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  1. i can do stuff in html, php, flash, java and server developement and work for more then 8 years in different segments for webprogramming. german.
  2. Ok this is puzzleing. I am geting "Could not delete data: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1' at line 1". but its is deleting the entry that needs to be removed. The "1" is the entry. Just not sure what is causing the error. I do have another delete php but I have put that on the back burning for the time being. <?php $con = mysqli_connect("localhost","user","password","part_inventory"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); exit(); } else { $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM amp20 "); $amp20ptid = $_POST['amp20ptid']; // escape variables for security $amp20ptid = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['amp20ptid']); mysqli_query($con, "DELETE FROM amp20 WHERE amp20ptid = '$amp20ptid'"); if (!mysqli_query($con, $amp20ptid)); { die('Could not delete data: ' . mysqli_error($con)); } echo "Part has been deleted to the database!!!\n"; mysqli_close($con); } ?>
  3. I used the move_uploaded_file function to upload files to my server ,but the function changes the Arabic names of files because most of my files are Arabic named how can I fix that ?
  4. This is the code im using to try to connect Empire Avenue API but i must be missing somthing here still trying to figure out all this Oauth stuff. <?php ?> <html> <head>Empire Traider2</head> <body> <form method="post" action="https://www.empireavenue.com/profile/developer/authorize?client_id=app_543abbac2ad99&response_type=code&state=request_access_token"> <input type="submit" value="Login" /> </form> </body> </html> Oauth.php <?php require('client.php'); require('GrantType/IGrantType.php'); require('GrantType/AuthorizationCode.php'); const CLIENT_ID = 'app_543abbac2ad99'; const CLIENT_SECRET = '1ee4b7f5d702d2c7e64523daf4d107b3dd82a0a787f117986d84f'; const REDIRECT_URI = 'https://yousearch.mobi/OAuth2/oauth.php'; const AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = 'http://www.empireavenue.com/profile/developer/authorize'; const TOKEN_ENDPOINT = 'https://api.empireavenue.com/oauth/token'; $client = new OAuth2\Client(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET); if (!isset($_GET['code'])) { $auth_url = $client->getAuthenticationUrl(AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT, REDIRECT_URI); header('Location: ' . $auth_url); die('Redirect'); } else { $params = array('code' => $_GET['code'], 'redirect_uri' => REDIRECT_URI); $response = $client->getAccessToken(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, 'authorization_code', $params); parse_str($response['result'], $info); $client->setAccessToken($info['access_token']); $response = $client->fetch('https://api.empireavenue.com/profile/info'); echo $response; echo 'test'; } ?> Here are the docs http://www.empireave...elopers/apidocs yousearch.mobi
  5. I have 2 issues happening, first one I need to get resolved is, line 60 is giving me a 'Notice: Undefined variable: delete'. This codes had multi issues but was able to resolve all but this one and my table not filling in with the data from my database. If you need any other info please let me know, Again I am new at this. <tr> <td colspan="5" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="delete" type="submit" id="delete value="delete"></td> </tr> <?php // Check if delete button active, start this *line 60* -----> if ($delete){ for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){ $del_id = $checkbox[$i]; $sql = "DELETE FROM $tbl_name WHERE id='$del_id'"; $result = mysqli_query($sql); } // if successful redirect to delete_multiple.php if($result){ echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=delete_multiple.php\">"; } } mysqli_close($con); ?>
  6. Hi there, I want to pass a input variable from login_success.php which will be sent to sqlprocess.php as the variable 'SQLinput'; sqlprocess.php $link = mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $query = $_REQUEST['SQLinput']; //You don't need a ; like you do in SQL $result = mysql_query($query); $numfields = mysql_num_fields($result); login_sucess.php <form action="" method="post" <label> <span>SQL Input :</span> <input type ="text" id="message" name="SQLinput" placeholder="Input SQL"></textarea> </label> <label> <span>SQL Output :</span> <output id="text" id="SQLoutput" ></input> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // handles the click event for link 1, sends the query function getOutput() { getRequest( 'sqlprocess.php', // URL for the PHP file drawOutput, // handle successful request drawError // handle error ); return false; } // handles drawing an error message function drawError () { var container = document.getElementById('output'); container.innerHTML = 'Bummer: there was an error!'; } // handles the response, adds the html function drawOutput(responseText) { var container = document.getElementById('output'); container.innerHTML = responseText; } // helper function for cross-browser request object function getRequest(url, success, error) { var req = false; try{ // most browsers req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e){ // IE try{ req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { // try an older version try{ req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e){ return false; } } } if (!req) return false; if (typeof success != 'function') success = function () {}; if (typeof error!= 'function') error = function () {}; req.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(req .readyState == 4){ return req.status === 200 ? success(req.responseText) : error(req.status) ; } } req.open("GET", url, true); req.send(null); return req; } </script> <a href="#" onclick="return getOutput();"><button type="submit" id="search_btn" value="Submit">Submit</button> </a> <div id="output">waiting for action</div> Prior to the JS code - I was able to peform this action - however the JS code enables me to post the query onto the same page. I would like essentially like to query the database through an input box and output the same result on the same page. Thanks!
  7. Hi there, This may not be the correct space to post this - but I'm very new to all this. I've created a page that will run a php script to output a query. I would then like to send that same query via email - however from a design perspective I don't think the correct process is to click 'submit' to view the query and then 'submit' to send the result via email? Can you please advise on some design solutions regarding this issue? Thanks!
  8. Hello, I would like to create a window through JavaScript with PHP code that would insert data into a database, but I don't know if it's possible, because I tried everything I could so far and had no results at all. The code I am using is <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- top.consoleRef = new Object(); top.consoleRef.closed = true; function writeConsole(content) { top.consoleRef=window.open('em_branco.php','myconsole','width=350,height=250') top.consoleRef.document.writeln( '<html><head><title>página nova</title></head><body><?php $db = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=dpf_db user=postgres password=asdasd"); $query = "INSERT INTO tbl_dummy(nome) VALUES(' + '´treco´' + ')"; $result = pg_query($query); if (!$result) { $errormessage = pg_last_error(); echo "Error with query: " . $errormessage; exit(); } printf ("These values were inserted into the database"); pg_close(); ?></body></html>' ) //top.consoleRef.document.close() } //--> </script> Note that line 13 has a sort of aberration, because I'd need three kinds of quotes, and not only two (the +'´treco´' stuff). And I don't know how to circumvent this, because escaping didn't work either. Any help is most welcome, and thank you in advance for your attention. Nicole
  9. i run several wordpress on domains - and wthin the wordpress i have a plugin that allows uploads of images -within a certain plugin the interesting thing: image upload is - sometimes possible and sometinmes impossible: see here the circumstances - PHP Version : 5.3.28 PHP Safe Mode : On image upload is impossible - and on the same server - a second vhost PHP Version : 5.3.28 PHP Safe Mode : off image upload is possible why is this so - does it have to do with the safe-mode -
  10. I have displayed check box values(ugroup field) from ugroups table.now what i want to do is,when user select multiple check boxes and submit it should be insert into relavent feild in table.now it's insert check boxes values.but not in relevant field.this is my code.Please help me. //select ugroup's from group table. <?php $result = "SELECT id,ugroup FROM group"; $res_result = db::getInstance()->query($result); ?> <form action="db_sql/db_add_page.php" method="get"> Tittle :<input type="text" size="100" name="tittle" /> Description :<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="description" rows="10"></textarea> //Display ugroups in textboxes and checkboxes <?php while( $line=$res_result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="group[]" value=" '. $line['ugroup'] .'" />'; echo'<input type="text" name="ugroup" disabled="disabled" value=" '. $line['ugroup'] .'" size="7" "/>'; echo ' '; } ?><input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> db_add_page.php if(isset($_POST)) { $tittle = $_POST['tittle']; $description = $_POST['description']; $ugroup = $_POST['group']; $acc_status = "INSERT INTO add_services (id,tittle,description,g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8) VALUES(NULL,'".$tittle."','".$description."','".$ugroup[0]."','".$ugroup[1]."','".$ugroup[2]."',' ".$ugroup[3]."','".$ugroup[4]."','".$ugroup[5]."','".$ugroup[6]."','".$ugroup[7]."')"; $rate = db::getInstance()->exec($acc_status); if(!$rate){ echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Update Error !");</script>'; }else{ header('Location:../add_page.php'); echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Successfuly Updated User Group !");</script>'; } }
  11. I have a "Members" page that displays my organizations members info via My SQL. Currently, the database displays "State" quick links at the top and has the members organized by State down the page. If you click on one of the State links at the top, it will navigate to the section of the page with that state and associated members. I want the members associated with a specific state to be displayed only once I click the associated state link -- instead of all of the information showing at once like it is now. The page I am referring to can be seen at this link: http://homesforhorses.dreamhosters.com/members/ <?php update_option('image_default_link_type','none'); include("/home/cingen/config_admin.php"); function listMembers() { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT c.*, s.* FROM (".TABLE_MEMBERS." c LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_STATE." s on c.state = s.state_abbr) WHERE c. status = '1' ORDER BY c.country, c.state, c.organization ASC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $display_members = false; $organization = stripslashes($row['organization']); $website = stripslashes($row['website']); if ($website) { $link = "<a href='http://".$website."' target='_blank'>"; $endlink = "</a>"; } else { $link = ""; $endlink = ""; } $display_members .= $link.$organization.$endlink."<br />"; if ($row['address']) $display_members .= stripslashes($row['address'])." ".stripslashes($row['address2'])."<br />"; if ($row['city']) $display_members .= stripslashes($row['city']).", "; if ($row['state']) $display_members .= stripslashes($row['state']).""; if ($row['zip']) $display_members .= " ".$row['zip']; $display_members .= "<br />"; if ($row['contact_name']) $display_members .= "Contact: ".stripslashes($row['contact_name']); if ($row['contact_title']) $display_members .= ", ".stripslashes($row['contact_title']); if ($row['phone']) $display_members .= "<br />Tel: ".stripslashes($row['phone']); if ($row['email']) $display_members .= "<br />".$row['email']; if ($row['website']) $display_members .= "<br /><a href='http://".$row['website']."' target='_blank'>".$row['website']."</a><br/>"; if ($row['year_est']) $display_members .= "Founded in ".$row['year_est']."."; if ($row['org501c3'] == "1") $display_members .= " A 501(c)3 non-profit."; if ($row['gfas'] == "1") $display_members .= "<br />GFAS: Accredited Sanctuary."; if ($row['gfas'] == "2") $display_members .= "<br />GFAS: Verified Sanctuary."; if ($row['member_category']) $display_members .= "<br />".$row['member_category']; $display_members .= "<br /><br />"; $entries[$row['country']][$row['state_name']][] = $display_members; } $countrylinks = false; $statelinks = false; $display = false; if(is_array($entries)){ $display .= ' <div class="memberlist">'; foreach($entries as $country=>$state_members){ $countrylinks .= '<a href="#'.$country.'">'.$country.'</a> '; $display .= ' <h2 id="'.$country.'">'.strtoupper($country).'</h2> <div class="country">'; if(($state_members)){ foreach($state_members as $state=>$members){ $statelinks .= '<a href="#'.$state.'">'.$state.'</a> '; $display .= ' <h3 id="'.$state.'">'.strtoupper($state).'</h3> <div class="state">'; if(is_array($members)){ foreach($members as $key=>$member){ $display .= ' <div class="member"> '.$member.' </div>'; } } $display .= ' </div>'; } } $display .= ' </div>'; } $display .= ' </div>'; } $statelinks1 = ' <h2>Members List</h2> <strong>Quick Links</strong><br /><br /> '.$statelinks.'<br /><br />' .$display; return $statelinks1; } add_shortcode('memberlist', 'listMembers'); function listRescueStandards() { $display_members = ''; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT vc.*, s.*, m.* FROM ".TABLE_COMPLIANCE." vc, ".TABLE_STATE." s, ".TABLE_MEMBERS." m WHERE vc.member_id = m.cid AND m.status = '1' AND m.state = s.state_abbr ORDER BY m.state, m.organization ASC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $organization = stripslashes($row['organization']); if ($row['website']) { $link = "<a href='http://".$row['website']."' target='_blank'>"; $endlink = "</a>"; } else { $link = ""; $endlink = ""; } if($x!=$row['state_name']){ $display_members .= "<br /><strong>".strtoupper($row['state_name'])."</strong><br />"; $x = $row['state_name']; } $display_members .= $link.$organization.$endlink."<br /> ".stripslashes($row['address'])." ".stripslashes($row['address2'])."<br /> ".stripslashes($row['city']).", ".stripslashes($row['state'])." ".$row['zip']."<br />"; if ($row['contact_name']) $display_members .= "Contact: ".stripslashes($row['contact_name']); if ($row['contact_title']) $display_members .= ", ".stripslashes($row['contact_title']); if ($row['phone']) $display_members .= "<br />Tel: ".stripslashes($row['phone']); if ($row['fax']) $display_members .= "<br />Fax: ".stripslashes($row['fax']); if ($row['email']) $display_members .= "<br />".$row['email']; if ($row['website']) $display_members .= "<br /><a href='http://".$row['website']."' target='_blank'>".$row['website']."</a>"; if ($row['year_est']) $display_members .= "<br />Founded in ".$row['year_est']."."; if ($row['org501c3'] == "1") $display_members .= "<br />This organization IS registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3."; if ($row['org501c3'] != "1") $display_members .= "<br />This organization is NOT registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3."; $display_members .= "<br /><br />"; } return "<div class='memberlist'>" . $display_members . "</div>"; } add_shortcode('standardslist', 'listRescueStandards'); Thank you in advanced for your help! I am grateful for anyone even looking at it.
  12. please help me change the front page, the word PROPERTY WANTED need to be in small caps. I tried to look for the index.html but could only locate index.php which does not contain those front page words. i have attached the index.php original file the one available now is the html which i converted to php using a php converter. Much appreciation. index.php
  13. I wrote which were taught and learn last semester. Now, it's no longer working.
  14. I am partnered with a marketing company located in downtown Chicago that is in need of a Sr. PHP Developer. This person will be designing, planning, and building complex content and data management systems from the ground up utilizing PHP technologies and frameworks. This is a permanent/direct hire opportunity. Must have experience with: CodeIgniter or Laravel frameworks GIT or SVN Front end technologies (HTML, CSS, etc.) Salary expectations: $100k - $125k (based on experiene) If interested please send resumes/inquries to Brittany Green at bgreen@awistaffing.com Please note: We do not offer sponsorship at this time (h1b, L2, etc.)
  15. Hello, I have this while loop that is somewhat working I am trying to group the records by user and send one email with all related records for that user. somewhere in my logic is not working right. the first record per each user is missing in my code. Thank you for your help $msg = ''; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($q) ){ //$is = $row['is_id']; if($is == '' || $is == $row['is_id']){ if($row['month'] == $month){ $template = 'Annual'; } if($row['month'] == ($m2) ){ $template = 'Quarterly'; } if($row['month'] == ($m3) ) { $template = 'Semi-Annual'; } if($row['month'] == ($m4) ) { $template = 'Quarterly'; } $teacher = $row['full_name']; $msg .= $row['client_name'] . ' - ' . $row['full_name'] . ' - ' . $template . ' <a href="https://secure.iessi.net/docs.php?cid='.$row['case_no'].'">Click to Download</a> <br/>'; } //$lastis = $row['is_id']; if($is != $row['is_id']){ if(!empty($msg)){ echo 'Hello ' . $teacher . '<br/><br/>'; echo $msg . ' <br/> email sent <br/><br/><br/>'; } $msg = ''; $is = $row['is_id']; //$lastis = $row['is_id']; } }
  16. Hello, I was wondering if maybe someone could help me on this. I am having trouble with this query. I need to send an email to the users but group all the records related to that user instead of sending one email per record to the user. I hope this makes sense. Here is the code I have so far. All records are being displayed but how can I get all the records for each user (infant_specialist field) send one email and then go to the next user and send the other email and so on. Thank you for your help $conn = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','dbname'); $sql = "SELECT case_no, client_name, infant_specialist.full_name, infant_specialist.is_email FROM ies_clients INNER JOIN infant_specialist ON ies_clients.infant_specialist = infant_specialist.is_id WHERE (date_closed IS NULL OR date_closed >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW() ,'%Y-%m-01')) ORDER BY client_name ASC"; $q = mysqli_query($conn,$sql); //echo mysqli_num_rows($q) . '<br/>'; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($q) ){ echo $row['client_name'] . ' --- ' , $row['full_name'] . ' --- ' . $row['is_email'] . '<br/>'; }
  17. I have included language file and function file in my index.php include 'includes/functions.php'; include 'languages/english.php'; english.php contains <?php $lang['success']['a'] = 'Settings have been updated.'; $lang['error']['b'] = 'Database error. Please try again later!'; ................................. ?> functions.php <?php function testFunction($id, $settings, $db){ $query = 'UPDATE table_name SET a = a + :a WHERE id = :id'; $update = $db->prepare($query); $update->bindParam(':a', $settings['a'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $update->bindParam(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $success = $update->execute(); if($success){ print $lang['success']['a']; }else{ print $lang['error']['b']; } } ................................................. ?> Now if i print testFunction(); i got Undefined variable: lang in ............. If i include 'languages/english.php'; in testFunction() then everything works. Any other way to make $lang working without including language file in testFunction(). (Sorry for my bad english) print testfunction(2, $settings, $db);
  18. Hi , I have a website which uses apostrophe in merchant names (craig's) and Product name (Fresh goat's). If I try click on the search pages using these names with apostrophe then it displays the following error. Error: SELECT * FROM merchant WHERE user_name='Major_Craig's_Chutney' && is_active='1' You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's_Chutney' && is_active='1'' at line 1 I tried to add an apostrophe in php file of merchant search but still it shows up the same error or empty page. can anyone help me on this????
  19. Hi, I want to display row 0 row 2 row 3 and row 4 values in to text field.this is my code.but it's display "Undefined offset: 1 in C:\wamp\www\member\sys-admin\groups.php on line 15 ,Undefined offset: 2 in C:\wamp\www\member\sys-admin\groups.php on line 16 ,Undefined offset: 3 in C:\wamp\www\member\sys-admin\groups.php on line 17". <?php $r_sql = "SELECT ugroup FROM ugroups "; $r_result = db::getInstance()->query($r_sql); $row = $r_result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $g1 = $row['0']; $g2 = $row[1]; $g3 = $row[2]; $g4 = $row[3]; ?> html <strong>G 1</strong><input name="g1" type="text" id="g1" style="width:300px;" value="<?php echo $g1; ?>" /> <strong>G 2</strong> <input name="g2" type="text" id="g2" style="width:300px;" value="<?php echo $g2; ?>" /> <strong>G 3</strong><input name="g3" type="text" id="g3" style="width:300px;" value="<?php echo $g3; ?>" /> <strong>G 4</strong><input name="g4" type="text" id="g4" style="width:300px;" value="<?php echo $g4; ?>" />
  20. Hi I have tried and tried and tried again to get this to work in simple terms I have very little knowledge with PHP and even less with mysql I have a paid subscription and domain in order to learn more and I feel I have made ok progress so far then I realised how unsafe my current work is; here is my experience this far I created a site for a group of voluntary online game hosts where they can posts points from their tournaments in a forum and some info pages to go with this, however what I did was create a base template and style sheet and then an admin dashboard linked to individual forms to allow the group admin to edit the info pages they go to my form and enter the desired info and submit this then sends through and action file which posts the text and <BR> to a .txt file, then the connecting page reads the .txt file using the PHP code of " <? php include ( 'index.txt'); ?> yes you are seeing this correctly I have allowed a direct edit of text in a .txt file rather silly of me but I didn't realise how unsafe this was until now I guess its a good job I trust that the admin has no knowledge or skills in coding ok since all this I have created a DB in MySQL on my server, My server uses PHPMyAdmin I have create a DB named " mnvbcou1_content1 " and a table named " home " with rows " ID " and " home " what I am trying to do: I want my page to display the content of the table row home and a form once submitted to send to the table row home or if needed I can re make this DB if the names are not suitable I have tried to create the needed coding to make this work but for some reason this just will not work I have already added 2 rows to my table to try and make the page to display the content but it just is not working I got an error every time so I hope that someone out there is rather patient and is willing to help me learn how to do this correctly and safely, also this is a closed group website the address to this site is only known by a handful of none programmers I am mainly trying to make this work for my own personal knowledge and server safety please help me
  21. I'm getting an error with this code: <?php // CONNECT TO THE SERVER AND SELECT DATABASE $server = "/home/users/web/b2713/ipg.jimmybryantnet"; $user = "jimmyb29"; $password = "alfiep69"; $dataBase = "guestbook"; $conx = mysql_connect($server,$user,$password); $db_selected = mysql_select_db($dataBase,$conx); if($conx && $db_selected){ // IF CONNECTION IS ESTABLISHED $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"; $xml .= "<data>\n"; if(isset($_POST['name'])){ $result = 0; $name=mysql_escape_string(trim($_POST['name'])); $email=mysql_escape_string(trim($_POST['email'])); $message=mysql_escape_string(trim($_POST['message'])); // ADD DATA TO THE TABLE guestbook WHEN THE USER PRESS THE send_btn in FLASH $sql="INSERT INTO guestbook(name,email,message,dateAdded)values('$name','$email','$message',now())"; $query = mysql_query($sql,$conx); if ($query){ $result= 1; $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM guestbook ORDER BY id DESC"; $query2 = mysql_query($sql2,$conx); //WHEN query == true , GET LIST OF MESSAGES AND PUT THEM AS XML FILE while($data = mysql_fetch_array($query2)){ $xml .= "<guest>\n"; $xml .= "<name>".$data['name']."</name>\n"; $xml .= "<msg><![CDATA[".$data['message']."]]></msg>\n"; $xml .= "<sdate>".$data['dateAdded']."</sdate>\n"; $xml .= "</guest>\n"; } } else{ $result=0; } $xml .= "<inserted>".$result."</inserted>\n"; } if(isset($_POST['getMessage'])){ // GET LIST OF MESSAGES AND PUT THEM AS XML FILE $sql = "SELECT * FROM guestbook ORDER BY id DESC"; $query = mysql_query($sql,$conx); while($data = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $xml .= "<guest>\n"; $xml .= "<name>".$data['name']."</name>\n"; $xml .= "<msg><![CDATA[".$data['message']."]]></msg>\n"; $xml .= "<sdate>".$data['dateAdded']."</sdate>\n"; $xml .= "</guest>\n"; } } $xml .= "</data>\n"; echo $xml; } else{ // IF CONNECTION == false OR DATABASE DOESN'T EXISTE die (mysql_error()); } ?> The error message says, "error in line 10, character 17". I don't understand Thanks! Jimmy
  22. Hi I'm trying to make use of an array with usernames in it and want to make use of it to display users with those usernames in a certain color in this case Im trying red. I've made an array with username in it $admin = array("SYSOP","~cobusbo~"); and I've tried to print these messages with color with the If function without luck if ($name == $admin) { $name = print '<span style="color:red">' . $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_NICK"] . '</span>'; } else { $name = print $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_NICK"]; } Here is my full code <?php /*** begin the session ***/ session_start(); /*** create the form token ***/ $form_token = uniqid(); /*** add the form token to the session ***/ $_SESSION['form_token'] = $form_token; define('TIMEZONE', 'Africa/Harare'); date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE); // database connection info $conn = mysql_connect('**********','********','**********') or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); $db = mysql_select_db('u506124311_cobus',$conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); // find out how many rows are in the table $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM StringyChat"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); $r = mysql_fetch_row($result); $numrows = $r[0]; // number of rows to show per page $rowsperpage = 20; // find out total pages $totalpages = ceil($numrows / $rowsperpage); // get the current page or set a default if (isset($_GET['currentpage']) && is_numeric($_GET['currentpage'])) { // cast var as int $currentpage = (int) $_GET['currentpage']; } else { // default page num $currentpage = 1; } // end if // if current page is greater than total pages... if ($currentpage > $totalpages) { // set current page to last page $currentpage = $totalpages; } // end if // if current page is less than first page... if ($currentpage < 1) { // set current page to first page $currentpage = 1; } // end if // the offset of the list, based on current page $offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage; /* * StringyChat * * Please refer to readme.txt supplied with the StringyChat distribution for information on * installing and configuring. * */ define('TIMEZONE', 'Africa/Harare'); date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE); include("chat_code_header.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$ConfigTable, $db); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $domain_installed = $myrow["domain_installed"]; // The domain StringyChat is installed on $install_url = $myrow["install_url"]; // URL to install dir of StringyChat $name_size = $myrow["name_size"]; // Maximum size of the name $message_size = $myrow["message_size"]; // Maximum message size. Do not exceed 250 as this is the database limit. $line_length = $myrow["line_length"]; // Maximum length of words in a line. Anything above this value will be split. $ShowPostNum = $myrow["show_posts"]; // The number of historic posts to load and display. $email_notification = $myrow["email_notification"]; // Send email to administrator when new posts are made. 0 = No, 1 = Yes $email_notification_to = $myrow["email_notification_to"]; // The email address to send notifications to if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && !empty($_POST['StringyChat_name'])) { $StringyChat_name = $_POST['StringyChat_name']; $StringyChat_message = $_POST['StringyChat_message']; } ?> <div id="StringyChat"> <? // Check if visitor's IP is banned. If so, do not display the form, // show a banned IP message instead. $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM StringyChat_IPBan WHERE ip=\"$ip\""; $result = mysql_query($sql); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); if($myrow["ip"] == "") { // Checks if IP not found in banned list ?> <html><form name="StringyChat_form" method="POST" action="<? echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>"> <br> <input type="hidden" name="StringyChat_name" class="StringyChatFrm" value="<?php $name ?>1" size="20"> <br> <textarea name="StringyChat_message" class="StringyChatFrm" cols="20" rows="4"></textarea> <br> <input name="StringyChat_submit" class="StringyChatFrm" type="submit" value="Post Message"> </form> </html> <? } else { echo "Posting disabled - Your IP has been banned."; } // Should we try to create a post? if (isset($StringyChat_name) && isset($StringyChat_message)) { // Remove whitespaces and slashes. $name = trim(stripslashes($StringyChat_name)); $message = trim(stripslashes($StringyChat_message)); // Check name and message have been entered. if (strlen($name) > 0 && strlen($message) > 0) { // Limit the size of the fields as per variable defnitions. if (strlen($name) > $name_size) { $name = substr($name, 0, $name_size); } if (strlen($message) > $message_size) { $message = substr($message, 0, $message_size); } // Remove new lines from name. $name = str_replace("\n", " ", $name); // Stripping out \r's so email formattnig appears correctly. $message = str_replace("\r", "", $message); // Create an email-friendly version of the message. $message_emailable = str_replace("<br>", "\n", $message); $result_wordswap = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$WordBanTable,$db); while ($myrow_wordswap = mysql_fetch_array($result_wordswap)) { $the_word = $myrow_wordswap["word"]; $message_emailable = ereg_replace($the_word, "!*#$%",$message_emailable); } // Replace the new lines with encoded line breaks for HTML (thanks milahu). $message = str_replace("\n", "c#lb", $message); // Use HTML encoding on ame and message so database doesn't misinterpret data. $name = htmlentities($name); $message = htmlentities($message, ENT_COMPAT); // IP address of submitter and time of post. $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $name = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_NICK"]; $msg = $_POST['StringyChat_message']; $post_time = date("U"); $admin = array("SYSOP","~cobusbo~"); $mxitid = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_USERID_R"]; if ($name == $admin) { $name = print '<span style="color:red">' . $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_NICK"] . '</span>'; } else { $name = print $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_NICK"]; } if(!isset($mxitid, $name )) { $mxitid = "DEFAULT"; $name = "SYSOP"; } // check to see if a duplicate exists $sql = "SELECT * FROM StringyChat WHERE StringyChat_ip=\"$ip\" AND StringyChat_message=\"$msg\" AND StringyChat_time>($post_time - 3600 )"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); if($myrow["StringyChat_message"] == "") { // Checks if record not matching in db // Save the record $sql = "INSERT INTO StringyChat (StringyChat_ip,StringyChat_name,StringyChat_message,StringyChat_time,mxit_id) VALUES (\"$ip\",\"$name\",\"$msg\",$post_time,$mxitid)"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $theTo = $email_notification_to; $theSubject = "New StringyChat post at ".$domain_installed; $theMessage = "A new StringyChat post has been made.\n\n"; $theMessage .= $name . "\n"; $theMessage .= date("H:i - d/m/y", $post_time) . "\n"; $theMessage .= $message_emailable . "\n\n"; $theMessage .= "Visit ".$domain_installed." to view StringyChat and much more!"; $theHeaders = "From: StringyChat at ".$domain_installed." <".$email_notification_to.">\r\n"; mail($theTo,$theSubject,$theMessage,$theHeaders); } else { echo "Duplicate post detected<br>"; } } else { echo "<font color=\"red\">You must Type a message</font><br><br>"; } unset($_POST["StringyChat_name"]); unset($_POST["StringyChat_message"]); unset($StringyChat_ip); unset($StringyChat_name); unset($StringyChat_message); unset($StringyChat_time); } // get the info from the db $sql = "SELECT StringyChat_time, StringyChat_name, StringyChat_message FROM StringyChat ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); function filterBadWords($str) { $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT word FROM StringyChat_WordBan") or die(mysql_error()); $replacements = ":-x"; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) { $str = eregi_replace($row['word'], str_repeat(':-x', strlen($row['word'])), $str); } return $str; } // while there are rows to be fetched... while ($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) //while (($pmsg = $list['StringyChat_message'] == $bwords) ? ":-x" : $list['StringyChat_message']) { // echo data //echo ($pmsg = ($list['StringyChat_message'] == $bwords) ? ":-x" : $list['StringyChat_message']) print '<span style="color:#828282">' . '(' . date( 'D H:i:s', $list['StringyChat_time'] ) . ') ' . '</span>' . '<b>' . $list['StringyChat_name'] . '</b>' . ' : ' . filterBadWords($list['StringyChat_message']) . '<br />'; } // Load up the last few posts. The number to load is defined by the "ShowPostNum" variable. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$dbTable." ORDER BY StringyChat_time DESC LIMIT " . $ShowPostNum,$db); include("sort_widths.php"); while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $msg = $myrow["StringyChat_message"]; // Convert the encoded line break into an actual <br> tag (thanks milahu) $msg = str_replace("c#lb", "<br>", $msg); // Convert the encoded image tag into a html tag $msg = eregi_replace("im#([a-z]{3})", "<img src=\"http://".$install_url."images/\\1.gif\" alt=\"emoticon\">",$msg); // split the lines $msg = htmlwrap($msg, $line_length); $result_wordswap = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$WordBanTable,$db); while ($myrow_wordswap = mysql_fetch_array($result_wordswap)) { $the_word = $myrow_wordswap["word"]; $msg = ereg_replace($the_word, ":-x",$msg); } } ?> <? // end while /****** build the pagination links ******/ // range of num links to show $range = 3; // if not on page 1, don't show back links if ($currentpage > 1) { // show << link to go back to page 1 echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=1'><<</a> "; // get previous page num $prevpage = $currentpage - 1; // show < link to go back to 1 page echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$prevpage'><</a> "; } // end if // loop to show links to range of pages around current page for ($x = ($currentpage - $range); $x < (($currentpage + $range) + 1); $x++) { // if it's a valid page number... if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $totalpages)) { // if we're on current page... if ($x == $currentpage) { // 'highlight' it but don't make a link echo " [<b>$x</b>] "; // if not current page... } else { // make it a link echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$x'>$x</a> "; } // end else } // end if } // end for // if not on last page, show forward and last page links if ($currentpage != $totalpages) { // get next page $nextpage = $currentpage + 1; // echo forward link for next page echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$nextpage'>></a> "; // echo forward link for lastpage echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$totalpages'>>></a> "; } // end if /****** end build pagination links ******/ ?><br> <html> <i>Type your Message here...</i>:<br></html>
  23. I have a Google Adsense code that I am saving to the wp_options table. I can successfully save and retrieve the variable containing the google adsense code but it doesn't do anything except display it as plain text on screen. How can I make this html/javascript in the variable actually load in page as HTML/JS instead of as plain text??? this is the example of the code that I'm saving to the database and retrieving.... <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <!-- EggSquat main banner ad --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" data-ad-slot="XXXXXXXX"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> ....... may I should make a custom post type and just display a post, and use that instead of a single field saving to database
  24. Hi there guys I have a problem that I can't seem to get fixed. Below Is the code I am using and the Link to the Tutorial: http://fearlessflyer.com/create-an-awesome-photo-gallery-with-fancybox-and-timthumb/ <?php $path = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . 'moment/uploads/'; $files = scandir('uploads/'); ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($files as $file){ if ($file == '.' || $file == '..'){ echo ''; } else { ?> <li ><a href="<?php echo $path . $file; ?>" rel="lightbox"><img src="timthumb.php?src=<?php echo $path . $file; ?>&h=194&w=224&zc=1&q=100" /></a></li> <?php } }?> </ul> <!-- FANCYBOX --> <script type='text/javascript' src='assets/js/jquery.fancybox.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='assets/js/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.6.pack.js'></script> <link rel='stylesheet' href='assets/css/jquery.fancybox.css' /> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("a[rel=lightbox]").fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'elastic', 'transitionOut' : 'elastic' }); }); </script> My pictures and everything is working but when I click on the image to open up in a lightbox it gives me an error: The Requested Content Cannot Be Loaded, Please Try Again Later. In the attached is a image of the error
  25. Hi I made a simple chat script with pagination in MySQL (yes I know I should change to MySQLi) but just bare with me please My script is working fine when I post messages, but I have a problem.. Each time I refresh my page my previous message gets reposted again. Is there maybe a way I can fix this problem? <html> <?php define('TIMEZONE', 'Africa/Harare'); date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE); // database connection info $conn = mysql_connect('****','******','*****') or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); $db = mysql_select_db('*****'',$conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); // find out how many rows are in the table $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM StringyChat"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); $r = mysql_fetch_row($result); $numrows = $r[0]; // number of rows to show per page $rowsperpage = 20; // find out total pages $totalpages = ceil($numrows / $rowsperpage); // get the current page or set a default if (isset($_GET['currentpage']) && is_numeric($_GET['currentpage'])) { // cast var as int $currentpage = (int) $_GET['currentpage']; } else { // default page num $currentpage = 1; } // end if // if current page is greater than total pages... if ($currentpage > $totalpages) { // set current page to last page $currentpage = $totalpages; } // end if // if current page is less than first page... if ($currentpage < 1) { // set current page to first page $currentpage = 1; } // end if // the offset of the list, based on current page $offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage; // INSERT INTO DATABASE $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $name = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_USERID_R"]; $msg = $_POST['message']; $time = date("U"); $mxitid = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_USERID_R"]; if(!isset($mxitid, $name )) { $mxitid = "DEFAULT"; $name = "SYSOP"; } $sqli = "INSERT INTO StringyChat (StringyChat_ip, StringyChat_name, StringyChat_message, StringyChat_time, mxit_id) VALUES ('$ip', '$name', '$msg', '$time', '$mxitid')"; $result = mysql_query($sqli, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); // get the info from the db $sql = "SELECT StringyChat_time, StringyChat_name, StringyChat_message FROM StringyChat ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); function filterBadWords($str) { $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT word FROM StringyChat_WordBan") or die(mysql_error()); $replacements = ":-x"; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) { $str = eregi_replace($row['word'], str_repeat(':-x', strlen($row['word'])), $str); } return $str; } // while there are rows to be fetched... while ($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) //while (($pmsg = $list['StringyChat_message'] == $bwords) ? ":-x" : $list['StringyChat_message']) { // echo data //echo ($pmsg = ($list['StringyChat_message'] == $bwords) ? ":-x" : $list['StringyChat_message']) print '<span style="color:#828282">' . '(' . date( 'D H:i:s', $list['StringyChat_time'] ) . ') ' . '</span>' . '<b>' . $list['StringyChat_name'] . '</b>' . ' : ' . filterBadWords($list['StringyChat_message']) . '<br />'; } // end while /****** build the pagination links ******/ // range of num links to show $range = 3; // if not on page 1, don't show back links if ($currentpage > 1) { // show << link to go back to page 1 echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=1'><<</a> "; // get previous page num $prevpage = $currentpage - 1; // show < link to go back to 1 page echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$prevpage'><</a> "; } // end if // loop to show links to range of pages around current page for ($x = ($currentpage - $range); $x < (($currentpage + $range) + 1); $x++) { // if it's a valid page number... if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $totalpages)) { // if we're on current page... if ($x == $currentpage) { // 'highlight' it but don't make a link echo " [<b>$x</b>] "; // if not current page... } else { // make it a link echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$x'>$x</a> "; } // end else } // end if } // end for // if not on last page, show forward and last page links if ($currentpage != $totalpages) { // get next page $nextpage = $currentpage + 1; // echo forward link for next page echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$nextpage'>></a> "; // echo forward link for lastpage echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$totalpages'>>></a> "; } // end if /****** end build pagination links ******/ ?><br> // FORM <body> <form name="StringyChat_form" method="POST" action="<? echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>"> <br> <input type="hidden" name="name" class="StringyChatFrm" value="<?php $name ?>" size="20" > <br> <i>Type your Message here...</i>:<br> <textarea name="message" class="StringyChatFrm" cols="20" rows="4"></textarea> <br> <input name="StringyChat_submit" class="StringyChatFrm" type="submit" value="Post Message"> </form> </body> </html>
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