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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. Why not just look at an article with all the answers? http://www.w3schools.com/XHTML/xhtml_html.asp And ask yourself this. Does SMF use XHTML/xml tags? Do you want to be able to use XHTML tags instead of the standard HTML docset? A doctype, again, will have nothing to do with your page except allow validation of the structure of your page. A doctype will not affect your PHP in any way, atleast not in what normal programming conventions use.
  2. It depends what you're going to use. If SMF is indeed validated with XHTML than you should use that. If you're wanting to use HTML comments (IE: <!-- -->) than it will invalidate your doctype, but will still work. Doctypes won't make or break a page, but it is important to stick within one set dictionary. TheW3 Validator can match your page, if you're wanting to against a doctype.
  3. var_dump $NewsID and see if it contains a newline, as the header() function will not be pleased if it does!
  4. Why would you not try to set the domain and reference on documentation for setcookie to make sure you're not performing a mistake? But if you're doing it with a cart, as mentioned, if you want a more reliable method than just use sessions, PHP will handle the cookies for you, and sessions can expire.
  5. What are you asking of us, to write a whole script for you on some variables that are completely unknown to us? This would be a more freelance thing. If you need help with problematic code, then ask us one step at a time. It's hard to help when you don't help yourself , or help yourself help us.
  6. Well, listening to the logic: If the session variable 'area' contains nothing (empty string), than it will return the string 'selected'. So it will display: "Selected>Area" or similar into the html, the tag would make it selected.
  7. Look at this web page for the directive: https://developer.mozilla.org/index.php?title=En/CSS/%40font-face But I believe only Firefox 3.5 allows this feature, I'm not 100% sure IE even would read it. You'd have to look up compatability for the @font-face. But yes, this is really more a CSS question. EDIT: spec url
  8. What 'string' are you wanting to apply it to? GD is the only thing it could be applied to. If you're talking about a string on a web page, than the CSS function to import font from an url only works on FF3.5 and similar browsers.
  9. PHP is a server side language, Functions like that look like they'd exist in JS/PDF/Java..
  10. Assuming the JS is not part of your PHP logic, just output, then you're able to just simply close the tag: <?php if ($node->field_image[0]['fid']) { ?> <script type=text/javascript> var objLink = new myC_Remote.BuyLink(); objLink.LinkContent = '<img src=\"http://www.domain.com/mycapture/images/remote_Buy_this_Image_2.gif\" alt=\"Buy this Image\" />'; objLink.IsAboveImage = false; objLink.LinkClass = 'field-items'; objLink.PricingSheetID = '2041'; objLink.Render(); </script> <?php } ?> Much easier than echoing it in a string or using HEREDOC.
  11. Which line is line 83?.. From what I browse through I don't see any errors.
  12. As suggested, you may do this: $location = '/folder1/another_folder/page.php'; $basedir = explode('/', $location); echo $basedir[1]; //Output: folder1 It will work on any length url, it simply gets the first folder.
  13. It seems to be an encoding issue, I've seen this on many other sites. Is everything set to one encoding? (header, doctype, meta etc.)
  14. What is displayed in your database table for 'date'?
  15. What you should really use is isset, instead of isNull. And what is isEmpty, Do you mean empty? mysql_real_escape_string is a good idea for queries to check for injection. But you've not told us much more, so it's hard to suggest much.
  16. It's static text, Try this.. $sitecontents = file_get_contents('http://www.megaupload.com/?d=62LER87'); if (preg_match('/invalid link/i',$sitecontents)) { echo "File does not exist."; } else { echo "File available."; } EDIT: fixed code a little
  17. Yeah, the website in this case redirects you to a custom 404 page, so it'll appear as '200' anyway, since the client won't know the error code. As mentioned you can search for the text 'Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.' with strpos, and your answer will be solved!
  18. No, one likes being wrong. But I hate repeating facts to people who don't / won't research. All the NT manual, startup screen of boot install of 6 operating systems, and Microsoft KB state MS-DOS is used to initiate the startup of the installer, why couldn't you get that? You're just spewing out that I'm wrong when you are yourself?
  19. Does tinypic or photobucket provide an API to allow you to access your pictures with your site? If so, than they'd provide a simple method to display your pictures using PHP/etc. As for displaying your images, This is more of a JS question, if you're looking for a slideshow.
  20. Is allow_url_fopen set to true within your php.ini? If not the function will fail right away.
  21. Yes, It may work like this as they are just simply incrementing numbers. $time = time(); $check = "1234567890"; if ($time >= $check) { echo "Time has passed $check"; }
  22. You don't like being wrong? Hey I still telnet to nethack, best game EVAR! Been playing various incarnations of it for like 25 years now. On your site there was a static game of it? Reminded me and I managed to stumble onto that site and played a good 3-4 hours before expiring.
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