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Everything posted by Zane

  1. the serialize() function is meant just for this situation http://www.php.net/serialize $var = array("1","2","3"); $_SESSION['myVar'] = serialize($var);
  2. [quote]I want to select all the records from courses that don't exist in course_users BUT only where 'user_id' is equal to a seesion var used to id them.[/quote] [code] SELECT courses.course_id FROM courses INNER JOIN course_users ON courses.course_id != course_users.course_id WHERE user_id = "whatever" [/code] give that a try...
  3. [quote]prompts them for a username and password?![/quote] a username and password for what? Anything in particular. Secondly, alternatively check the configuration of your router and make sure DMZ is turned on for your IP
  4. Zane


    no, PHP is designed to avoid just that. Or else you could just steal passwords and everything
  5. What's this supposed to accomplish btw.. What's the goal output Are you just wanting a list the directory for Glen or for every user What I'm getting at is you could probably do better with a JOIN SELECT weddings.directory FROM weddings INNER JOIN profiles.user_id ON weddings.user_id = profiles.user_id GROUP BY weddings.user_id; i don't have anything to test that with so I can't guarentee that'll work
  6. [quote]$result2[0] == "YES" it then adds to the $results array and increases the counter...but when it comes to the echo line at the bottom nothing is displayed[/quote] Then perhaps $result2[0] doesn't equal YES, you have no check for if it doesn't and if that doesn't help go to your DB itself to the weddings table and make sure that the directory field has a value like 'YES' or 'NO' in it If none of the rows say YES in them, especially that particular one where user_id = whatever then you won't get any desired output
  7. [code]<div ALIGN=RIGHT> <p style="color:White"><i> 06 Nov 2006<br>Have a nice day!<BR> </p></div></i>[/code] NOTICE you're closing the italics tag AFTER you close everything else probably has a lot to do with it [code]<div ALIGN=RIGHT> <p style="color:White"> <i> 06 Nov 2006<br>Have a nice day!<BR> </i><!-- Close the Italics tag beforehand --> </p></div>[/code]
  8. have you tried 775? 777 will definitely work but it would leave your dir wide open
  9. in order to use a class you have to declare an object of that class i.e. $myObj1 = new class2(); $myObj1->test();
  10. <p style="color: White;"></p><h3> Welcome <b>zane !</b> </h3></div> Welcome <b>zane ! is not within your Styled P tag that's why
  11. rename your filename to Ip.php instead of Ip.htm Most of the time people don't let the HTML and HTM extension parse PHP but apparently you're old hosting company allowed you to do that which..is possible
  12. you don't need brackets when you only have one statement after your IF if ($blah)   echo "yep"; else   echo "nope"; jwilh, are you getting any errors whatsoever if not put this line at the top of your script error_reporting(E_ALL); and if it's not errors you get What not working the way you want it to and the first and only thing I see wrong with your code so far is this echo date("4 November 2006"); it should be echo date("d M Y", strtotime("4 November 2006")); which is pointless cuz you might as well just say echo "4 November 2006";
  13. Well if you're using Linux you should be able to use the shell_exec() function or the exec() function to encode them from the command line essentially from PHP If you're running Windows you'll have to add the Encoders Program directory to your apache/iis list of available folders i.e make it a virtual directory and run something like this $conversion = `encoder.exe {$filename} {$outputName}`; echo $conversion; NOTICE those are not quotes but backticks to the left of the 1 key on your keyboard.
  14. yeah.... try setting the players directory to 0774 or 0775 if that doesn't work I'm not a permissions expert but that should work If your wondering how to change the permissions you can either make a temporary php file that says this if(chmod("../images/", 0774) echo "success"; else echo "failed"; or change it in the File Manager or Explorer....depending on what OS your using
  15. instead of saying $_FILES['uploaded'] you need $_FILES['uploadedfile'] also it wouldn't hurt to change the $step variable to $_GET['step'] too
  16. put this at the very top of your script error_reporting(E_ALL); and show me the results
  17. didn't realize you're uploader.php was in a different dir than where the images were going instead of document root you just need two dots $target = "../images/players/$mem[id]";
  18. allow_url_fopen  boolean     This option enables the URL-aware fopen wrappers that enable accessing URL object like files. Default wrappers are provided for the access of emote files using the ftp or http protocol, some extensions like zlib may register additional wrappers.         Note: This setting can only be set in php.ini due to security reasons. Most you could probably do is ask GoDaddy to change it for you
  19. it's because your giving move_uploaded_file a link destination instead of a path you need something like $target = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/players/$mem[id]"; $targer .= $_FILES['uploaded']['name'];
  20. I think the headers for Staff Login and Event Viewer could be just a little bit larger or just a little more emphasized but overall I really like the evolution so far. Great job!
  21. nevermind wildteen got it I see you referencing a $linkID in there so I'm wrong
  22. from the looks of it you haven't even connected to you MySQL server yet you need mysql_connect() somewhere.
  23. [code=php:0] foreach($typearr as &$val) {     str_replace($typecodes, $typedesc, $val); } print_r($typearr); [/code]
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