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Everything posted by Zane

  1. Zane


    can you rephrase that just a bit I almost understand it but not quite
  2. well you could use split(";;.*;", $data1); it would work but it's way greedy if your only going to put links in between them then use a URLregex I got this from http://www.osix.net/modules/article/?id=586 [code] $regex = "(https?://)"         . "?(([0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+: )?[0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+@)?" //user@         . "(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" // IP-         . "|" // allows either IP or domain         . "([0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+\.)*" // tertiary domain(s)- www.         . "([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z]\." // second level domain         . "[a-z]{2,6})" // first level domain- .com or .museum         . "(:[0-9]{1,4})?" // port number- :80         . "((/?)|" // a slash isn't required if there is no file name         . "(/[0-9a-z_!~*'().;?:@&=+$,%#-]+)+/?)"; split(";;" . $regex . ";", $data1); [/code]
  3. split(";;\w*;", $data1);
  4. well....generally speaking I'm sure before I do that I would ask what they want to have on but really, if they needed a computer maintainer I doubt they'd be running a server or anything so the most I'd have to look for to not disable is stuff like virus protection or AIM maybe
  5. one thing I always do to people's pcs is open msconfig and disable all in the startup...
  6. maybe make $path this $path = "../../"; instead perhaps
  7. problems like? ......
  8. Actually kenrbnsn quoting this site here http://www.corephp.co.uk/archives/19-Prepare-for-PHP-6.html [quote] [b]Farewell <%[/b] They will remove support for the ASP style tags, but the PHP short-code tag will remain (<?) - so to those on php general who reckon the short-tag is 'depreceated' - hah! ;-)[/quote] and http://www.php.net/~derick/meeting-notes.html#remove-support-for-and-script-language-php-and-add-php-var
  9. you need to grab them from the POST array like so $_POST['serverurl'] $_POST['databasename'] $_POST['nameofuser'] $_POST['passofuser']
  10. [quote=http://php.net/date]// set the default timezone to use. Available since PHP 5.1 date_default_timezone_set('UTC');[/quote] just call that BEFORE your date function
  11. a good idea would be to make an array of that information and then [url=http://www.php.net/serialize]serialize()[/url] it example [code] $info = array(); $info['username'] = "zanus"; $info['pageviews'] = 74; $info['email'] = "blah@blah.com"; setcookie("uncookie", serialize($info), time()+(60*60*24)); then call it like $someinfo = unserialize($_COOKIE['uncookie']); print_r($someinfo, true); [/code]
  12. explain a little more what are the default values which [b]information[/b] in the database and most likely the answer to this is an SQL statement not a PHP script, although you can use PHP to do it
  13. because in class B your defining $a instead of $this->a
  14. well I just say that just in case it isn't set to master I should have said Make sure it IS set to MASTER
  15. Of course by making this new topic I had one in mind so. Once upon a time ago when we had IPB here we had a feature called snapback.... Where instead of having to type the whole URL to reference a post you just needed the post ID or post number and enclose it with snapback brackets to make a link Also, all posts had icons on them to copy a snapback [i]object[/i] to your clipboard It be awesome if we could somehow implement that feature in again. Just a thought for those SMF hackers out there or anyone else who thinks it's a good idea for the community
  16. After reading through a lot of these posts I noticed how many feature suggestions there were.  So I've pinned up this topic for those of you that have a feature suggestion to put in the pot. And just because you've posted it here doesn't mean it will be implemented, it's just to add to the brainstorming of a better community.  So whenever we're stuck on how to improve this place and we have some spare time to do it, we can look here to be inspired.
  17. [quote]Are all hard drives compatible with uniform connections etc?[/quote] There are three basic types of Hard Drive connections....for PCs you have IDE [url=http://www.lanyoncomputers.com.au/images/ideconnect.jpg][Click for image][/url] SCSI [url=http://www.lextec.com/images/scsi_vhdci_offset_lg.jpg][Click for image][/url] SATA [url=http://www.mysuperpc.com/build/sata_hard_drive_connectors_jumpers_2.jpg][Click for image][/url] The most common one is IDE, which I'm assuming your HD is. [quote] If I just plug it in and switch on the machine what will come up?[/quote] Essentially, yes If the HD has an Operating System on it, like Windows...it will come up....assuming it's hooked up correctly which I'll talk about in a second. [quote]I have been reliably informed that the hard drive is corrupt and requires replacement.[/quote] I'm not doubting your reliable resource, but a good way to find out for yourself is to...turn the PC off..then: 1. Unplug your other hard drives.....simple, yoink yoink they're unplugged. 2. Set this [i]corrupt[/i] hard drive to MASTER If you look on the label on the HD there are instructions on how to set the jumper(s) to make it master, should be quite easy....might need some tweezers though, maybe. [url=http://www.pcstats.com/articleimages/200504/hddinstall_jump.jpg][Click for image][/url] 3. Plug it in -- the IDE cable (i'm assuming) with the pink side pointing towards the power port on the HD and then plug in the power with the yellow cable from the power cord on the opposite side of the IDE cable.....make sure you have the IDE cable plugged to the motherboard 4. Turn the PC on. 5. Wait for it to say something like Primary Master something:....or if it flickers to fast wait for any error messages that could say....No Operating System Found or invalid system disk...or hell..DOS might even come up with a "C:\" prompt. Anways...back to the Primary Master part.....the dead giveaway that'll tell you if your hard drive is corrupt/throw in the garbage time....is if it says Primary Master: None Elsewise, you can pop in a Windows CD or boot disk and use the fdisk command to clear it all out and the use format so you can install whatever operating system you might want. I hope I helped you out...cuz my fingers are tired. Let me know how it turns out
  18. IMO Godaddy sucks as a hosting company.. It' great for a place to manage domains though if it's an option to change hosting companies I'd consider that look at http://bluehost.com or http://webhostfreaks.com or http://webcinch.com godaddy has this weird idea of forcing users to share the same mysql server or something to that matter..or at least that's the idea I got from my experience with it. I couldn't name my databases what I wanted...they kept giving me errors saying that name is already taken....blah
  19. try setting padding:1px for your TDs that's probably your problem
  20. try putting the border attribute as a style too...I don't know why you left it orphaned <table style="height:100%; width:100%; border:2px;"> as for your question though...I don't know
  21. not sure if it has anything to do with it...but I would think so you can get rid of all those exit functions. They stop you're script
  22. well .... it should tell you the line number in the Fatal error make it do the error again and post it here along with where the line is
  23. [quote]PHP does this on its own, but you get some generic php fatal error.[/quote] which line of code gives the error.? TIP.. put the @ symbol in front of the offending function call to suppress that fatal 'generic' error example [code=php:0] $moveFile = @!move_uploaded_file($thisfile, $here); if(!$moveFile)   show error [/code]
  24. if you don't mind me asking.... how much did you charge for such an upgrade
  25. there's a missing ' ) '...here [quote]if(ereg($searchFor, $line)[b])[/b][/quote]
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