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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. Did you manually set Apache to run under port 5550? Because if you go <yourIP>:5550, It won't even read the server that has apache on it. Because apache was set up to run under port 80. If it connects to, It will not be found. And will either default to :80 (and find apache) or return a METHOD NOT ALLOWED flag. Again, you should port different ports per forward. As mentioned, You are telling your Router to forward an external port to two clients, which the client should handle, in this case you're not using a proxy, so it's a hit and miss scenario, and incorrect setup.
  2. Host: <extern IP>:5550 DNS: Host <extern IP>:5550 resolves to <extern IP> Host: <extern IP> DNS: Binding to socket NAT: Binds to DNS: Unable to resolve (Method not allowed) <-Gameserver DNS: .. DNS: Connecting to next available port,-> DNS records resoves to <Extern IP> DNS: Binding to socket NAT: Binds to DNS: Connecting to Default<-Apache DNS: Method: HTTP/1.1 There you go. Now note the client's DNS will not automagically do this, The router is using a hit and miss technique. You should map different ports to different clients to maintain NAT integrety.
  3. I already mentioned speedstep separately. The quote I was answering upon said nothing about "Intel laptops" that were compatable with "speedstep". You cannot underclock a processor on baseline laptops (Do you think all are P4/5's?) Intel speedstep is a propriertary processor feature. You should have read up. EDIT: And you're wrong, undervoltage saves power, not the 'underclocked' bus frequency.
  4. Do you understand what port forwarding is? Apache should by default be on port 80. Meaning you should map port TCP 80 -> 192.x.x.1 (apache server) Then you should forward map port 5550 to 192.x.x.2 (game server) Does that make sense? If you want DNS to have a wildcard resolve, that is not secure by any means. The Client DNS should not need to read both end hosts and decide magically what to connect to.
  5. Imagine trying this: header('Location: ' . $site1 && $site2); It's impossible! Use a network switch, proxy (as thorpe mentioned) or a different port. The client connects to what the router tells it to, two servers at once (in your example), It can't be done. Why can't your forward apache to 80, and second apache to 8080? That's hardly out of stanard spec, if you are specifically just wanting two different servers accessable.
  6. What are you trying to do? The GET superglobal has to be handled, for example: getyear.php?ID=10 if (isset($_GET['ID'])) { $ID = (int)$_GET['ID'] $sql = ... WHERE ID = $ID.. //list ID 10 } else { //List all results }
  7. Reminds me of erowid. Not a bad design that it isn't.
  8. http://www.chromaticsites.com/blog/13-reasons-why-css-is-superior-to-tables-in-website-design/ Plenty online. If you do wish to keep the sloppy tables, then decrease the textbox size, and use css's min/max-width attributes to prevent the box from being short in other browsers.
  9. $name = "zorlok7"; $filecontents = file_get_contents("http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=$name"); $stats = explode(',', $filecontents); $exp = explode("\n", $stats[2]); echo $exp[0]; //209351778 Note the exp is separated by a newline, not a space (as I did in that example). You'd just need to find the index of the other lines, you can't explode them as newlines as there are internewlines, so finding $stats[30] for example is what you'll have to do for each line.
  10. Not one hundred percent sure, but if they are tabs then it may be possible your regex is adding them. They shouldn't be there on their own, as they're built by \t and it's not placed by your file code.
  11. Yeah, as mentioned: You should really use CSS opposed to tables, then it'd be corrected cross browser.
  12. Nearly every BIOS chip manufactured for a laptop, does not allow 'extended' BIOS access to even touch the bus frequencies. Dell, IBM, Gateway, Acer and all major brands are infamous for not allowing it. Only Intel speedstep and related can usually be disabled. Save for some high end notebooks, noting the Dell XPS line atleast allow some control. Laptops busses are not meant to be touch, a single 100MHz gained can permanently damage the unit, or literally cause battery failure, or worse. It's why it's prevented. (why am I rambling? .. lol)
  13. $name = "zorlok7"; $filecontents = file_get_contents("http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=$name"); $stats = explode(',' , $filecontents); echo '<pre>'; echo print_r($stats); But anyway, You'd rather use a preg_match pattern to grab the score with the obvious greater accuracy and be able to parse much more. EDIT: Updated code to do something useful, if you'd not want to use preg_match. Try running the above code to see the output, as you can see it makes a nice array of every stat there.
  14. There you go. It obviously would add it to the end line, and the following write would be after that.
  15. They can't have the same lan I.P. but internet I.P. they surely can. For instance, I have two computers, one is and the other both are under the same exact internet I.P. and port. Which one would reply to the clients request or both? Read the previous post. You can only map one port via your router to be accessable through the internet. You must physically map (forward) xx.xx.xx.xx:80 ->, You obviously can't map both.
  16. Huh, this board seems dead, wonder why.. The WIP looks great as I can see it briefly, but there's one noticable problem in design: My browser is Firefox 3.5 / Linux. You allow long names, My ~30 length username works. Also, check to see if the username is the same as the password when registering, the password should never be the same as the username for security reasons. (+1 for the upgrade account thing.. )
  17. Reason: No Reason! Email: [snip from textbox] Email is banned! Looks like it worked. I like the reason part, a friend of mine was partial to that sorta method.
  18. Meh, simple stuff. Try removing a background of a city, including colors that match the skin
  19. ? Over or even underclocking a laptop is a huge no-no in the biz.
  20. It uses a library that would be pointless to integrate another one within. It's worked for the 88504+ members already so I doubt it needs to be brought to thought. If you have troubles registering or unable to post because of this, contact Daniel0.
  21. Why would you echo a local variable? Do you mean to echo $myrow['code'] ? [ot]Using short tags <? ?> will cause PHP to not assume the boundries, thus supressing errors.[/ot] You should place the following code at the top of any PHP page to display errors, As PHP does not display them by default: ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); This could have provided the clue in the first place, and may have more.
  22. Don't use short tags.
  23. Funny guy LOL
  24. Check out his last activity. Maybe he died. Well, http://www.google.ca/search?q=bobbinsbro http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search?rd=r1&p=%22bobbinsbro%22&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-715 (Yahoo seems to return more relevant results) Maybe finding his other accounts will lead somewhere.
  25. Unless its binary data there is no hope of 'processing' anything. Your question makes no sense unless you give us an example of what you are wanting to do, it doesn't even seem so viable. Why would you want to do this? To be able to process it, it HAS to be written to your server, temp or not.
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