning fast response times.. I usually answer the questions that're left open for like 10 minutes.. I type pretty slow (compared to other lightning fingered coders out there) so I just go for the ones nobody else answers. Sometimes I beat someone to a post.. but we all have our places here, that is why they call it a community. So feel welcome no matter what you do here, it makes it a better place
  22. yeah man, if it was just experts here oni would feel pretty lonely at the noob table lolz jk, welcome aboard man
  23. 1378th you're more pro than me.. </3 anyway, welcome aboard man!
  24. Yeah welcome to the party man.. your English is a little rusty where are you from?
  25. Welcome home!
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