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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. It's the only version i'll use. Comes with XP, stays with XP. I'm not going to download a 300MB clone attempt of firefox and opera's tabs. No way.
  2. Ah. Couldn't think of the name, so I called it palette up there. I like the idea of it, but..Hope it doesn't go too far, and the new generation of web designers make sliding buttons and all that..
  3. It's not so much a secret. I like the video/audio tag support (actually a few videos I've seen in the wild, randomly that used it.). Firefox 3.5 does support a few specific tags for HTML 5 already.. Chrome likes to jump ahead too as well. Well, I'm glad to see the palette and videos being able to be controlled by 'us', with JS. I hate flash sometimes, takes up too much of the processor..
  4. NTCS resolution for a standard definition tv (SDTV, 4:3) is 576 * 432, don't think there's much of a worry.
  5. <?php if($_POST['Submit']) { //COLLECT DATA $name = $_POST['name']; $location = $_POST['location']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $customer_mail = $_POST['customer_mail']; //ERROR CHECKING $error = ''; if (!$name) $error = $error."<b>Full Name</b>"; if (!$location) $error = $error."<b>City, State</b>"; if (!$phone) $error = $error."<b>Phone Number</b>"; if (!$customer_mail) $error = $error."<b>Email Address</b>"; if ($error!="") echo "<font color='#FF0000'><font size='4'>Please fill out all required fields</font><br />$error</font>"; } else { //SUBMIT & REDIRECT mail( "[email protected]", "Contact Form Results", $emailMessage, "$name <$email>" ); header( "Location: http://gkicredit.com/thankyou.php" ); } } ?> Looks like you just hadn't an ending tag on your ELSE. THat should work.
  6. He means S-out -> S-in on TV. OP, Here's a nice article on some problems and workarounds on TV output on those types of cards: http://forums.nvidia.com/lofiversion/index.php?t61279.html You set up different signal types (such as PAL/NTCS/HD) and sig frequencies on that way, should resolve the problems!
  7. IE (along with MS's standards) relies on it being \r\n. (carriage return, newline). Linux \n, Mac just \r. If it is a mix of the two, or multiple, then yeah, IE may give you no lines or multiple lines. Firefox may possibly correct this when placing to clipboard.
  8. http://api.browsershots.org/png/original/da/da71fb86ced5950dfb05a108d24ecc71.png I'll end my shananigans there.
  9. Ignace, he means readability of the codebox, and what it gives out. Atleast on tags if someone on windows posts some code, the parser spews out 0D 0A 0D. (\r\n\r) Either causes a notepad to not read newlines, or to have it double spaced. I've seen come across this issue many times before actually.. where blocks of tabs and newlines would appear for no reason when copying to my IDE. EDIT, I actually get 0A0A ..\n\n when posting on linux, further messing things up for M$ viewers.
  10. The crystal paste of which the screen is composed of, obviously cannot maintain uniform voltage. Therefor I must assume it is broken.
  11. I think it was moved. Eh. Just read the documentation: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch05s02.html By the way, this is my 1337'th post!
  12. Welcome!. And to make myself happy, This is my 1337'th post.
  13. Can you not set up individual wordpress accounts on your site per author? There are many options I believe on sorting posts, such as allowing the posts of one author to be on their own section, or all together. If you're wanting an alternate database for other things, you can just do so with your host and call it separately..
  14. That flash sure loads fast, +1 for that. I like the idea of a mobile framework, I doubt many potential developers would want to pay $100 for an apple license tagged with XCODE.
  15. The citigroup site uses some hacked up scripts, which I find ironic! /*********************************************** * Featured Content Slider- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com) * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for this script and 100s more ***********************************************/ They may use a cheap CMS, but the developer of that site sure didn't know how to code some of it, so he relied on other scripts. A lot of these sites I see are just mixes of an expensive(or large) CMS or a whipup of what a web designer, maybe even a single one. Dreamweaver, I don't get why you should buy something like so, Netbeans and much others are free and do pretty much the same, it's not so worth it to get something like that. [ot]I like the look of http://e107.org 's cms. Low memory usage and it's very featureful (not like 10000mbs that joomla is).[/ot]
  16. I'm assuming nvtmpinst is for the nvidia drivers you have, in that case they it is a temporary folder for the installation of them, so I'm not sure it'd matter. Libusb0.sys is a required library for polling certain devices properly, it's usually placed by programs such as (itunes, WMP, etc..) and shouldn't matter. Open Device Manager by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Maintenance, and then clicking Device Manager.‌ Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. From there you can view drivers and see any that are conflicting. What would help is what system you are using, and what audio card is in issue, if the drivers are not there then you should download them from your manufacturer's respective site! As well as your DVD problem, a lot of DVD drives (especially for laptops) are custom enough to require a driver other than default.
  17. It's just funny, they get random 'reliable' hosts to take the screenshots, but half of them (including ~40% of the older browsers) can be crashed using old methods, it works because they're never patched, as they're old in the first place. I found it so funny when I did that!
  18. Sessions are to maintain a server side login. It sets one cookie (the session id) and that is all that is needed. Pear has a class for sending e-mails: http://pear.php.net/package/Mail Should be straight forward from there, to create validations etc. (which I recommend)
  19. That is like being the tallest among midgets, or the smartest in "special class". Damn Skippy! It's funny how you can use that site to perform arbituous XSS attacks and destroy its own browsers. MSIE 5.5 one allows res:\\shdoc.dll//res://file:\\\\windows\\\cmd.exe\0\0, although i'll need to work on it a little.
  20. EDIT: Bah, nevermind, my eyes are failing me. IT's unexpected because one of your (upper) IF blocks was closed prematurely.
  21. There are many examples and tutorials and plugins on the internet for a reason. Look.
  22. Also note to not include the BOM (byte order mark) if the option is there, as it could cause incompatabilities with the script. (IE count as whitespace before <?php for headers)
  23. oni-kun


    According to spec, IE's default method of showing a favicon is this: It should work. <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="http://www.yorkbaptist.org.uk/favicon.ico"/>
  24. Early for me as well.. Glad you got it.
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