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Everything posted by Monkuar

  1. Screw using that bloated PDO crap, nonsense. They're is an error somewhere if it just randomly stopped. Enable error reporting, put this at the top of your php file error_reporting(-1); Try it again, copy your stuff here. This can be done easily w/o the need of PDO or another function, those tables should be able to run just fine stock.
  2. not intentionally but it wasn't "bleach" it just some random cleaner from wal mart to be honest. But I only did that like 2 times in a 1month period last month (when I got really mad at it). But most of the time it was from the water bottle I made, that I guess now wasn't so much "water"..... now i just feel f*.......ing terrible dude, cat is lying in the corner in my grandma's room with her face on the floor just a matter of time before it starts making screaming noises (i've been through alot of cat deaths trust me). talking to my mom right now about going to the emerjency vet afaik, hope we go
  3. Try to save the file as a .php instead of a .html. Your server is NOT configured to run php inside html. You need to look into that. What server are you running it on? Localhost or a development? WAMP/Apache/Nginx/etc?
  4. like today when i found out about her, i thought it was my fault for spraying her, so i went to the bottle and smelled it, because i knew if it was just water then it would be fine, but it did smell like 404 cleaner so i knew that was a bad sign. and there was some days where I would get really pissed off and pull out a real 404 bottle and spray her too. But that was around 1month ago, the effects wouldn't just be appearing now. we do have around 5 more cats in the house, we live at our grandma's and quite frankly im sick of them, they poop and shit everywhere and they're annoying as shit. and they piss and puke on my new carpet I bought from lowes improvement centre and yeah. I mean im not happy she has to be put to sleep, but im not really sad either. But I hope it wasn't my fault for spraying her, that would be messed up now that I think about it makes me kinda sad weird someone else has the same problem as me http://www.thecatsite.com/t/3118/my-cats-neck-is-bent-and-she-walks-sideways-somtimes
  5. well the thing is there wasn't that much bleach in the bottle that i smelled it. I even sprayed some in my hands and licked it a little bit to see what kind of effect she had to endur, it made my throat swell up, so i did wash my mouth out with toothpaste, brushed my teeth. so im not sure what kind of effect it had on it, but her name is "Jet", that's why it's called "Jet Deterant". But I mean it's mostly water but she walks around with her face bent down and her neck looks like it stuck up, im not sure how to explain it, but I hope we take her to vet tonight and get her put to sleep. I think she is around 14 yr old too, she is very old, i just was wondering if anyone knew any problems or solutions for her neck that's all pikachu sheesh.
  6. I actually think it was my fault.... this cat used to beg me for canned catfood everymorning, so I made a spray bottle and put the words "Jet Deterant" on it, (printed the paper out) and taped it on the cleaner 404 bottle. Well I washed out the bottle and put regular water in it, and I sprayed her whenever she came meowing at my feet in the morning "Begging for "food". It pissed me off so I just kept spraying her with it. well I took out the bottle today and smelled it and it seemed like it smelled like a 404 cleaner.. so I think some of that bleach or w/e is in the 404 cleaner was left over in the bottle and infected her face over time per each spray that i sprayed her with. this was totally unintentional... but I think that could be the reason. I kind of feel bad now
  7. Does this mean the user has blocked me? or system error? Doesn't seem right just a heads up I never tried to pm anyone else yet so it could still be in effect on other users.
  8. not really our "cat" but a stray that we took in and fed for years... she is also the mother of my baby cat too... but like she is really old and she walks around the house with her neck like bent down... she cant move her neck up and look up, she looks like a damn zombie walking around the house, she doesn't eat and she is all black color (fur) so she looks really creepy. we are thinking of getting her to the vet ASAP so we can get her put down, we don't want her to suffer. She lived a great life and has been spoiled for the past 2years with canned catfood and thousands out of pockets, but oh well. So anyone know why her kneck is like bent down? any final thoughts before we put the poor baby down, or ideas how to fix the neck ?
  9. Yes I agree, I was just making a point saying that most people w/o a brain would figure hey "The GUI looks so nice in Firefox! It must be the best!!!". That is like the same argument as "Oh Windows must be the best OS Because it's so easy to navigate around!" kind of argument I believe chrome needs to build a tamper data plugin extremely bad, aw screw this, I've gone way off topic than the original thread, i apologize.
  10. Thanks, I think I'll be scratching the fopen thing... Doesn't seem correct on a forum to have it run each refresh. I'll be looking into subqueries and see if I can sneak in a simple update query with a current select hidden somewhere Thanks man
  11. HAHAAHAHAHAH Cessna!
  12. Well just from a gooie perspective, Firefox looks way better hands down. here are the pics, pretty self explanitory. Firefox hands down...
  13. Okay, I want to make a simple hit counter on my forums.. But the problem is, I don't want to use MYSQL. I know how to code, make it.. I could either update a global MYSQL UPDATE views=views+1 command with MYSQL for each refresh. Or use a FOPEN command and write to a text file. If the forums have 5 or 10 concurrent CONNECTIONS (Refreshing every second), which option would be the best? Seems like MYSQL Would be right? Or when does FOPEN not become suitable for this? Thanks
  14. Location Dallas, TX your taking a damn plane pikachu? lol this shit is in the uk
  15. LOL @ the bottom: Cities with the most people interested in PHP Meetups 1 Chennai, India 562 interested 2 Mumbai, India 428 interested 3 Pune, India 314 interested 4 Calcutta, India That is funny okay i will look for WA State (https://www.google.c...iw=1920&bih=967) not finding anything atm If you can help me find one in WA State, USA, zip code: 98372 around their that'd be nice. I cant find any meet n greet around here. And I am not driving more than 40 miles either, gas is insane. though, if you do find one, what do I do when I get their just talk to other php guru's and ask them help on my code? lmao i'd get so nervous they'd prob laugh at me and think im a joke or something...
  16. Tickets seem pretty expensive imo, lol. I guess they pay for your food and lunch for 2days? It sucks because nothing like "PHP Events" happen in the USA or in my state, i never hear of any "coding or "php gatherings", it's quite dumb. I actually think phpbb had a gathering around here once for their community forum software, but I was a young in and didn't know nothing about it so i don't think I went, long time ago though.
  17. If I lived in the UK, I would love to go. I live in USA, WA State though, so meh... would be way to far for me. Are you going Adam? Hope you have fun man, get some pics and share.
  18. I agree, the firebug, on firefox seems to much. But I am sure if someone is already familiar with it, they probably love it. Though I do believe firebug as more options and a plethora of more features. But You're right, chrome developer tab/tools is much easier and to the point, in my opinion it gets the job done. I think they should make a tamper data thing with chrome. I use tamper DATA ALOT for protection and securing my script, checking inputs. I hate opening up firefox all the time just to check a specific field... it pisses me off. But I guess it's whatever, both are great browsers nonetheless
  19. Lol you wrote a script that will make us believe that it's used against God's will, lol wat? I want the source, now! In any event, Welcome to phpfreaks, enjoy your stay
  20. Welcome to phpfreaks, enjoy it.
  21. I think the OP wants sauce
  22. Haha, funny store. Sorry for the necro awakening of this thread, but I had to reply! Why are not you happy you didn't get the job @ facebook? Hell if they saw what you said on the resume and already put in a phase 5 interview and you were ready to keep going, you should have just kept going, you'd probably would have gotten it. (And you still could have owned phpfreaks in the background as a hobby!) ( just my opinion ). But I do love these forums and i know they're other forums out there that offer php help, but most are paid sites and most offer a reply in like 2days, which is horrible.. Here @ PHPFreaks, I get help on replies in less than 10-20 minutes, lol. It's actually pretty cool. And I bet you some people who started crazy sites/ideas might have came here for help in the past. I remember back in the day when I was like 13 or 14, I was browsing the phpbb forums and the owner of GAIAOnline now was making support topics on the phpbb forums on a "Avatar" mod..... Well guess what, look at gaiaonline now? Pretty crazy how he was seen asking help on the phpbb forums, If you care enough, I think I might have the link somewhere, it's pretty nostalgia. So with that being said, I am pretty sure someone was here that started a crazy idea/website/forum. and I am sure in the future you will get a PM from me, or someone else about a beautiful success story that originated from getting help from PHPFreaks. And that right there would make the owners of this board feel great IMO. Cheers You never know!
  23. @.Josh is right, chrome doesn't even have a firebug/tamper data addon as well, which is very disappointing. @,josh, did you ever try to find a setting in the addon it's self to not update automatically maybe? might help reduce stress time when working with a client and like you said when it just "auto updates" I'd be pretty pissed to myself.. hope you get that stuff sorted out.
  24. Welcome!! This is the place to be!
  25. Lol, @ Barand, I added people as friends and they didn't have to accept me, it was automatic, that's great
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