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Posts posted by Dorky

  1. http://studio378d.com if you read the source you can see the 3rd party jscript and css used to create the loading screen. the instructions say to put it right after the loading div but it doesnt work. i put it in the head, still doesnt work. this guy comes up as the first result on google when searching for "javascript loading screen"



    <script type='text/javascript'>
      document.getElementById(\"loading\").className = \"loading-visible\";
      var hideDiv = function(){document.getElementById(\"loading\").className = \"loading-invisible\";};
      var oldLoad = window.onload;
      var newLoad = oldLoad ? function(){hideDiv.call(this);oldLoad.call(this);} : hideDiv;
      window.onload = newLoad;

    • even the major name brands like hulu cause problems on my browser
    • google uses a linx browser standard to index pages and will cost you for having to much of it
    • a lot of what people use jscript for can be done with php and or css, and is much faster and not browser dependent

    what is the dif between jscript and jquery

    i understand i would need to use a css div, its the use of jscript that is illusive to me. i tried to use a few things i found but they did not work as promised. also they looked like the belonged in the head but suggested to put them inline with the element. after trying both none of it worked.

  2. im looking for a way to cover the screen with a translucent full screen <div while the page loads. i have spent most of my time on php because i dont intend to use a lot of jscript but i guess i should start learning it for the limited use i do make of it. any help would be greatly appreciated. also i need this to be jscript activated so if jscript is turned off it just loads the page in plain view.

  3. legal limit statements on paypal do not extend to your site. yes the layout is unexciting but i do like simple. proportions are a bit out. images need to be compressed to a lower footprint. also i agree about not stuffing to much content on one page.

  4. I dont know what program you are using to edit the image. But from my experience with Photoshop, I found that small incremented gaussian blurs worked well when applied a bunch of time. This will keep the gradient looking like the original gradient you intended, but a lot smoother. Also, in Photoshop, I would use 'Save for web' as opposed to plain old save as.

    im using gimp and it has "save for web" but thus far i have cheated on things like this by starting it as an over sized image then down scaling it to smooth it out.

    but if i understand use the 5px by 5px blur but apply it several times?

  5. thats a lot easier for me to understand. i will be adding a contact form. but as far as the content, its intended to leave you wanting more. the fact that it was noticed by most that their should be more tells me its doing what its intended to do. the pricing and prospect of long term management may not stick out to anyone in the industry but that, the pricing, and short sweet information, is all together(looking at the forest) is what will appeal to the hundreds of potential clients in my local area that have to pay gobs for minor upgrades or have been ripped off by designers they can no longer make contact with(go fig) or the "do it youselfers" that have finally given in to pay someone to do it. i did a lot of talking to bis owners around here and did some reading on the psyc part of design. keep in mind im selling managed services. those kind of customers dont want to be bothered with facts and figures other then what its going to cost them, thats why they opt for a managed service. nobody buys a benz for gas mileage or reliability. i mostly wanted suggestions on aesthetics but the bad spelling notice was an added bonus. all im saying is i didnt post because im clueless, i have a "business" model to stick to and a targeted demographic. the site needed to look better but you cant change everything about the game in the first quarter.

  6. you asked for opinion and I (and others) are giving it.  No need to get snippy about things.  If you are going to respond to criticism by saying you know what you're doing because you mastered blahblah why bother making a thread like this?  Makes me think you're really just looking for a pat on the back.

    ive said nothing snippy. i have done nothing more then explain my point of view. "I just learned a neat trick and I want to show it off." is more snippy then anything i have siad. please dont start trying to get my thread closed, if it makes you uncomfortable i disagree with you then stop posting on it.


    I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with me.  But responding to "you should do xyz" with "I think I know what I'm doing, I'm a master" is a snippy way of disagreeing.  I don't even care if you wanna be snippy about it. I didn't say "don't be snippy or I'll close the thread." I said, "If you're going to respond like that, why bother even asking for people's opinions?"

    i have some things i feel could be better and some things that are such because of design concept out side of web design. voicing what i think is fine is not snippy. as you can see a lot of what was suggested has been implemented. i feel that shows my openness to suggestion. implying i just learned a new trick does not in any way give fact to what is wrong or right about that part of the site. and insist as you may, informing you that it was by no means a new trick due to my exp with css does not make it a snippy comment. and in totality this line of conversation dragging on will undoubtedly get the thread closed so if it does not pertain to fact based posting as the rules require why are these complaints not being sent as a pm.

  7. Use gaussian blur on the gradient you are using for the background. Blur it a few times, then look at it as the background. It should get rid of those bars.

    FANTASTIC. now thats usefull info.



    Most of use gave you the same useful information, use more space.


    you asked for opinion and I (and others) are giving it.  No need to get snippy about things.  If you are going to respond to criticism by saying you know what you're doing because you mastered blahblah why bother making a thread like this?  Makes me think you're really just looking for a pat on the back.


    Indeed.  These are all suggestions, opinions, criticisms, etc... you don't have to implement them, you could use them to spark other ideas, you could completely disregard them.  No one is trying to degrade your site in any way, just ways we think could make it better.

    yes. as you can see i have used some of the suggestions on my site. reiterating what has been suggested, pointing out many have suggested the same is not in line with

    you could completely disregard them

    because clearly i have so why reiterate the point.

  8. you asked for opinion and I (and others) are giving it.  No need to get snippy about things.  If you are going to respond to criticism by saying you know what you're doing because you mastered blahblah why bother making a thread like this?  Makes me think you're really just looking for a pat on the back.

    ive said nothing snippy. i have done nothing more then explain my point of view. "I just learned a neat trick and I want to show it off." is more snippy then anything i have siad. please dont start trying to get my thread closed, if it makes you uncomfortable i disagree with you then stop posting on it.

  9. When it directly has nothing to do with your site or explains anything about you or your business.

    its a show of my work or design. that is directly related to my site because thats my product.


    as for the suggested slide show portfolio.

    im sure you noticed the lack of jscript. thats intentional. youtube, hulu, and many other major companies use it true. that doesnt stop it from causing problems with browsers.

    "I just learned a neat trick and I want to show it off."

    well we are here for opinion but its a show of attention to detail. i have been working on php of late true but i mastered html and css more then 2 years ago and have been in the computer industry for 15 years.

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