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Posts posted by Dorky

  1. ok bin bg is gone and spelling fixed. im not sure i want to oversell. im selling to sales people all day and when i myself as a person selling something am not convinced by long winded sales pitched the could otherwise be published as a novel. also i contrast to some other designers my port actually send the visitor to the sites listed so that also counts as content and the short content leaving the thirst for information is so they do not become bored before making it to the portfolio. if you bore the visitor by the time they leave the site you lose them and they have no reason to call or email for more info. i did read a bit of material regarding the psyc side of design. thus the position of my contact info.

  2. well, one major concern is that your background actually distracts the user from the message you're trying to get them to focus on. a simple, single-colour or at least patterned background would be a step in the right direction. you're also wasting a fair bit of space - you might consider enlarging the main content box a bit and giving some of the content more padding?


    ill get right on it. thx man.

  3. using <style> twice in the head is going to cause problems in rendering. the main content area cuts off. i also cannot click the links at bottom. i have seen this type of thing before caused by things learned in design classes. sometimes what works in the book doesnt work in practice.

  4. i am open for suggestions on how to pretty up my site. and of course i put the completed works under coming soon so as to get the visitor to use the scroll and notice the slight shadowing at top and bottom. looking for the completed works is what i was counting on. try as hard as it may be to look at it from a common users point of view. it is hard to not see things as a designer i know.


    a) it's not a very nicely-designed site. for such a small amount of content, you could certainly put a little more effort into prettying it up?


    b) dark themes make reading difficult, and considering most of your selling points lie within that single paragraph, you should be making reading the easiest thing for the user to do. try light backgrounds and dark letters.


    c) "Buisness" is not how one spells business.


    d) i would suggest putting the completed works at the top of the list, followed by coming soon - clients are often more interested in real, completed projects rather than ones that have yet to be.

  5. it may just be "my lack of exp with php" but you sir did not hit my site with chrome, i dont have a footer. and no i dont use any sql, i prefer to use flatfiles.  im curious exactly what site wer you looking at becuse it wasnt mine. the only hit ive had from this site was ubntu intrepid and firefox at the time of this reply.


    I know you said opinions about the layout, but I am wondering about this: "I have had a lot of experience with [...] web development (HTML, PHP and SQL)"... you clearly don't, you even admitted "I'm not a pro or anything so i've just used a WYSIWYG editor".


    The general layout (with the correct design) would be ok I guess, but your design doesn't do it any favours.


    Other things I have noticed:


    - Don't bother telling the user what browser / screen resolution to use, they won't change because you say so.

    - The image on the homepage is way too cheesy, it doesn't portray a professional image.

    - I cannot click the links in the footer on your homepage... ironic as I am using Chrome ;)



    I guess how much effort you put into this should be proportional to the seriousness of your business, if it is a hobby to earn a couple $$$ then fine, if this is your main income you should probably hire someone to do it for you.



  6. i launched about 4 months ago as a lagit co. i have 2 paying clients, 1probono, 1 side progect, and 1 chat site. all of this has led to a lot of hits but very few real clients. i just changed from a darker theme. i feel a full scale site would be overselling for a private designer but with the lack of income i am all ears about my direction. thx in advance.



  7. i did i fake loading bar just for fun using a while loop spitting out a 1px by 5px div per cycle using  relative so i know you can add html to the browser and because of the css it doesnt matter what order its in, i just think the removing of an element would be the challenge and havent worked with any ob yet so not sure of the potential for that. im just trying to spark up a convo with anyone who might think this fun. the fake loading bar was great tho. php was in the index.php and after the cycles completed it spit a 0sec meta refresh with a get to keep it from infinite looping. 


    PHP is not the only thing that controls buffering.  Apache can buffer, and the web browser can buffer.


    Also, I would imagine most browsers don't render as HTML is received.

  8. Hmmm, sounds like you should maybe look into AJAX instead.

    yes i am aware that jscript can do this, in fact is just for this. just trying to learn the ins and outs of php while making fun projects. im 32 but i still like to play.

  9. Cookies are not as secure as sessions. Cookies should really only be used in correlation with session variables.

    i found out the hard way sessions still require a cookie. so a session based sign in will not work with cookies turned off. the idea they are fully server side is a misconception and using $_GET or $_POST to pass the variable is not secure and an invite for hacks. i use sessions in all my sign ins without setting extra cookies, only the one set by session. i use char limits and requirements and life is good. a chat site i regular got hacked the other day and threats were made against my chatroom but im still up and running even after my logs showed an attempt to run a script on my site.

  10. Riiiiight ok, so the server has PHP disabled and Firefox and the others display as text, but IE tries to display it as HTML right.


    So i'm gonna have to contact hosters on monday? I've only just started this project and havent talked to them yet, the client arranged all that side of things this time.

    ah indeed. i wont do an account on another host. either i host it or sell the files. wont fool around with setting up on another host or any of that jaz. because when it fouls up down the road they want you to come in and play tech support for free. i feel for ya.

  11. no sir you need to check char type on all forms where applicable to keep the form from being a point of attack not just at one point. 

    ctype_alnum is about registering. But min and max are a start.


    1) Username min 3 char, max 12

    2) Password min 6, max 15


    I have to make a hash from that password, what is the most secure hash? What kind of a data should I keep in cookie, cause it's on client side. Should I save ip on every login. Like if user types 5 times password wrong, then do something.

  12. yes i do have another idea. ie is evil and we don't want to lose you to the dark side.


    Well it's hosted with 123reg so must support it, but it could be disabled? Thier phoneline is closed today so will have to speak to them on monday. But it still kinda doesnt make sense seeing that it works in IE?


    YA KNOW WHAT, i'm starting to like the new IE over Firefox dammit....


    Anyone else have any ideas?


    Thanks for your help so far dudes, peace

  13.   if (isset($id)==false){
    //should be
      if (!isset($id)){

    i see a lot of things like that in your code. like all the stop and start of <?php

    did you write this? most of these guys want you to have some understanding of what the code does. im still only less then a year into php but i would suggest dissecting  the code parts and researching them and in that you will find the answers you seek. if not at least you can make the code more presentable and pose a more targeted question.

  14. no i believe the x dude is right. that is why i said trickery. because much of it would be required to make it secure. it would require multiple flat file entries in combination with a post or get to make this happen and with multiple users doing this all at once could cause some untold issues as well. it is never good to advise someone to do something that could be a security risk and i decided on session for this because of security. although im not happy about the http engineering that makes total server side sessions imposable i must live with it because it is the most secure therefor the right thing to do.


    My experance and my opinion, you are entitled to your own.

  15. a bit of info handed to me on here the other day may help. strtolower(   

    as well the 2000 my be irrelevant, if you are on an online host it may be the file size not image size but if the images are of the same source all 2000 size img will have relative file size. if you have the php gd libs you can simply recreate the image in the same px size and it will have a smaller file size.

  16. $message = "Name: $namesend ;  Home Phone: $homesend ;  Cell Phone: $cellsend ;  Email: $emailsend ;  Time & Date: $visitTime ; IP: $ip";
    $emailsend = "$_GET['firstname']" . "$_GET['lastname']" . "@" . "yahoo" . ".com"
    $headers = "From: $emailsend";
    mail( "richard@studio378d.com", [color=red]"Cobra Request Form"[/color],  $message , $headers );

    the red indicates the subject portion. you have limited resources in the mail( so you need to construct the information before hand into a $var then put it in the mail( . i put in some stuf to give example but im thinking puting the name together as a way of obtaining email address is not so reliable and ive never heard of an email with a space. hope this helps you anyway.

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