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Everything posted by Zane

  1. did a quick google and look what I found http://lawrence.ecorp.net/inet/samples/css-ie-hover.shtml
  2. yes..post it...because otherwise.. it will be a constant guess as to what you're doing..even though we may already have a good idea, showing what you're already doing and explaining helps tremendously and helps YOU learn..if not others as well EDUT and this bares repeating.....whut??
  3. Not another one of these threads.... There's nothing wrong with using an IDE/WYSIWIG editor (such as Dreamweaver or Netbeans, etc, etc) and there's nothing wrong with using just Notepad either..(although you do seem kinda of retarded doing everything the hard way) Using notepad to do all your coding is like a primo award winning chef saying... "I don't have any use for a kitchen...I just cook outside over a bonfire...and widdle my knives out of wood too...using food I catch with my bare hands...non of that fancy grocery store stuff" If your coding needs are that of a person that needs drop and drag everything...which would lead up to an IDE (any IDE albeit) creating shitty code...then you shouldn't be coding in the first place. Write you code from scratch to begin with. No...not with notepad either..(get that out of your head. Notepad is like a caveman's dreamweaver or whatever your choice is). Most IDEs come with libraries anyway to help you along with your code writing to let you know what to type next anyway.
  4. By taking the copyrights....do you mean...stealing the image? yeah, that is most definitely possible.
  5. Google It for him at least -> http://shiflett.org/blog/2005/oct/convert-smart-quotes-with-php
  6. I'm not sure if it's considered good practice or good etiquette..I'm no award winning CSS mastermind or anything like that, but I always put that line at the top of my stylesheets maybe it's been written in a book already somewhere and I didn't know it..but I do anyway
  7. just a revision to your code * {margin-bottom:0; padding-bottom:0;}
  8. http://aspadvice.com/blogs/ssmith/archive/2007/09/30/Case-Sensitive-or-Insensitive-SQL-Query.aspx some more good reading http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/transactsql/thread/6a9107b0-b747-4bce-ba90-04339f668ea6
  9. try actually using px on all of them padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px;
  10. well first you need to write your script for getting this "value" out...then you can begin your AJAX adventure.
  11. do you mean you want to use to underline or style="u" to underline nevertheless..the latter is the best way you'd go <br /> u {text-decoration:underline}<br />
  12. not if you don't want a loop just do it once if that's all you need to do it..you're the coder
  13. so it's showing all 65,025 of them except that one? 65,024 ascii characters In other news...this is useful ..perhaps http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/1178058.html
  14. I'm sorry but you're gonna have to elaborate a little more on this FFFD character. I'm sure I already know which one it is ... it's probably on the tip of my tongue..or I've forgotten or something..can you please tell us what this character is exactly...just for clarification if anything else.
  15. that's because it's first-letter not two letters
  16. This is straight from the manual for pg_query
  17. so you want a particular character length instead of a traditional character length
  18. that's some godamned funny shit..
  19. what scrollbar and how is it not working
  20. or you can just make all bold tags have that color <br /> b {<br /> color: #FF7113;<br /> }<br />
  21. date("G:i", strtotime("2009-08-25T13:15:00.000Z"));
  22. there's also http://mysqlquickadmin.com/ created by Masna here at phpfreaks
  23. google "Youtube API". I'm sure they have a method to add videos
  24. try to explode the data (from the view source) by the \n character. IF that doesn't work then explode by \r or \n\r
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